I am using the clubhouse to see the superbowl since I do not have a t.v. of my own to watch this on. I have a tiny ten inch digital on which I get a few channels but nbc is not one of them any longer. In fact, I did purchase it to see the olympics years ago but because of the location for some reason some channels dropped out of the reception area...we have a nice t.v. in the clubhouse now and I was all alone for awhile but recently a lady came in. She kept trying to get in with her keys but they have changed the locks so one mst have a pass card to get in. I opened the door for her to come in so she is here watching the game with me,
Can't tell what is going on now as someone fumbled the ball but the Giants have recovered it. I spend the time watching commercials and write during the ballgame so I never know what is happening in the game much unless it is so noisy I have to check. But she is reacting now so I know that it is getting pretty exciting.
I finally found pinterest thanks to Sandra Gulland. It is another new thing on the internet to get pictures on the net. I often wonder about how all these groups make the money that they do through these activities. I have enough to do just keeping up with facebook and my discussion groups and mail. I can't devote my whole life to a computer system.
but Sandr had an interesting video on publishers and agents that frankly is enough to scare the hell out of anyone. I had not thought that that is the way that publishers and agents look and sound so that it frankly annoyed the daylights out of me to think it. Getting a book written is difficult enough to do but to have to put up with shitty publishing firms may be more of a problem than I had previously thought. Thanks, Sandra, I needed to see the insides of what could be an attitude.
I will close to see the remainder of the game.
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