Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Friday, December 21, 2012


I woke up from a dream this morning that has impacted me so much I cannot believe it.  In this dream I was facing a white object that was in the room threatening me.  It looked like a white gelatin type of octopus but it had no features, just simply a rounded head with white tentacles that grew and grew. It appeared that it was coming at me, and that I had to plunge something into the center of it to stop it, and I was holding a dagger of some kind but I was trembling so hard, as I was scared to death of the thing as it slithered and slowly made its way towards me...I was shaking so hard I could not make myself attack it, and I knew that I had to cut it up and finally plunge the knife into its center, but I could not make myself get close to I went to get an iron, and the entire dream sequence changed for that was a solution that seemed to make the hideous object (all white and no features but just form) disappear.  But I awoke from that and thought that it resembled an octopus so much because those gelatin slithery tentacles were all over the place.  It was so frightening I could not believe it...that set me off to think about creation...why did God make Octopus in the beginning anyway?  What purpose do they serve? I thought of all the sea life that must be simply teriffied of those tentacles coming at them and squeezing them to death.  What kind of creator is it that creates sharks, whales, guppies, gold fish, octopus, and squid, and all other sea creatures.  While we are celebrating the birth of Light which is God according to teachings, why on earth is this God that we celebrate the author of such deep sea life creatures as the above mentioned?  For what good reason does one have to be born with suckers on one's tentacles?  Why are their cousins on the earth built so similarly, the mighty spider and tarantula.?  What on earth is in creator's mind?

Well, the prelude to this  is that last night a creepy thing happened to me. I had had a most unusal experience with light coming from nowhere years ago at my former apartment. I may have told that story on this blogpost or not...I am not sure. But anyway, I was convinced that it was a manifestation of God and I am  not afraid of God I think until last night.  I suddenly looked up at my ceiling fan...a lot of strange things go on in my apartments it seems, and I saw this square light shining pulsating. In other words, it came and went, came and went. I checked to see if anything in the room could be casting a light on the ceiling and found my cell phone with its blue light pulsating in the same way so I decided it must be the phone's signal.  How it becomes white on the ceiling is more than I know but that satisfied me until I saw it again after I had taken and placed the cell phone on my chest...then it hit me...oh no, they're here. I am certain that these lights can come and go as they please...first time though that I was frightened all of a sudden.I realized then that there is no way to prevent these light forms from coming into my apartment...there may be an explanation...I always try to find the most sane and likely answer...but to no avail...they can enter a room and light up the place at will it seems.  But this time I sensed that I was I believe that is the cause of the dream...
So today I finally spoke of some of the other things that continue to happen around the feeling of a kitten brushing up against my leg, which also happened in bed the other night, but this time on my arm...and I knew then that something was in that room after it spirit? I do not know...but it is for real...the next thing I knew then Marcello my cat came up to the exact spot and touched me... I was certain that he knew what had happened.

Angels which always appeared to man in olden times are said to have said, Fear not. I am not always afraid, but last night I for a slight moment was afraid.  I did not even know of what, but I was afraid of the light that appeared with no explanation for it.  I am sure it must have been the cell phone but not when it was under the blanket so that it could not emit light.  It is all so strange that I decided to write it out...I will probably  delete it after I think about it for awhile...who knows? that is the purpose of a outlet for such thoughts when I need to get them out to think them through...I hope.

1 comment:

  1. What if God is an octopus, and all the time that white blob was doing was trying to reach me and touch me....maybe I was wrong to be afraid...too much analysis...but one has to be self honest now and I really ready for the truth? Is anyone? Well, if not an octopus, in the shape of looks a lot like the sun that way once in a while...oh heck!
