I wrote about my meeting this dark stranger in Fashion Square's Food Court years ago, and also discussed it with many of my friends, at the time, being a bit naive about its true importance.
Number 1, I have gone through many tragedies during my life in this country, and they seem to come fairly regularly anymore so that after a while one becomes a bit immune to them, as they all seem pretty much alike, whether manmade or natural. The shock wears off and soon a kind of weariness sets in.
We had Waco wacko with the David Koresh crowd, Oklahoma city with the Tim McVeigh story, and so many natural hurricanes, tornados,and other similar senseless destructive acts that soon it all becomes a bit mundane and too usual to even raise an eyebrow any more.
So when NYCity and the World Trade Center went down in smoke and ash, the only really shocking thing was to see two high structures instantly collapse in front of your eyes.
The drama of the airplanes was one thing but the aftermath an other.
So when a few months after it all happened, I spotted a man walking through the food court, mistaking him for a French presentateur who I had watched on France2, when I finally learned his real identity I was in a state of surprise and wonder. I am still amazed about it, but one thing I knew for sure, is that all the propaganda about him is totally false.
Eventually, after a few months, I did report this episode to the White House, and to the FBI, in a strange way, and also to a local policeman. It is hard to know if they ever really believed any of it or not, but I did my best to convince them of what had happened, and how it came about.
Now that he is caught and killed, and I am reading CBSNews confirming some things that I knew about him, even believing that he could be hiding in Mexico or in the USA, as a rich man, I am happy at last that the news media is admitting that all the stories about him were just so much political hogwash.
I will come back to this later as I have to pause now and think again. I am considering now writing to the FBI to see if my report merits any part of the reward. After all, I did help them as much as I could.
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