Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

History of the Star Spangled Banner

My friend from Oklahoma sent me a video about the history of the Star Bangled Banner. I had bought a framed copy of the Star Bangled Banner when I lived in California years ago and saw it at Mt. Vernon when I visited there in 1976.

I even went to Baltimore to see Fort McHenry and to visit other sites there as well. I always remember a set of plaques showing Baltimore yesterday, today, and tomorrow in terms of growth.

I love this particular video which I placed here at this blogger as its meaning and story is powerful. Everyone should see it and listen to it carefully. It has many errors in it, one that it refers to the colonies which are now states, and apparently, the entire scenario of the bombs trying to hit the flag is implausible. However, that is the point of the story, that the flag would not come down due to the devotion and sacrifices of the people there who continued to hold it up. Whether true or not, I have no idea...

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