Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
My tailbone hurts
My mother is getting even with me...she told me that Iwould someday know how shefelt..
I Served the English King (spoiler)
I Served The English King is a political spoof. It is hysterically funny many times as we watch a short weakling defend himself against waiters, Czech rabble, and a changing political scene. The movie opens with a man leaving prison after a 15 year sentence...he is released two months early and is sent to the German Czech border to find a house there to make his home. While there he meets two others who are his neighbors, a French professor, and a girl who is a prostitute in Prague. He has been given a key to the property but when he finds the totally ruined house he throws away the key since the door is torn from the frame. It turns out that he has time to rebuild and redesign this battered house. While there, he looks back at the drama of his life that has brought him to this point. When his neighbors leave, (they are searching for musical trees to find lumber to create musical instruments) he needs company so he sets mirrors around the house so that he can talk to himself for company. (Inside tip here too to my mind.)
So we flash back to when he is very young, trying to survive in prewar Czechoslovakia.
..Early in the film, we watch him craftily sell hot dogs to a man on a train, taking his time to give the man his change so that the train pulls away while he pockets the money leaving the man outraged on the back of the train that he has been cheated. He learns that all rich people love to stoop for change,and that becomes a running gag in the movie, throwing change on the floor to watch the rich get down on their hands and knees trying to pick up the change...He learns to keep the dollars for himself.
The movie is about money, about a man who begins life cheating his way and then meets a businessman who teaches him how to make his way through life earning and building a huge fortune...The man who befriended him invites him to his room where the young "shrimp" sees him counting his money, spreading it on the floor in front of him. From then on, the young waiter gets great jobs working in fine hotels, and through his eyes, we see the antics of the way the very rich play with their "women of the night", making the sex trade look glamorous and desirable, as it is created in such a funny way. This movie treatment of prostitution is very appealing and very amusing as with each and every woman that this man encounters, we get treated to watching nude women become covered with flowers, or food items, anything that makes the sex play fun and enjoyable...wonder if this only happens in movies, and t.v. shows. Anyway, it is enjoyable sex play.
But it gets even more serious when this young man meets a young German at the beginning of Hitler's career when he has like so many politicians do mesmerized the youth into believing all his wartime propaganda. We do see bias and prejudice practiced against the Germans who are on a roll trying to take over the European nations. The Czechs practice outright animosity against the Germans who at this stage are seen as victims more than victors. So our young waiter befriends a beautiful young German girl who is taken in by Hitler's dreams and promises, and is able to marry only a man suitable for the reproduction of the Aryan race...This is probably (next to the money) the most interesting and amusing scene to see how the Germans changed a hotel from a female only swimming group to a German infested male only group. What this man has to go through in German experimentation regarding reproduction is probably more than most Americans can take, but it is funny to watch German men give up their semen in a vial so that the women can be implanted to produce a master race...Our young waiter has to endure this to marry his German bride who is so enamored with Adolph that she imagines that she is making love to Hitler while her waiter friend is cementing their marriage. She stares at Hitler's picture on their Honeymoon. However, it is her face that is changed into Hitler's. Luckily for him, she is recruited into the army and has to go off to do her duty to country while he stays behind tending to the hotel business. She comes home and as his businessman friend has warned him that the only commodity worth keeping during the war is stamps, she brings home stamps that deported Jews have left behind in their homes. (This is a real insider tip to me personally and I will mention the name that came to mind here...Feinstein...insider stamps.) So he becomes a millionaire at least as his dream has been to own his own hotel and have his own business. When he finally achieves his goal, having sold his stamps, making him a millionaire, he decides instead of putting the money on the carpet to use it to paper his walls. While congratulating himself on his great achievement, the new regime of people's government comes in to let him know that he is not a millionaire, but that the people are taking over, and it is the people's property...(communist) so he spends the next fifteen years of his life in jail for having acquired 15 million dollars.
This is a not subtle movie. It clearly shows the way people lived during the prewar era in Europe, Prague, specificially, and how important class and money is to all people. Money is the driver of this film, and clearly it is sexist as male/female roles were well defined in that time period. There is only one marriage in this film, and all the male/female scenes are of prostitutes who are gorgeous and very well treated for these women know how to use their charms well. (My mother always told me that all women sit on the same is just how they use it.) These gals use their charms (tits and ass) very well thank you. And it is attractive and alluring so we know why Heidi Fleiss went into business having many women who long to be like the women in this film...hand fed and protected and adored by their clients...gotta love the Czechs for knowing how to make a woman feel good.
The reason I love this movie so much is that it does show the way money is valued, is cheapened, and is finally a cause for punishment. There was a time when it was illegal to be a millionaire in the old Soviet Union. To watch this European nation go from capitalism to fascism to communism is a fun romp that makes one think...I liked it for, it does prove that my belief that your term in Hell is as big as your bank account, I guess I believe in either mind reading, eavesdropping, or serindipty! HA!
So we flash back to when he is very young, trying to survive in prewar Czechoslovakia.
..Early in the film, we watch him craftily sell hot dogs to a man on a train, taking his time to give the man his change so that the train pulls away while he pockets the money leaving the man outraged on the back of the train that he has been cheated. He learns that all rich people love to stoop for change,and that becomes a running gag in the movie, throwing change on the floor to watch the rich get down on their hands and knees trying to pick up the change...He learns to keep the dollars for himself.
The movie is about money, about a man who begins life cheating his way and then meets a businessman who teaches him how to make his way through life earning and building a huge fortune...The man who befriended him invites him to his room where the young "shrimp" sees him counting his money, spreading it on the floor in front of him. From then on, the young waiter gets great jobs working in fine hotels, and through his eyes, we see the antics of the way the very rich play with their "women of the night", making the sex trade look glamorous and desirable, as it is created in such a funny way. This movie treatment of prostitution is very appealing and very amusing as with each and every woman that this man encounters, we get treated to watching nude women become covered with flowers, or food items, anything that makes the sex play fun and enjoyable...wonder if this only happens in movies, and t.v. shows. Anyway, it is enjoyable sex play.
But it gets even more serious when this young man meets a young German at the beginning of Hitler's career when he has like so many politicians do mesmerized the youth into believing all his wartime propaganda. We do see bias and prejudice practiced against the Germans who are on a roll trying to take over the European nations. The Czechs practice outright animosity against the Germans who at this stage are seen as victims more than victors. So our young waiter befriends a beautiful young German girl who is taken in by Hitler's dreams and promises, and is able to marry only a man suitable for the reproduction of the Aryan race...This is probably (next to the money) the most interesting and amusing scene to see how the Germans changed a hotel from a female only swimming group to a German infested male only group. What this man has to go through in German experimentation regarding reproduction is probably more than most Americans can take, but it is funny to watch German men give up their semen in a vial so that the women can be implanted to produce a master race...Our young waiter has to endure this to marry his German bride who is so enamored with Adolph that she imagines that she is making love to Hitler while her waiter friend is cementing their marriage. She stares at Hitler's picture on their Honeymoon. However, it is her face that is changed into Hitler's. Luckily for him, she is recruited into the army and has to go off to do her duty to country while he stays behind tending to the hotel business. She comes home and as his businessman friend has warned him that the only commodity worth keeping during the war is stamps, she brings home stamps that deported Jews have left behind in their homes. (This is a real insider tip to me personally and I will mention the name that came to mind here...Feinstein...insider stamps.) So he becomes a millionaire at least as his dream has been to own his own hotel and have his own business. When he finally achieves his goal, having sold his stamps, making him a millionaire, he decides instead of putting the money on the carpet to use it to paper his walls. While congratulating himself on his great achievement, the new regime of people's government comes in to let him know that he is not a millionaire, but that the people are taking over, and it is the people's property...(communist) so he spends the next fifteen years of his life in jail for having acquired 15 million dollars.
