Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Monday, April 1, 2013
Happy Easter/ Happy April's Fool Day
Today was Easter Sunday, a day that is supposed to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is important because all of Christendom depends upon his resurrection for the faith of his teaching. He had promised that he would rise from the dead three days after the destruction of his temple, the human body. He in fact died, was resuscitated by angels, and returned to leave the tomb to bear witness to his followers who waited for him outside his tomb. Some did not believe in him, but he showed his wounds on his hands to show that he was both physical enough to eat and to bear wounds, but also spiritually evolving to ascend into the Heavens. Christ is a mystery for mankind to ponder, but his leaving empowered the Holy Ghost to lead the few who believed and followed in the days after his departure.
Going to church on Sunday is one of those things that religiously inclined people continue to do faithfully as an act of faith, a show of worship, and a desire to become friends with others who believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
My entire life has been spent studying and pondering a variety of religious beliefs, espousing some, but not faithfully executing them in the manner in which the Church would like for me to do. I do it my way. I believe. I live, and I refrain from trying to convert or change others unless they want to be changed. Change always comes from within, not from some edict, some law, some rule imposed by some foolish minded preachers, statesmen, or zealots. A person will come to know the truth when they seek the truth.
I have had some unique experiences of my own in which I believe very strongly for I am a bit a doubting Thomas as well, and must see for myself many times rather than take someone else's word for it. I do believe in the spiritual life, and am truly convinced that Jesus's life is valid but probably inaccurately reported and recorded.
I have believed that Jesus is around me many times. The problem that most people have about entities like Jesus, God, or any other Holy person is the ego, as most want to know why would He bother with you. Why people are so demeaning about one another shows lack of good judgement on their part. The reason may be far simpler than they would believe since they believe with their own preset and predetermined attitudes, biases, and prejudices. I do believe that each and every person on the earth is worthy of God's particular and special interest. Self propelling one's self into fame and fortune does not necessarily mean that one has attracted God's blessings or interest I have learned many times.
Miracles do happen to many people in many ways. People are simply amazing to me at times in the fact that so many overestimate their own importance while others underestimate their own value. Why it is that people make wrong judgements is probably the influence of friends and family who take one another for granted, and pay too little attention to the real value of the individual themselves.
Too many stories float around with the idea that the child who is weak is the one who needs the attention more than the one who is strong, but conversely, it is the accomplished and the successful who get the most attention in rewards and recognition, especially in schooling programs where scholarships are awarded.
I am one of those who attained many awards and recognition scholastically but did not go for scholarships. I did not want to conform to a scholarship program. My education was paid for by my parents.
So yes, in a sense, I did owe it to them to repay them when I could, and I did.
It is already April first now and Scott Oden has begun the day with an announcement that has all his readers wondering if he is pulling our leg or not...Since it is about Conan and Arnold Schwarzenegger I am suspicious that it is an April Fool's trick. But he is getting feedback from his "nice" friends.
I never get into playing tricks but mild ones. I am too busy working on Wednesday's Pick draw for the lottery. It is possible to win it so I am working on it to try it. Hoping I catch at least five out of six and hope to get all six lined up somehow.
Back to my discussion of Jesus being around me...I have felt a presence on more than one occasion. While I do not subscribe to the Left Behind theory, I do believe that Jesus does appear on occasions in a spiritual form that makes me feel his power and authority. I realized that perhaps people should fear God after all. I am convinced that the Love of God is so powerful that once one becomes aware of its full impact it is powerful enough to draw you to be faithful to God. But I also realized that true God is capable of acts that are mindboggling to the human mind. God can do things that are seemingly impossible. We are incredulous when we see it happen and have no explanation but it does happen. The story of the distribution of fish and bread in the Bible tales comes to mind. I have seen things just as dramatic that only a spiritual power could do.
It is a mystery yet. But I believe. What is more I bear witness to some acts of Love that only a divine power could do...
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