It is only a few minutes til Christmas is officially here. I am alone with my new kitten who is lying on the bed, and giving me all kinds of fun. She is a little darling, and we are now almost two weeks together. She is sweet as can be but into everything imaginable.
The is Christmas number 71 for me. Most Christmases are never memorable to me. They are all pretty much the same. Some years I will go to mass and some years I won't.
I never forget how Jesus is born, why the wisemen came to see him, and how the star which shone so brightly led them to his ignominious birthplace, a manger in the back of an inn because Joseph and Mary had not made advance reservations. Her time had come, and she delivered the child, who soon came to be known as the Saviour of souls.
I have been writing for years a study of gods and goddesses and it is no accident that I put Christmas songs and videos on facebook along with a portrait of Genghis Khan who believed himself to be a Heavenly Ruler also.
So history teaches us some things that man was able to document, write, and record, and tradition teaches us another.
So this discourse of mine will continue while I try to write it all out, and celebrate the Christmas Day this year with my new found kitten, Alexis, who is being treated about like Madame de Maintenon (a cache chat or hidden cat).
Life is repetitive at times in many strange ways.
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