This is a not subtle movie. It clearly shows the way people lived during the prewar era in Europe, Prague, specificially, and how important class and money is to all people. Money is the driver of this film, and clearly it is sexist as male/female roles were well defined in that time period. There is only one marriage in this film, and all the male/female scenes are of prostitutes who are gorgeous and very well treated for these women know how to use their charms well. (My mother always told me that all women sit on the same is just how they use it.) These gals use their charms (tits and ass) very well thank you. And it is attractive and alluring so we know why Heidi Fleiss went into business having many women who long to be like the women in this film...hand fed and protected and adored by their clients...gotta love the Czechs for knowing how to make a woman feel good.
The reason I love this movie so much is that it does show the way money is valued, is cheapened, and is finally a cause for punishment. There was a time when it was illegal to be a millionaire in the old Soviet Union. To watch this European nation go from capitalism to fascism to communism is a fun romp that makes one think...I liked it for, it does prove that my belief that your term in Hell is as big as your bank account, I guess I believe in either mind reading, eavesdropping, or serindipty! HA!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Reliving the past!
None of us really does think that we are ever going to relive the past! I think that we all hope that it is long gone and forgotten no matter whether good or bad.
My First Boyfriend
I am just absolutely stunned. I finally have learned what happened to my very first boyfriend when in first grade. I simply adored him. I have finally discovered what happened to him. But first before I go on, I have to check something at facebook. O.K. I added the photos to the facebook wall. I can't add them here at this site since this does not seem to have access to the facebook album. It makes no difference. I asked a friend from Van Wert who knows how to do things in the way of sportsworld to help me learn if the Jay Bergman of the University of Central Florida is the same Jay Bergman that I went to first grade with in Van Wert. I truly believe it is now that I have learned all that I can about him.
My classmate Larry Smith became famous as a football coach, and my fraternity friend from Kent State, Lou Holtz, became famous as a football coach, so now I learn that Jay Bergman is famous in Florida as a football coach. I have been reading all about him.
Oh my oh my! What a strange world that we live in...because a line in Forest Gump made me think of Jay when we were kids...I won't say what it is but it really hit me hard since I actually ran into Tom Hanks once in Los Angeles...I like Tom a lot.
This is a very small world in which we live...Jay turns out to be exactly five days older than I am and I may have known it way back when, but I had forgotten it. I will not pursue this any further at the moment because my mind is completely blown by it all.
Just have to write it up and thank Tom Brown, sportswriter from VW who helped me to know for sure that there is no coincidence in some of this...I put the photo on because of Jay's hairdo which has always made me think of two people. But since he is a living real person I should not do comparisons, but I always thought of two people: RJWagner, and Ronald Reagan, and turns out that his birthday is the same as Ronald Reagan...small world since I ran into Ronald's first wife Jane at a local banking or financial institute years ago here in this small town...I could go on and on about synchronicity and other strange coincidences but this one is a bit reasonable now that I think of it.
Isn't it funny how reality has a way of poking even our childhood recollections in the end...I liked him so much that I could never get over him until now...Reality says that he has gone on with his life in a way that has surprised me, and that I have gone ahead with mine, and probably he does not remember me or Van Wert at all but slightly...the way that it should be...wondering then about all those past lives that I have recalled...I am swimming in pondersome questions right now...
I will dwell on that a moment. After Jay moved away from Van Wert, we had a fake marriage at Franklin School when Roger Martin and I got married in a childhood way. I reminded him of it at our class reunion. He had totally forgotten. Then when I moved to third ward, I had a school girls crush on Jimmy Agler. I wrote him love letters even, but we never got it together like Jay and I had that years later, when under regression, I saw Roxanne, Alexander's first wife, and lo and behold, one day it dawned on me that she resembled Jimmy Agler. At our class reunion, I made a beeline to see Jimmy as I felt this love that was all around us, and we stood and talked awhile, and then he mentioned his wife, and I took off and said good bye, and walked off, only later in the class picture, to say Oh I wanted to sit beside him, but someone moved in between us...I swear that love wasHeavenly love and I decided then and there had he really been Roxanne all is well and over and we have real love binding us together throughout time...Love is a really strange thing in the end...true love is free and one does truly move on,knowing that one is loved always.
My classmate Larry Smith became famous as a football coach, and my fraternity friend from Kent State, Lou Holtz, became famous as a football coach, so now I learn that Jay Bergman is famous in Florida as a football coach. I have been reading all about him.
Oh my oh my! What a strange world that we live in...because a line in Forest Gump made me think of Jay when we were kids...I won't say what it is but it really hit me hard since I actually ran into Tom Hanks once in Los Angeles...I like Tom a lot.
This is a very small world in which we live...Jay turns out to be exactly five days older than I am and I may have known it way back when, but I had forgotten it. I will not pursue this any further at the moment because my mind is completely blown by it all.
Just have to write it up and thank Tom Brown, sportswriter from VW who helped me to know for sure that there is no coincidence in some of this...I put the photo on because of Jay's hairdo which has always made me think of two people. But since he is a living real person I should not do comparisons, but I always thought of two people: RJWagner, and Ronald Reagan, and turns out that his birthday is the same as Ronald Reagan...small world since I ran into Ronald's first wife Jane at a local banking or financial institute years ago here in this small town...I could go on and on about synchronicity and other strange coincidences but this one is a bit reasonable now that I think of it.
Isn't it funny how reality has a way of poking even our childhood recollections in the end...I liked him so much that I could never get over him until now...Reality says that he has gone on with his life in a way that has surprised me, and that I have gone ahead with mine, and probably he does not remember me or Van Wert at all but slightly...the way that it should be...wondering then about all those past lives that I have recalled...I am swimming in pondersome questions right now...
I will dwell on that a moment. After Jay moved away from Van Wert, we had a fake marriage at Franklin School when Roger Martin and I got married in a childhood way. I reminded him of it at our class reunion. He had totally forgotten. Then when I moved to third ward, I had a school girls crush on Jimmy Agler. I wrote him love letters even, but we never got it together like Jay and I had that years later, when under regression, I saw Roxanne, Alexander's first wife, and lo and behold, one day it dawned on me that she resembled Jimmy Agler. At our class reunion, I made a beeline to see Jimmy as I felt this love that was all around us, and we stood and talked awhile, and then he mentioned his wife, and I took off and said good bye, and walked off, only later in the class picture, to say Oh I wanted to sit beside him, but someone moved in between us...I swear that love wasHeavenly love and I decided then and there had he really been Roxanne all is well and over and we have real love binding us together throughout time...Love is a really strange thing in the end...true love is free and one does truly move on,knowing that one is loved always.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Value of Internet
The internet is the most amazing instrument on the earth. One can find and do most anything and everything on it. There are frankly too many social groups for me to join. There are too many books to read. I can't read or buy them all and I can't spend time in each one of them either. But they are quite useful to know. There is just too much information to digest. I end up finally spending most of my time in only a few areas which becomes habitual after a while.
