Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Introducing Alexis, my first kitten

When I was a child, my grandparents had kittens on the farm, and puppies, cows, chickens, sheep, horses, and I learned to love pets that are essentially wild. I had never owned a pet until in 1976 when I bought a yorkshire terrier dog through an ad in the newspaper from a homebreeder. I loved that little dog and he traveled with me everywhere.

So recently, my neighbor's big white Persian got pregnant for the second time, having mated with an unknown stray, and produced 4 baby kittens on October 7 right after we had a hail storm.

One baby did die but three survived and there was one golden colored kitten, looking almost like the publish post sign here, and she seemed to be attracted to me whenever I visited my friend's home. She had promised me a kitten from the second litter so I last weekend finally brought home this beautiful little doll and named her Alexis, for the cover of Alexander by Dodge. There was a definite match. Once in a while I even call her Alexander. She is named for him very aptly so.

The previous photo is the first photo made of her at my apartment when she found a cozy spot to take a nap. For a video of her with her first toy, use this link:

This is our one week anniversary. We are bonding. Old age is kinder to small pets I am realizing. I am very indulgent. Now I understand all the famous pet stories. One cannot help but marvel at the intelligence and vitality of a young kitten.

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