The presumptive nominees for the November election are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both have problems in fact that are making headlines today. Donald Trump had a rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico, last night that brought about riots and vandalism. Hillary today has been exposed by the State department for violating rules and regulations in having her own personal email server used to do government business. She is in one heap of trouble with the government, and Donald is in one heap of trouble with his haters who are causing trouble wherever he goes whenever he holds a rally to arouse public interest in his run for the office of President.
In truth, at the end of this half entertainment/half soapbox bid for attention, both candidates are becoming more and more agonizing as time passes. It is a mud wrestling game that is being played before the American public, turning some people on while turning other people off.
The presidency is an office that depends entirely upon the person who occupies the office. It is a position whose job function is clearly defined. Some presidents are very personable, fun, entertaining, inspirational, and engaging. Others are dreary, dull, insipid, foolish, and frankly dreadful.
We now have two candidates who neither fill the above description but who are so ill equipped for this job as to make one wonder what is the matter with the American public, or the political party system. Donald Trump is a realtor who dabbled in the world of t.v. with his show The Apprentice, a show that essentially trained its competitors to shake people down for money, and to build a business, using any method that was sure to show a profit, whether ethical or unethical. Donald clearly taught his group that stealing from an adversary was a necessary in business.
Hillary Clinton has been the ambitious spouse of a former president whose personal life nearly cost him the presidency. His promiscuity with so many women brought about a despair for decency and honor in his so called married life. One wonders yet about the truth about his wife who used public sympathy to gain a seat in the Senate in New York. She then ran for the office herself against then junior senator Barack Obama who won despite his short life of service. Whether it was because Hillary appeared tainted or simply unfit is conjecture as to why the Democrats decided to stick with the extremely green black/mulatto senator from Illinois. Barack Obama seemed to use his race to make his way into the White House but has proved to be totally ineffective so that he has used executive powers to achieve some of his goals. All of which can be rescinded if a Republican does win and decide to void all his work.
So Hillary became a secretary of state appointed by Barack Obama because I suppose he thought to appease her in some way. Due to some serious problems, she resigned her position at the end of the first term so that John Kerry was appointed to replace her. But Hillary has decided to make a run for the White House again, never satisfied with having been First Lady, otherwise known as co-op President, then Senator for one term, and then secretary of state who permitted through neglect 4 men to die in Libya. Ambassador Stevens, appointed by Barack Obama, had cried for help but received no response from his superior, the Secretary of State, so that it cost him his life along with men who tried to help him when under attack. Benghazi is a bit of history that will plague Hillary forever.
Supposedly, Hillary does take credit for the Iranian deal made recently about the nuclear weapons in Iran, and the chance for Iran to re-enter the world of commerce once more. Many people hate this agreement that was made after many months of negotiations because Iran has become the big boogey man for the world now. Truth be known is that Iran has never been an aggressor in any military problem at any time. It is only through their rhetoric against America that they have aroused so much enmity. I frankly find it questionable that they are the big boogey man now to fear. I think that there are other fish in the sea far more dangerous than Iran, but American propaganda is fixated on Iran now.
So today both Hillary and Donald Trump are making personal appearances in Southern California trying to convince voters that they are the answer to America's problems. Protestors caused some problems in the Anaheim appearance that Donald held, and apparently, are also out in full force at the taping of a Jimmy Kimmel episode in Hollywood.
Hillary draws only small crowds, but the media blows her appearances up so that we get a glimpse of Hillary's attacks on Trump, and then we hear Trump blast either Martinez of New Mexico, Elizabeth Warren of Mass, or Hillary Clinton, who is his real target. He likes to make fun of them as much as he can, which in fact, makes me wonder what is his point to let the world know that they get under his skin.
Now this is my solution to the Governor Martinez problem in New Mexico. I would have greeted him, said welcome to New Mexico, but I will not attend your rally because of your comments about Mexicans being rapists and murderers. If I am to support you, we must get this problem of illegal immigration solved together.
In Donald's shoes, I would have said, Thanks for your hospitality. I will try to smooth things over for you and your constituents.
In the case of Elizabeth Warren, I would have said that her comments about my business ethics is something that she can criticize but it only shows her ignorance about sound and good business decisions. I would not have name called her at all. She is not Pocohantas, a heroine in American history that has proved that Donald does not even know when he is flattering her instead of insulting her. Goofy is something that should not be used to describe any elected senator serving her state.
As for Hillary, I would not bother to discuss Donald's insult tactics. I would simply say that while Donadl may be trying to be a comedy act like Donald Rickles, he has failed miserably since he is trying to prove that he is worthy of the office of President. I do not think that insult artists are suitable to be elected president.
As for Donald about Hillary, I would simply say that because she is under the scrutiny of the FBI, I need not point out how much trouble she is in. That speaks for itself.
Donald has not yet risen to the level of a man capable of being a president who is to be respected and admired for any reason. Instead, he continues to put himself down with his childish antics.
People want a president to be honorable, admirable, and respectable.
Both parties failed to deliver that person but instead have given us Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Both had better grow up soon, because either could be elected to find themselves very quickly hustled out the door to be certain their backup, the VP, could replace them quickly. Any future vp possibility had better think seriously how soon he or she might become the replacement if either of these two candidates are elected to the office.
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