But what prompted this outburst of genuine love for the internet is the discovery of the Latis Foundation which has produced e books on the museums of the world, not just a single nation, but many. I discovered this at from a source who is frankly a bit disturbing to me in his attitude but nevertheless, take a gift from whatever giver one may find.
In terms of academic achievements, and honors, most higher levels have to spend all their time in one narrow area, satisfying a group of faculty members in some way, and also meetings a need by that college or university to produce, so it works both ways in the world of academia, as both need each other to continue to survive. I have helped a man get his masters degree by editing his work for him and I learned a lot from that experience about the schools, faculty, and student.
I could have and should have obtained a degree of my own but I could never decide in what area that I wished to spend that much time just to earn a few more bucks on a teacher's salary, That was the main motivation thirty odd years ago. Instead of doing that, I ended up going for the certificates and lower end of the educational experience realizing that time is money, and money is time, and it would be best to simply find a career or job opening than waste time in higher education.
Today, because when one has enough time on one's hands, one finds a way to spend it reading and searching through the library where I have nearly accumulated a library type program of academic achievement that only those of who are self taught understand. I have devoured enough books for two or three masters and possibly several phd's as well. But that is not how degrees are earned. I am learning more and more about history as time has passed which is a study I long ago abandoned after spending years regurgitating dates for scholarhship tests.
However, this little treatise is due to the way some academics express themselves. I will admit that most of the history books that I have been reading lately do not really ever achieve greatness because they are so poorly written. I am at fault myself for not realizing that sooner or later a dabbling in times past would mean that I would try my best to make something of it that is meaningful. I should have written down the title and author of every book I ever read, but I did not do it.
So it goes...I will see how I fare with my creation on Alexander. I occasionally lapse into writing about Louis XIV now and then...Such a shock to me...Narcissus has nothing on me, does he?
But what prompted this outburst of genuine love for the internet is the discovery of the Latis Foundation which has produced e books on the museums of the world, not just a single nation, but many. I discovered this at from a source who is frankly a bit disturbing to me in his attitude but nevertheless, take a gift from whatever giver one may find.
In terms of academic achievements, and honors, most higher levels have to spend all their time in one narrow area, satisfying a group of faculty members in some way, and also meetings a need by that college or university to produce, so it works both ways in the world of academia, as both need each other to continue to survive. I have helped a man get his masters degree by editing his work for him and I learned a lot from that experience about the schools, faculty, and student.
I could have and should have obtained a degree of my own but I could never decide in what area that I wished to spend that much time just to earn a few more bucks on a teacher's salary, That was the main motivation thirty odd years ago. Instead of doing that, I ended up going for the certificates and lower end of the educational experience realizing that time is money, and money is time, and it would be best to simply find a career or job opening than waste time in higher education.
Today, because when one has enough time on one's hands, one finds a way to spend it reading and searching through the library where I have nearly accumulated a library type program of academic achievement that only those of who are self taught understand. I have devoured enough books for two or three masters and possibly several phd's as well. But that is not how degrees are earned. I am learning more and more about history as time has passed which is a study I long ago abandoned after spending years regurgitating dates for scholarhship tests.
However, this little treatise is due to the way some academics express themselves. I will admit that most of the history books that I have been reading lately do not really ever achieve greatness because they are so poorly written. I am at fault myself for not realizing that sooner or later a dabbling in times past would mean that I would try my best to make something of it that is meaningful. I should have written down the title and author of every book I ever read, but I did not do it.
So it goes...I will see how I fare with my creation on Alexander. I occasionally lapse into writing about Louis XIV now and then...Such a shock to me...Narcissus has nothing on me, does he?
Lasix Ban
For some reason, the Breeders Cup has banned the use of lasix on the two year old horses that will be racing in this year's Breeders Cup. Mike Repole has stated that he will not enter any of his horses into the Million Dollar races because of that and the fact that Santa Anita is host of the world event. He is from New York and seems to think that New York bases horses have trouble winning in southern California. There is always home court advantage for any group of horses and it will be no surprise if Bob Baffert has a winning horse in any one of these races.
The real advantage to having the horses race in California is the climate. It is certainly a desirable site for the bettors to know that it will be free from weather problems. Since Santa Anita decided to convert to dirt after using synthetic, it will be interesting to see how horses perform lasix free on a dirt track. You can just bet that no matter the result, that that will be an argument both pro and con as to why any single horse did win or did not win.
However, my main concern is that there are enough windows for the huge crowds to be able to make their bets in time without having to stand in line for ever and getting shut out. The crowds at Santa Anita are enormous on special event days and I have seen the lines so long that many people had trouble in placing their bets. You have to run up to the window at the end of the race to be sure to get your bet in on time, and that is not fun when one wants to look at the horses. So you have to decide whether it is more important to see a horse that one likes or to place a bet.
I remember when lasix first came in. First time lasix was a real indication of which horse to bet in the early days. It has changed a lot since then so that first time lasix users don't automatically win, but there was a time when one could bet on that horse and win with it. Today it is a much different story.
So it will be interesting to see how this goes. All the horses will be unable to use it in 2013 according to the article that I just read. This year, it is only applicable to two year olds...
The real advantage to having the horses race in California is the climate. It is certainly a desirable site for the bettors to know that it will be free from weather problems. Since Santa Anita decided to convert to dirt after using synthetic, it will be interesting to see how horses perform lasix free on a dirt track. You can just bet that no matter the result, that that will be an argument both pro and con as to why any single horse did win or did not win.
However, my main concern is that there are enough windows for the huge crowds to be able to make their bets in time without having to stand in line for ever and getting shut out. The crowds at Santa Anita are enormous on special event days and I have seen the lines so long that many people had trouble in placing their bets. You have to run up to the window at the end of the race to be sure to get your bet in on time, and that is not fun when one wants to look at the horses. So you have to decide whether it is more important to see a horse that one likes or to place a bet.
I remember when lasix first came in. First time lasix was a real indication of which horse to bet in the early days. It has changed a lot since then so that first time lasix users don't automatically win, but there was a time when one could bet on that horse and win with it. Today it is a much different story.
So it will be interesting to see how this goes. All the horses will be unable to use it in 2013 according to the article that I just read. This year, it is only applicable to two year olds...
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Remembering Antoinette on Oct. 16
Most fans or followers of Marie Antoinette know that she met her death on Oct. 16 in France. I noticed that little was mentioned about it this year on the various social groups. But at the discussion group there were three references shared by the moderator with the followers. One was an interesting discussion by Mme. Guillotine whose passion is Antoinette. I thought to commemorate the occasion I would try my own look into her mind on the day of her execution.
