I have been really undecided about this coming election. I finally decided last night after the debate, and then finished voting on my early ballot. One of the two candidates did say something for me that made me think so that I finally decided. In the end, it is a problem for me about this election since on issues I am probably more for the Democrats than for the far right Republicans, but on character and integrity of the person, I am inclined to believe that Mitt Romney may be the more highly moral and sound character than Barack Obama. When Obama allowed horses to go to slaughter for horse meat after he had steadfastly promised not to do that I lost faith in him as a person who keeps his word. For a president not to honor National Day of Prayer, I found him wanting, and for him to wound the feelings of the veterans on Memorial Day through his own agenda at the Viet Nam Wall truly offended me. I do not believe that Barack Obama is considerate of other people's feelings regarding any issue, but is basically a selfish and self serving man, and in one of his statements at the debate, he reinforced that idea to me. When asked about Syria, he did not give a proper answer, and instead asserted his position as being the President. ***
While I am for women's right to choose, women's rights to equal pay, I am also aware that Mitt Romney has already established his role in helping women to gain jobs in government. At least that is what he said when he tried to explain that he had noticed that all the applicants were male, but that he wanted to include females, so he began a policy of recruitment.***
I finally decided on one of the candidates of the four on the Arizona ballot. I won't say who it is but I don't think it matters any longer since Arizona has only four votes in the electoral college, being a sparsely populated state. Larger states will control who is the next president to be elected.
I am not influenced by the right to life groups at all. I believe that they are sanctimoniously lying to themselves about their rights over the rights of women to decide for themselves. I am opposed to that kind of logic so for that reason must insist that Republicans who are more moderate try to regain control of your own party and its platform and quit being hijacked by the far right and its blind insistence upon stealing freedoms away from individuals. America is the land of liberty. Don't turn it into the land of Republican tyranny!
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