Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wikileaks problem

Much news is being made about Wikileaks and so a video showing a former CIA agent discussing the fact that journalists should be emulating Julian Assange instead of scapegoating him is worth noting. I did appreciate his remarks so I posted it here after reading it at Twitter late this evening.

My own personal feeling is that the government is who is making me feel, look, and behave more sensibly and responsibly than they do. I have always known never to be fool enough to place faith in the world of computers. To me, that is a nobrainer, but then I have been concerned for sometime that the only people we elect to high officer are also a bunch of nobrainers...Sometimes I wonder at this game that Americans play with right and left, party above all, and the people and their needs totally forgotten. Congress thinks of one thing only, and that is itself!

But to realize that they now want to blame somebody else for their own foolishness is totally typical of pass the buck and do it to them before they do it you politics.

The citizens do have to share the responsibility. One thing must be done and asap, and that is to limit terms of office so that we do not continue to have these career politicans who feather their own nests while making fools of the people who bother to vote to put them into office anyway.

When they do wrong, they should be exposed. I know that biblically there is a passage that says there will come a time when there are no secrets. I think that congress should stop trying to kid itself into thinking it is above the law itself.

Let freedom of the press prevail even in cases of embarrassing decisions...So what? Hasn't the Clinton faction already proved that people have very short memories. Who but a rare few will ever even bother to open a newspaper to read this wikileaks anyway?

Follow the advice of the CIA agent. Go get the story, and don't try to cover it up!

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