This is written extemporaneously as I sit here, so it will be original...Put yourself in the former Queen's shoes as she awaits her end.
an he
Hail Mary, full of Grace, I silently whispered to myself, fingering my fingers as if they are rosary beads...Pray for me now and at the hour of my death." Death, what is that to me now? My husband, poor dear man, he is children...where are they now? All taken from me...what is to me to be taken to the scaffold? I think madly as I ponder the prayer over and over in my mind...Jesus was led to the cross...I will be led to the scaffold...Oh Lord, give me strength...I pray thee. I adore thee. I thank thee...fumbling, I am willed to act normally as possible...what can normal be at a time like this? My children, oh my children...I wish I could see their shining happy faces as they had been...the long many times the King and I ....oh stop it, Antoinette! Stop this chatter...your mother would disapprove of you now...but I am doing nothing but waiting...waiting for the tormentors to come get me...I have dressed, my hair has been shorn, Hail Mary, full of Grace, pray for me now and at the hour of my death...Blessed is the seed of thy womb, Jesus...Oh Mary, hear my prayer...I hear the sounds of footsteps...the door is opening...they have come for me...I hastily pull my gown around me, I run my hands through my hair, I clutch my fingers for my rosary beads, I cry out, Oh, no, don't make me have my hands tied, but they don't listen...they did not do that to the king,,,why are they doing me like that? Oh, dear Lord, dear Mother of God, pray that I can make it through the door...I don't look back, I look straight ahead...I don't pay any mind to the onlookers as I can feel their stares on my back, on my face, on hands...oh, My, why do they hate me so much? I cry out to God now, Let me have peace, let me know that my children are safe...oh Mary, Mother of God, protect my children...I say the rosary prayer repeatedlyover and over as I walk unsteadily...I have to stop to let loose my bowels before I can ascend the wagon that will carry me...I am bleeding again must be my nerves...Hail Mary, full of Grace, give me that peace that will carry me to my rest...dear Lord, hear my prayer...I am pushed onto the cart, my hands tied behind my back, and I am bleeding, but nobody sees, I can hear the sounds of people as the cart lurches forward, but I am numb to their voices...I look straight ahead, I think only of my children, my mother, my brother, oh, Heavens, may he pray for me now...I think of the King...dear, dear Man, oh, how I sobbed when they cheered at his death...They are screaming at me...I can barely hear their sounds, Hail Mary, Mother of God, pray for me now and at the hour of my death...I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me...Oh, how wonderful the King was to me when he watched me dance on stage as the little many wonderful joyful times we had had...oh, who is that pelting me with stones? I feel like Jesus as he walked through the crowds carrying his cross. Oh Jesus, be my comfort, my saviour, let me go in peace. I can and will submit to thee and thy will. Forgive them, dear Jesus, they do not know what they are doing....I pray that this will be over soon...oh, I am told to disembark...we are at the scaffold...loud cheers...I hold my head up, I won't let them see my need, oh, I am sorry I hear myself saying to someone as I stepped on his toes, and then I am being led...dear God, dear Mother of God, pray for me now and at my death...I am resting my head upon a beam...I submit to thee oh Lord...Give me peace...Save my children...I am in your hands forever....Hail Mary....
This is written extemporaneously as I sit here, so it will be original...Put yourself in the former Queen's shoes as she awaits her end.
an he
Hail Mary, full of Grace, I silently whispered to myself, fingering my fingers as if they are rosary beads...Pray for me now and at the hour of my death." Death, what is that to me now? My husband, poor dear man, he is children...where are they now? All taken from me...what is to me to be taken to the scaffold? I think madly as I ponder the prayer over and over in my mind...Jesus was led to the cross...I will be led to the scaffold...Oh Lord, give me strength...I pray thee. I adore thee. I thank thee...fumbling, I am willed to act normally as possible...what can normal be at a time like this? My children, oh my children...I wish I could see their shining happy faces as they had been...the long many times the King and I ....oh stop it, Antoinette! Stop this chatter...your mother would disapprove of you now...but I am doing nothing but waiting...waiting for the tormentors to come get me...I have dressed, my hair has been shorn, Hail Mary, full of Grace, pray for me now and at the hour of my death...Blessed is the seed of thy womb, Jesus...Oh Mary, hear my prayer...I hear the sounds of footsteps...the door is opening...they have come for me...I hastily pull my gown around me, I run my hands through my hair, I clutch my fingers for my rosary beads, I cry out, Oh, no, don't make me have my hands tied, but they don't listen...they did not do that to the king,,,why are they doing me like that? Oh, dear Lord, dear Mother of God, pray that I can make it through the door...I don't look back, I look straight ahead...I don't pay any mind to the onlookers as I can feel their stares on my back, on my face, on hands...oh, My, why do they hate me so much? I cry out to God now, Let me have peace, let me know that my children are safe...oh Mary, Mother of God, protect my children...I say the rosary prayer repeatedlyover and over as I walk unsteadily...I have to stop to let loose my bowels before I can ascend the wagon that will carry me...I am bleeding again must be my nerves...Hail Mary, full of Grace, give me that peace that will carry me to my rest...dear Lord, hear my prayer...I am pushed onto the cart, my hands tied behind my back, and I am bleeding, but nobody sees, I can hear the sounds of people as the cart lurches forward, but I am numb to their voices...I look straight ahead, I think only of my children, my mother, my brother, oh, Heavens, may he pray for me now...I think of the King...dear, dear Man, oh, how I sobbed when they cheered at his death...They are screaming at me...I can barely hear their sounds, Hail Mary, Mother of God, pray for me now and at the hour of my death...I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me...Oh, how wonderful the King was to me when he watched me dance on stage as the little many wonderful joyful times we had had...oh, who is that pelting me with stones? I feel like Jesus as he walked through the crowds carrying his cross. Oh Jesus, be my comfort, my saviour, let me go in peace. I can and will submit to thee and thy will. Forgive them, dear Jesus, they do not know what they are doing....I pray that this will be over soon...oh, I am told to disembark...we are at the scaffold...loud cheers...I hold my head up, I won't let them see my need, oh, I am sorry I hear myself saying to someone as I stepped on his toes, and then I am being led...dear God, dear Mother of God, pray for me now and at my death...I am resting my head upon a beam...I submit to thee oh Lord...Give me peace...Save my children...I am in your hands forever....Hail Mary....
Presidential Election
I have been really undecided about this coming election. I finally decided last night after the debate, and then finished voting on my early ballot. One of the two candidates did say something for me that made me think so that I finally decided. In the end, it is a problem for me about this election since on issues I am probably more for the Democrats than for the far right Republicans, but on character and integrity of the person, I am inclined to believe that Mitt Romney may be the more highly moral and sound character than Barack Obama. When Obama allowed horses to go to slaughter for horse meat after he had steadfastly promised not to do that I lost faith in him as a person who keeps his word. For a president not to honor National Day of Prayer, I found him wanting, and for him to wound the feelings of the veterans on Memorial Day through his own agenda at the Viet Nam Wall truly offended me. I do not believe that Barack Obama is considerate of other people's feelings regarding any issue, but is basically a selfish and self serving man, and in one of his statements at the debate, he reinforced that idea to me. When asked about Syria, he did not give a proper answer, and instead asserted his position as being the President. ***
While I am for women's right to choose, women's rights to equal pay, I am also aware that Mitt Romney has already established his role in helping women to gain jobs in government. At least that is what he said when he tried to explain that he had noticed that all the applicants were male, but that he wanted to include females, so he began a policy of recruitment.***
I finally decided on one of the candidates of the four on the Arizona ballot. I won't say who it is but I don't think it matters any longer since Arizona has only four votes in the electoral college, being a sparsely populated state. Larger states will control who is the next president to be elected.
