Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Madame de Maintenon Part 2

Athenais extends a slender arm,
Curtsies slowly with head bowed,
Heavy orange and jasmine fragrance
Accentuates the emerald jewels
Gracing her ample bosom.
Wearing a gown of satin and lace,
She rises with confidence
That she will command attention
From her intended lover, The King.

"Do you like this look on me?"
She questions Francois, the Widow Scarron.
Is my curtsey straight enough?
Does the necklace make my skin glow?
Madame, tell me, will I please the King?
Have I enough scent?  I implore.
She suddenly sniffed! Do I need your approval?
Please, let me know your thoughts.
You always know how to appraise me so."

Madame Scarron lifted her eyes, sighed,
"Athenais, You look proper for the court.
Perhaps a little too much rouge,
A bit heavy on the perfume,
But it will wear off soon enough.
You know that the King does not like
Heavy scents of orange and jasmine.
Why do you try to annoy him so?
That is all I will say.

Athenais pleaded, "I know. I know."
But I love the orange and jasmine scent.
The King pays me scant attention now.
He is so besotted with that Louise!
What does he see in that flaxen blonde?
She is flat chested.  She is like a boy.
Why doesn't he like me instead of her?
I want him so much to love me.
What shall I do? Please tell me."

Madame Scarron sighed softly.
"I wonder at you. You are truly wicked
To desire him when he is married to the Queen.
I do not want to encourage your lust for him.
Louise is another matter. She is soon to leave.
You have him coming to your room,
Embarrassing both Louise and the Queen.
Louise at least has honor and regrets
For the four children she has had with him.
You do not even care about your own firstborn.
You know I disapprove of this match."

Athenais shrugged, "I don't care what you think.
I must have him for myself.  He no longer loves Louise.
I wonder if he ever did.  He does not love me either.
He loves only himself.  He loves only France.
I cannot hold him without you, Francois.
You are the only hope I have of keeping him.
He is tired of Louise, I know.  He will let her go.
But I want him only to myself.  You must help me.
I must look always divine.  I must be witty.
I must keep him in line.  I must please him at all costs."

Francois turned sharply. "Me? You need me to keep him?
How is that?  I am not your keeper, Athenais.
I am only your governess.  I am caring for your children.
Because they are the Kings is the only reason that I care.
How is it that you think that I can help you in your madness?
I did not want to come to the Palace but you insisted.
Perhaps it was the King who insisted? I don't really know.
But I do not  want to be a part of your lust for the King.
You only want power, influence, and gifts.
You want to enhance yourself,  to insure your place,
You will stoop to nothing to have your way.
No, do not use me for your wicked intentions."

"Well, look me over, and tell me I am beautiful.
I will be ready for the games tonight with my lover.
I will do as I want, with or without you, Francois.
I can take care of myself.  I will enjoy myself.
You may think me wicked, but I think that I am wise.
I know what the King really likes, and it is me, not Louise.
I will make him happy and content with me.  I assure you.
I do not need your approval but you are beholden to me.
I will not let your forget that.  He is mine now."

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