I have had such bad luck with windows in terms of viruses and expense that I am seriously considering changing to a MacPro laptop and an Ipad and Iphone. So I have been investigating the Iphone to consider whether to buy it or to buy the Samsung Galaxy III. I am still undecided as I would like to see the Iphone before I make such a decision but last week I did go to the Iphone store on Friday to look into it. It will not be available to see until this Friday on which day I could purchase it as well. If I go with the Iphone I will go with the computer also so I spent some time looking at Friday to accommodate early bird customers. I will check with Sprint on Thursday to see whether they are going to open early and whether they will have enough to be sure that I could get one. But again, since I have seen the Samsung and understand its features a bit, I would like also to see the Iphone before committing to such a two year contract to be certain. So far, only maps and passbook seem to be the major features, neither of which impress me at all.
Taxi drivers and delivery men need maps but I simply do not travel to unknown places enough to make that a priority.
It is interesting at which things make a cell phone desirable by each individual customer. If I stay with windows, and for sure, my two computers do not make that seem very likely, I would opt for the Samsung Galaxy 3 but since I am thinking of changing to Mac for the computer I would choose the Iphone. I will decide shortly what to do as I have my eyeglasses to get this month as well, and they come before anything else.
I know that most mac users appear to love them. I hope that will be the case with me too if I make that change.
Thinking to myself...last week I had a sudden vision of two members of the Sacred Band in their military uniforms and contemplated whether to expand upon the battle of Charonea in my book about Alexander the youth. Alexander was 18 when he was the leader of a wing in the battle, which would make him a senior in high school in USA standards, an age which is capable of accomplishments but generally seldom of that nature.
I have been debating with msyelf how much of this information I should ever share in a book or on a blog even. Most of this is really unknown territory. But at age 18, Alexander was probably older than some of the members of the Sacred Band who were young military boys and men. History says a lot about the Sacred Band but in the end, it never tells the story very well. Facts are after all only condensed information about anyone or anything. The feel of being there is seldom contained within a historical data sheet.
One thing I know that Alexander did was to keep careful and accurate records of his own which tell the story much more truly than any historical record has done. But some of this I know only through my methods of going back in time and reliving the experience as it had happened to him.
Alexander is unique to me because I am able to go into his mind which has sometimes frankly blown my mind away at all that he was capable of doing and knowing. These things come to me in a flash and stay long enough to make the imprint on my mind and then disappear. We are not the same then and today, but today is able to get snatches of what was in his mind yesterday. How and why this happens is something I do not bother to question period. It just happens and I accept it. It like the Sacred Band. I knew them immediately when I saw them. It is my knowledge of them from yesterday that gave me instant recognition, because today nothing much is known about them at all.
So I ponder this and will discuss this much of it now but am debating whether to ever go into much detail...I did think that perhaps those two men/boys are alive and well today and have no idea who they could have been yesterday...for that reason I am careful to say little more about it but will continue to decide whether to develop in the book. All for now.
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