I am not influenced by the right to life groups at all. I believe that they are sanctimoniously lying to themselves about their rights over the rights of women to decide for themselves. I am opposed to that kind of logic so for that reason must insist that Republicans who are more moderate try to regain control of your own party and its platform and quit being hijacked by the far right and its blind insistence upon stealing freedoms away from individuals. America is the land of liberty. Don't turn it into the land of Republican tyranny!
While I am for women's right to choose, women's rights to equal pay, I am also aware that Mitt Romney has already established his role in helping women to gain jobs in government. At least that is what he said when he tried to explain that he had noticed that all the applicants were male, but that he wanted to include females, so he began a policy of recruitment.***
I finally decided on one of the candidates of the four on the Arizona ballot. I won't say who it is but I don't think it matters any longer since Arizona has only four votes in the electoral college, being a sparsely populated state. Larger states will control who is the next president to be elected.
I am not influenced by the right to life groups at all. I believe that they are sanctimoniously lying to themselves about their rights over the rights of women to decide for themselves. I am opposed to that kind of logic so for that reason must insist that Republicans who are more moderate try to regain control of your own party and its platform and quit being hijacked by the far right and its blind insistence upon stealing freedoms away from individuals. America is the land of liberty. Don't turn it into the land of Republican tyranny!
Breeders Cup
In two weeks, the Breeders Cup will finally take place at Santa Anita. History is what causes me to take such an interest in these races. Past payoffs have been at odds that make one's head swim so I decided this year to fully participate in trying to win at least a superfecta of a decent price in at least one race, and more if possible. But one has to get that first race won to properly bet in another race after that. So I am concentrating now on figuring exactas, trifectas, superfectas, daily doubles, pick 3's, pick 4's, and a Classic Daily Double~! You would think that I would hit it lucky on one of these 15 races to be run over two days, wouldn't you?
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Refreshing Memory
Now that NaNoWriMo is upon us again, I am reminded of how far I have come since entering that contest years ago. It does take a long time to write a novel, and part of the problem is just getting the groundwork laid. Once, one has emptied all his current ideas onto paper or in this case, computer screen, one then reinvents, and rewrites, reorganizes, and rethinks the entire process. Because I had originally wanted to have the novel placed upon a backdrop of a manuscript of the Iliad, and use the Iliad throughou t the entire work, I had actually paraphrased each chapter and taken a line from it to use in my forthcoming novel. I ended up scotching that idea altogether, and began it again in a different framework. It seemed like a great idea, and I will implement it somehow but once I began to develop some thoughts as I went along, I found myself getting more deeply involved in my own story which then began to unfold. So that is what lay a skeletal structure, then find that the fleshing out of characters pushes the foundation into the background where it rightfully belongs, maybe to emerge again in a later time...My entire idea on the first part of the book which will either be written in serial pieces or one huge long book is that young Alexander was already filled with his dreams, plans, and goals while a child so that all the input of his teachers and instructors helped to develop his leadership talents. To understand why it is that he is seemingly so ruthless, it is important to know what it is that he learned as a child to make him that way. His education is that worth understanding to fully appreciate his decision making process. My intent is to use these plays and dramas in the story itself, showing how the impact of these impressed not only him but other members of his army. All the Macedonians were long familiar with these plays...
Saturday, October 13, 2012
EValMo Meeting Today
I received a notice on Twitter this morning that there was to be an author's gathering at the Tempe Library for the followers of the EValMo writer's group. I thought I would go but then decided against it. Three published authors discussed their experiences with the group who met there this afternoon.
I am not entering the NaNoWriMo event this year since I first began my novel about Alexander the Great in that effort several years ago. I am still in the process of rewriting not only the first part of the novel but also embarking upon the second part. However, until I get a good computer with the correct word processing equipment it is foolish for me to continue to spin my thoughts. So occasionally, just for the heck of it, I use this blog to throw some ideas about.
I even set up a separate blog to try to see if I could use it for the continuation of the novel. I bandy ideas around so much in my head, and often think it would be good to set them down in writing just so that they refresh my memory. I forget many things very quickly if I don't put it in writing. I listened to some old tapes of mine that I used to record when listening to France 2 and surprise! I remembered stuff that has long been forgotten but is very important to keep in mind about even broadcasting across the sea.
So on occasion, I may decide to write an idea either here or in the second blog about the novel. Since I read the excerpt from the book that the Nobel prize winner from China wrote, I began to think about how graphic I should be in writing some of the major battle scenes. I tend to think that too much detail can be overkill yet when it comes to making people want to read the book, one has to have some emotional hook.
One critic suggested that the first sentence is the hook. I frankly do not place that much emphasis on first sentences myself...But right now,I am not so sure that the birth of a child is the way the first chapter should go after all...I thought of using the time Philip killed one of his young recruits to the army, but that is a gimmick though real that might turn people off more than turn people on.
I did write that story this past year though and will have to refresh my memory on it. Philip was a hard, cruel man...which is reminding me of something else that happened recently to me...I had had a vision of him as I had known him when he was a young man, and Alexander was a child...Philip is extraordinarily cruel in ways that are more than frightening. However, not long after seeing Philip I saw an image of my mom and dad, and noticed my dad in dawned on me today the relationship between the image of Philip and that of my both cases, I knew each one instantly...not hard of course, but nobody would believe it about Philip but would easily believe it of my dad...interesting, isn't it, at how people are when reacting to truth...
I am not entering the NaNoWriMo event this year since I first began my novel about Alexander the Great in that effort several years ago. I am still in the process of rewriting not only the first part of the novel but also embarking upon the second part. However, until I get a good computer with the correct word processing equipment it is foolish for me to continue to spin my thoughts. So occasionally, just for the heck of it, I use this blog to throw some ideas about.
I even set up a separate blog to try to see if I could use it for the continuation of the novel. I bandy ideas around so much in my head, and often think it would be good to set them down in writing just so that they refresh my memory. I forget many things very quickly if I don't put it in writing. I listened to some old tapes of mine that I used to record when listening to France 2 and surprise! I remembered stuff that has long been forgotten but is very important to keep in mind about even broadcasting across the sea.
So on occasion, I may decide to write an idea either here or in the second blog about the novel. Since I read the excerpt from the book that the Nobel prize winner from China wrote, I began to think about how graphic I should be in writing some of the major battle scenes. I tend to think that too much detail can be overkill yet when it comes to making people want to read the book, one has to have some emotional hook.
One critic suggested that the first sentence is the hook. I frankly do not place that much emphasis on first sentences myself...But right now,I am not so sure that the birth of a child is the way the first chapter should go after all...I thought of using the time Philip killed one of his young recruits to the army, but that is a gimmick though real that might turn people off more than turn people on.
I did write that story this past year though and will have to refresh my memory on it. Philip was a hard, cruel man...which is reminding me of something else that happened recently to me...I had had a vision of him as I had known him when he was a young man, and Alexander was a child...Philip is extraordinarily cruel in ways that are more than frightening. However, not long after seeing Philip I saw an image of my mom and dad, and noticed my dad in dawned on me today the relationship between the image of Philip and that of my both cases, I knew each one instantly...not hard of course, but nobody would believe it about Philip but would easily believe it of my dad...interesting, isn't it, at how people are when reacting to truth...
