I have discussed my experiences in past lifetimes on this blog many times. I even published some of my drawings that are related to the moment that I learned of the details in a past lifetime, which granted are childish, but what the heck, the idea was to capture the memory as best I could to refresh my memory. Being hypersensitive to all my ideas being so easily used by others I am very careful about how I draw and sketch as well as express the experience in words. Having learned how one can be paid per word, I am careful to use my words carefully as well. I know that copy and paste, plagiarism, and screen shots now make it possible for any thought to be used by another as if it were their own. Yahoo alone taught me how easy it is to switch names on any piece written in a discussion group. One can be accused of saying someone's statements that one did not make at all, and I frankly do not appreciate that problem that is so pervasive on the internet. I do not use yahoo discussion groups any longer, except to read and respond.
So on that note, to review my past lifetime experiences, they involve historical men of renown, and an original man who I call cromagnon man without really knowing that that first incarnation can be truly identified in any way at all, except that I lived in the days of saber toothed tigers, and crashing boars, in a jungle atmosphere of extreme vegetation growth. I saw myself in my caucasian status as a male figure who is a hunter, who faced both saber toothed tigers, and crashing boars, and that is about all I recalled from that time period. Later, I learned of various personalities of historical significance which dumbfounded me no end to understand how I could have lived as so many different men, but the soul is the answer and I was able to learn details about those men that has been verified to my satisfaction that my memories are accurate and correct in many respects, some of which can be proved even yet, but other details too personal for anyone but me to know. Why it is that I am female today with only spiritual powers to make me understand all this is something I cannot fully explain except that it leaves me off the hook to be held responsible for anything of any real historical merit now. Even if significant people today did use me as a model, I cannot be held responsible for anything that they have done as a result of that. They made that decision for themselves.
I do not intend to regurgitate each and every lifetime in this discussion with myself right now, but I have decided to record what happened yesterday to explain why I am writing this now.
I have been contemplating the end of my life now, when it will happen, and how I will live until the time when it does happen. I have to plan for the next few years of my life. I could live to be 100 but I frankly doubt it. I have always thought it will be probably be into my 80's but it could be in the 90's if I am as strong as my dad or grandmother who both lived into their 90's. I do not want to ever go into a nursing home, so I will probably have some trouble as I get older finding the right housing situation. I am still thinking of a mobile home if necessary.
But because of one former lifetime I have always thought that it was to let me know how long I might have, and I thought it could be the mid 80's. So yesterday, I inquired into the lifetime of the person who I believe may be a clue to number of years it will be until I die. The reason for this is that one evening I was standing outdoors watching a swirling light in the sky that was directly over our neighborhood when I lived in Scottsdale on Palacio. I watched this wing like formation circle round and round and came indoors to notice a tiny red spot on my leg directly beneath my knee. I did associate it with the person of the past who I had read had some problem with his leg after falling off a horse some 15 years before his final demise. I got it into my head that I had at least 15 years to live which would be in my mid 80's at that time. So I wanted to learn more about his life yesterday to see if it would shed any light on me now. I did learn a lot as I was able to see him on horseback and learned how it is that he did fall off the horse to get the injury. It was an interesting vision to say the least, and then I was told that all my nose bleeding problem had been due to that person's life. It made sense to me, and I considered another thing, which is the wrought iron trim that my dad had bought for the patio and gate at the house on Palacio. One never knows what will trigger something but the nose bleeding actually began after I had taken some natural herbs for mild depression. I always associate those together too, and so I stopped the use of the herb. But the nosebleeds only increased and were often very bad. Many different answers to that but fortunately, since I have moved into another city, I have had no problem here but on two occasions which were both mild, and one one intense. Pray that they do not return ever again. I hope.
Blood clots are the answer or key to the problem.
One additional thing I will add since i have revised and edited this considerably. I have learned that famous people are often studied by very possessive and strange people. I use only my inner knowledge as the guide for me now to understand any and all of them, and leave it up to the historians and biographers to write their own tales for their own reasons. I do not want to ever get into a debate with anyone on any of the details that I know have convinced me beyond any doubt that I am who I say that I am, and have been. This mortal flesh will pass but the soul will survive again for all eternity, however long that is, for it is different in man's lifespan than in actual infinity. The soul is a constant living entity in its own right, existing in both flesh multiple times, and in spirit, eternally. Each and every soul is an intelligence quality that surpasses man's understanding.
But because again, I am protecting myself in even this blog post, I can only say so much at this time in the mindset that I am in right now.
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