Editing a blog
One thing that I do like about this blogspot is that it can be edited at any time. This afternoon, I decided to delete two posts that I had just written, mostly because I was making a reference to another blog. If anyone did read it, they will not be able to find it as I have deleted it already.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Joe Biden vs. Paul Ryan debate
The reaction to tonight's debate is very unique. Democrats loved it while Republicans criticized it. Can't say hated it but many were unhappy with Joe Biden's smirking. He was very intrusive all evening long, often complaining that he wasn't given enough time so he interrupted often, treating Paul Ryan very rudely. It may work against him. However, he laughed and smiled as though he were FDR. In truth, two points were made. Ryan was very convincing about how to get America working again with economic strength, while Biden put the fear of another overloaded conservative supreme court. Both parties will fight tooth and nail on those issues. I used Twitter to follow buzzfeed who was showing a group of photos making sport of the debate. I had fun that way as Joe played the clown so that buzzfeed exposed his behavior to the world of tweeters. Paul looked bewildered in one photo. But he held on and maintained his composure, asserting his position. I guess old Joe wanted the world to see how seniority looks on him. He has played second fiddle for long enough so he came out swinging. Being a v.p. is a tough job in todays world. Does Paul Ryan really want Biden's seat?
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Correct Writing Skills
Every English major suffers through the same curriculum. Last night I finally investigated a website called Goodreads. I have read so many books as to be ridiculous. But I love to read. I did learn that their grouping called paranormal is not the same as my thinking about paranormal. I am thinking Russian tests of men and women who possess strange and unusual capabilities. One of my favorites is A Separate Peace but I did not see it.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Breeders Cup and other things.
There are only a few races left, Keeneland and Woodbine, to win a free entry fee into the Breeders Cup races. Thursday at Keeneland is an interesting race which I have decided (big maybe) to try for luck. I liked the writeup about the horses which are entered as all are on equal footing, having one only one major race. So it should prove interesting. Jockeys are usually the key to the horse which may win, but trainers play bigtime as well. ******Moving on to other things, I read Madame Guillotine's birthday offering of a mystery novelette that she has either written or is in the process of writing. She says that it is in first draft stage. She is quite an engaging writer, and comes up with some rather interesting English plots. This one takes place in Cairo with a naturally spunky heroine and a fussy brother who has talked her into making the trip. So far, the mystery has not yet been even hinted at.
*******I am convinced that Madame Guillotine believes that she is Queen Marie Antoinette after I read her beautiful chapters of her wedding...Whether Melanie the author thinks that she is is something I am not quite sure to say. But the insights into the life of the young princess were quite fascinating to me. ********
Melanie is one of the reasons I began finally to share some of my own extemporaneous writings about either Louis XIV or Alexander the Great. I actually am using my memories gleaned from going under hypnosis as a basis for the occasional stories I will develop from the time past.***************On that note, I always think of Louis XIV in his ballet costume as that is one of the first things that I had learned about him, and that costume was so exquisite in gold lace that it totally captivated me. So far, I have not conjured up a story but I still remember the women who bent one after another in a wave with their long arms extended. It was so beautiful to me...In spring when the orange trees began to blossom, I would often be reminded of that return to a time spent in that lifetime.************************I know nothing about ballet now, and I would have to research the history of Louis's youth when he did perform as Apollo. I have not done so, but I have read a few glimmerings. Since France today is not really interested in the history of the kings, there are probably few books about the subject. I did notice at the exhibit a childlike costume which was very heavy but beautiful. I absolutely love recalling those memories...sheer delight and joy to me even now.****************and I sit here in my drab 18year old dress that I wear day and night since it is so old and comfortable...threadbare now...what a contrast!
Copycats in novels
I mentioned earlier that I would comment on copycats. The movie and t.v. industry does it all the time. I read a NY Times review on Song of Achilles. It mentioned Mary Renault who naturally I thought of as well for her book Persian Boy. The New York Times critic said that Renault would not like this book. I have read only one book by Renault so I cannot say. I was sometimes resistant but eventually came to really like her manner of conveying her love affair with her version of Achilles.***** In my copy of the Iliad, Achilles has red hair but Madeline has decided to color him golden blonde. Authors choose their own images which may often conflict with reality. In my brief bit of research into Achilles, I learned that his father had taught him to be first in everything. I learned that he had a quick temper. He was able to see and converse with the gods and goddesses to whom he listens and respects. Unlike Madeline's version, he takes Briseis as his lover. She is his woman and his love. Patroclus has a woman in his life also. *****I wrote this on my cellphone so I know that somewhere I had some spelling problems.****I will admit now to myself that one of the reasons that I came to like the book was by the end of it I could see the resemblance between my own decisions regarding teaching and those of Achilles regarding participating in the war. I empathized a lot and realized that I have sometimes been acting and behaving a lot like he had done, but I won't go back into the battle of the classroom now even at this late major difference. My health won't let me, and if I did, I would probably end up just as he did, I have some respect for staying alive.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Book Review of Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
In my opinion, this book is really about Patroclus, but as usual the name Achilles has celebrity power whereas Patroclus (Cleopatra) does not. Patroclus is the voice in the story, and at the end of the novel, is considered the best man in the book. The author makes you know by the end of the novel that the person telling the story is a man of great character and deserves recognition.*****
Achilles is used as the bait to develop fully the character of Patroclus, a young prince who is exiled because of having killed a nobleman when a child. He is sent to live with a man in a country who is known for taking in young boys, and there he meets up with Achilles, son of Thetis, a sea goddess, and Peleus, the mortal who Zeus chose to father the child if he could mate with the sea goddess. The sea goddess is capable of changing her shape into anything that she wishes, but she is conquered by the mortal to bear the child known as Achilles.********
In the author's fantasy in which she uses Patroclus to sell us on the virtues of Achilles, Achilles is half god, half mortal, and exceptional in every way. So exceptional that he does not need military training, schooling, training of any kind. Because Patroclus stays alone to himself, does not appear to have any friends, Achilles takes an interest in him, and eventually chooses him to be his bedmate, his companion. They are only young teenagers in the early part of the book, both about the same age.*******
Miller spins a tale of days spent together creating a bonded friendship that makes them lovers instead of brothers, and we fall in love with Achilles through Patroclus's clever explanation of all his remarkable talents, hopes, fears, and ambitions. In this novel, we even come to know Thetis, his mother, who clearly dislikes Patroclus, since he is a mere mortal and totally unworthy of Achille's friendship. Who on earth would ever have been found worthy is more than anyone can know but Madeline sketches a Thetis who is demanding and frightening to the young Patroclus. *****
Eventually, halfway through the book, we get to the Trojan War. Having been schooled by a centaur, Chiron, to learn medicine, some warfare secrets, and patience above all, the boys grow up to be taken into battle after Achilles is discovered to be in hiding as a girl on an island. Thetis is so afraid of losing her son in battle that she secreted Achilles off to an island where he is hiding as a girl, but found by both his friend Patroclus who runs dashing after him, and by Odysseus who has sought him to lead his nation's army into battle against Troy. There he has been forced to father a child with the king's daughter, and then has to leave to fulfill his birth destiny, that of natural born military leader.*****
What is so extraordinary to me is that Achilles has no need of any military training at all. He is a superb athlete without exercise or development. I found that part of this book to be preposterous but that is because I find it unnatural that he would have such resistance to a military life if born to it.******
Even worse is Patroclus who chooses not to learn how to throw a spear or shoot an arrow, but rather seeks only to learn medicinal capabilities, and musical skills.****
In that respect, I am very critical of a hero molded in this manner. However, this is a love story spun by Patroclus which in the last quarter of the book is very self serving and becomes the Song of Patroclus instead of that of Achilles. Achilles conveniently disappears to perform raids, and multiple killings while Patroclus stays behind to help in the medicine tents and thus, learns who is who in the armies. His character becomes the central and main figure from this point on as Achilles recedes into the background.*******
Miller is skillful in her weaving the story to take you into the mind and heart of Patroclus even after his demise. She does choose to turn Patroclus into the noble hero instead of Achilles, and we follow along with Patroclus as he tries to "save" everyone in the camp from the soldiers to Achilles to the young prize Brisies but not himself. He recklessly tries to get Achilles back into the war, and it is only through his own act of courage that Achilles finally returns to save the Greek cause.
But Achilles has somehow been pushed aside as the main character while Patroclus takes center stage in the last part of the book. One does glean why it is that Achilles acts as he does about his quarrel with Agamemnon but mortals can never understand gods and their thinking, so there is naturally a conflict about his indifference to the plight of the Greeks who are being trounced by the Trojans near the end.
Through Miller, who is an expert in Greek classical literature, we learn of many Greek myths and tales which is a very rewarding experience in reading this book. Achilles is reminded of Meleager who had previously behaved in the same way that Achilles has done, so that Achilles realizes that he may become hated by the Greeks for his actions. It does not faze him but it does Patroclus who risks his life in a daring way to finally bring Achilles back into the war. Achilles only returns to take vengeance, but he does at least help to end the long term battle that has waged for so long.
Finally, Thetis, who has dominated Achilles all the while in this tale, has finally come to the cause of Patroclus, who is now long remembered and associated with Achilles.
Whether they were real characters or not, their legend persists, and whether they were gay or straight, is a matter of any author's opinion. The love story is paramount over the sexual relationship, and Miller chooses to tell her tale her way.
I enjoyed this book very much as it touched me. I could see what was coming all the while, but I truly became very absorbed in her love of Achilles and the more common man, the mortal Patroclus. Gods are different from mortals, and Achilles is an example of how lonely it may be for them to be half breeds.
Song of Achilles (A Preface remark)
I will preface my remarks about the book by explaining that this sounds as though it is written for a gay marketplace. Because Madeline decided to use Patroclus and Achilles in a relationship that is clearly homosexual, this book will probably be considered controversial. I want to state my own position on this relationship before I discuss the book as written. Achilles is first of all a legend of a kind that nobody can be sure if he in fact actually exists in real history or not. Because he is son of a sea goddess, and the manner in which he is conceived and delivered is dubious to modern day thinkers, it is unlikely that he is in reality nothing more than a modern day Superman. None of us would believe that Superman is a real person, and it does seem odd to think that anyone can think that Achilles is in fact a real person. I am presently mulling over how it is that he came to be known as a son of a goddess, since later Greeks persist in believing in him and his birthright. Because I have studied Achilles and taken to him as well, I was very interested in Madeline's version of him in her vivid imagination.
Because there are two or three references made by authors about him, the authors words are being taken as if they are true rather than just words put into a character's mouth. I have read all the references that support the idea that some authors want to make it appear that Achilles and Patroclus were probably lovers sexually as well as great friends. Any author has the freedom to make of Achilles whatever it is that they want. In my book so far I have used only information gleaned from ancient myths and the Iliad as written by Homer. Epic poem novel that it is.
I had been resistant to the gay overtones in this book, which are often quite explicit, since I know that there is much homophobia in the world, whether right or wrong, makes no difference, but it is there. A god as such is someone who is elevated, and the Greeks seemed to argue which lifestyles elevated them into the socalled Paradisos of the times. Plato's Symposium is an example in which arguments are made both pro and con about sexual gratification as a means of attaining a heavenly bliss.
I am concerned at how teenager boys will react to this book since it is about two young boys who become bonded together, and in the course of this book, actually come to enjoy each other's pleasures in ways that can only be described as gay. Through the course of the book, it becomes a real love story that can also exist without so called sexual embraces. Many people love one another wholly without having to have sexual knowledge of one another...
The point in literature is to ride along with the author, and let the author take you with them in their journey. I suggest that nobody throw the book away just because Patroclus comes to love Achilles, and that Achilles comes to love Patroclus. Give the book the chance for it will be a rather interesting ride through this author's select words.
My next entry will be to discuss the book.
No, I would not have Achilles and Patroclus be considered as homosexual lovers. But this is Madeline Miller's book, not mine. She took this particular path and has dealt with it in a very absorbing way. I interpreted Achilles through the reading of the Iliad totally differently than she has done. Homer does not ever give me the impression that Achilles had any sexual interest in Patroclus at all. It is a family tie that unites them and Achilles is an honorable man, defending his own family.
End of preface for now...Review next.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
More on Achilles
I did several things today as a result of reading this novel called Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. One was to read a review in the New York Times about her book, in which I gained some information from the Times critic. Another was to go to the search engines to see what is being said about Achilles. I had written my own bit of information about this legend for my novel, some of which came from a book on Greek myths for a fraternity house, and other information from the internet, and sources therein. I bookmarked a source from the University of Oregon which seemed to sound a loot like the info I had obtained from the book from the SAE house. I actually relied upon the translation from the Iliad to build my character in the book I am writing,so I have been having fits and starts with the kind of character that Madeline Miller writes. I am very critical of her, liking her very much at times, and disliking her intently at other times. One of the problems in authoring is to not let the author show in the piece one is writing. The writing should flow naturally so that the authors attempt to sound literary purposefully does not intrude upon the piece. She fails in that respect at times as I can feel her struggling with her words to sound letter perfect, thus, losing the tone she is wanting to create. When she describes Achilles so well at one point, she reverts to a language that is totally out of sync with her intent to sound polished and skilled. Using the term sloppy and awry in the negative truly turned me off, and made me very annoyed at her...wishing that she would have a sharp-eyed editor to make her rewrite that paragraph.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Greek Mythology
When one reads the stories told about the Greek gods and goddesses which later became the Roman gods and goddesses one soon learns easily to dismiss these tales as folktales, legend, mythology, and nothing of any real consequence. I am using the Greek gods and goddesses in my story on Alexander since he was certainly under the influence of what was then a powerful and important belief system. The Greeks did in fact believe in the immortality of the gods and the mortality of mere humans. Much of life was truly determined by one's faithfulness to the devotion and sacrifices made to the gods.
Nobody knows exactly how these gods and goddesses came to be known to these ancient souls but literature alone describes and explains them away as the actual cults which devoted their worship to them have since been destroyed and replaced by other greater gods than those who lived then.
I am reading a book by Madeline Miller on a legendary figure called Achilles who is purported to be the son of a minor sea goddess, and a mortal man. In reading about Thetis, she may be more than simply a minor sea goddess but at this writing, in the book that Madeline Miller spins her tale Thetis is reduced to a minor goddess.
Surprisingly enough, Madeline's fantasy tale includes Thetis as a major figure, spinning her version around some of the legends attributed to her.
I have only just begun reading the book which is told through the eyes of Patroclus, who according to legend is a cousin to Achilles. In this book, he is a disgraced Prince who has been punished because of an act of self defense in which he has killed a nobleman's son. However, as a young boy, Patroclus is not quickwitted enough to make his father take pride in him, so for that reason alone, he is sent in exile to live in the house of another man.
I won't review the book until finished, but occasionally Madeline needed someone to coach her a bit when writing this book. She has an editor and entire team to whom she lavishes praise, but I found a few glaring errors that should have been cleaned up (as Caroline, my word processing instructor taught me) before final publishing. I am picky picky at times, despite my glaring errors which I leave all the time for others to criticize. In the end, before publication, my works must be letter perfect too but until then I am a whole lot sloppy and don't give a fuck.
I will say this which will alienate many who are into gay literature. I do not think that Achilles and Patroclus were gay in their relationship so that her gay writing attempt makes me think that this gal is indeed pandering and possibly projecting her own ideas onto a dubious figure at best. The gay crowd does over insist that because someone mentioned thighs that that means copulation of some kind. In my opinion, Madeline goes way too far in her explicit attempt to describe gay sex.
Be that as it may, I am reading the book to the finish. She is an excellent writer in many ways, but there are justifiable criticisms for her decision to juice up her book in this manner.
Not being very interested in gay lifestyles, I do not find it attractive to write about the personal aspects of the relationship. Since Achilles is likely to be as much gay as he is to be born of a sea goddess in fact, all this is so much wasted words.
HOwever, because of the book,I did choose to read all I could about Thetis which is a subject that now fascinates me since she is even in one old hymn described as creator of the Universe.
That delighted me a bit. I honestly think that the descriptions of her in this book A Song Of Achilles are quite intriguing, but I would prefer a different kind of Thetis than this were I to dwell upon this subject enough.
At any rate, more to come as I continue to read the book...between books that describe blood running down girls legs to prove menstrual periods and books that describe the wetness on men's stomachs and bodies to prove ejaculation upon one another, and running one's hands down one's thighs, I am not really impressed that it is good writing at all.
New Eyewear
I will admit that the cost is worth it when one gets a good prescription and good lens to see the world. My old lens were so scratched, and so old that the plastic was beginning to deteriorate. I had little choice but to get new glasses and what a difference it has made to me. Very happy with these at this moment in time. But I learned something last evening when I decided to see if I could use the old frames to have new lens put into them. Most optical houses want to sell you frames and lens, for that is how they make their money. But my frames are so good that I want to put new lens in so as to have a second pair with current prescription. I found a place here that is getting good reviews so I am going to check it out. It is Lesco on Scottsdale Road. I will see how much the lens will cost since it is advertised as very cheap. I hope so.
Shocks to the system
This is Saturday morning, and it is most unusual for me to at my computer at this time of day. But I use my computer cellphone to read all the facebook, twitter, and gmail, etc. since my two computers are having security problems. I am trusting this one to microsoft essentials so it is protected now. But I am always on guard anyway.
However, the word processor is not using my paragraphing so that when this is published, it will be one long text. I use ****for paragraphing on rare occasions.****
Anyway, I received a post at Facebook which completely made me wake up to this problem of writing and authoring. Frankly, years ago when I was dabbling in this business of reincarnation and self hypnosis, grabbing books right and left to see if anything would verify or support the experiences that I had had, I did not write down the author's names or even titles, believing that there would be some record of my reading through the library. Not so. Libraries no longer track your reading habits. So many of those books have either left the system, expired, or dumped at library sales. I notice libraries do clean out their inventory of old and ancient books at times. Least wise, this one did that to me here in Scottsdale.
So, on that note, I rely upon memory but cannot credit an author many times. And memory of course can be faulty. But some things always stick in one's mind but sometimes authors even deny their own words, believe it or not.
And I learned first hand from one author that a written novel can be changed and edited after first release. It happened!
But my shock was seeing the number of ebooks which are available, and how people are having to promote their own works. Are there enough readers for authors? I wonder.
Naturally, I want my own book to be a great one. I am working at it, sometimes more in the mind than on paper or computer, but that way it is easiest to change it when I decide to do that. I am still wrestling with that first sentence and first chapter.
I argue and debate with myself all the time the need to do all of this. But I persist, because once started, it must be completed. End for now. It is after all only morning and I came online to get something done.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Big Debate
I do believe that a political debate is an important tool to decide which candidate to choose when undecided. Most people who have made up their minds overlook their own candidate's faults when watching, but for the truly undecided it can make an important difference.
I consider a candidate from an overall impression that he makes upon the public when he is standing before a great audience. If he shows respect for his audience, I give him extra points. If he seems indifferent or insulting to the audience, I consider it a negative, and it makes an impression on me.
I was favorably impressed with Mitt Romney last night during the 30 minutes that I watched the lackluster debate. I was taken with the fact that Barack Obama acted unconcerned and indifferent to the importance of the debate, displaying a form of his own kind of arrogance. It may have cost him.
But there are two more debates and each one will finally make most people forget the previous one. One should not get too concerned about any of them as being a barometer about the people's beliefs but last night clearly showed that Mitt Romney had a better rapport with the audience than did Barack Obama.
I still do not know which of the two I will think will get my vote. I am mostly concerned about future wars, and would vote for the candidate who would say truthfully and do it and mean it that during his term of office he would not engage in any provocative attacks upon other nations except in extreme emergency.
The social issues at home which include abortion, contraception, and gay rights do not seem that important to me. I know that religious groups are focusing on those kinds of issues regarding funding and getting federal aid. I know that the liberated gay like Obama for his stand on gay marriage and that Mitt Romney will not attract that crowd since the Republicans are for old fashioned male female marriage with parenting instead of sexual fulfilment for sex's sake as the goal. But I frankly think that sex does not belong in a political agenda.
So I cannot endorse either group wholeheartedly since they are letting their emotions rule their heads.
However, I was favorably impressed with Mitt Romney at his first debate. Hopefully, his second and third will be just as enthusiastic and interesting as the first. Barack Obama will have to do better to impress me that he wants to win this election which frankly I have my doubts that he does.
Can't say that I blame him...having to talk to Benjamin Netanyahu every day would be a pain in the neck...My solution to the nuclear crisis is to get Netanyahu out of office in Israel...He is a damned nuisance!
Oh Mercy Me! What belief in Reincarnation does for one.
I woke up this morning at about a quarter of four with a recurrence of my bleeding problem. I had gone to the bathroom when all of a sudden my nose began to bleed, and would not stop. I always plug the nostril with kleenex but had to use toilet tissue and had a dickens of a time grappling with the roll of toilet paper to stop the flow of blood. I got it on my nightgown and on the floor, and finally after a short time and several handfuls of kleenex, I finally got it to stop...Naturally, I always think of Genghis Khan whose stories about bloodclots always gave me comfort and solace, as when one learns of the past, believe it or not, the past sometimes helps to solve today's problems. But just now I got a jolt! I was browsing on my facebook groups to write something at the House of Bourbon so decided to take up my daily life of the King to find out what he had done on October 4, in 1655. Guess what! Blew my mind. The king was bled for some indisposition! Happy anniversarying! Wow! Shocked me no end because I had thought of the bloodletting practices in that day and age, and often think this is a modern day version...of its own accord. No physicians to do it for me...but to find this just absolutely blew me away...Wow!
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