Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Batman connection to Newtown,CT.

The killing of elementary school children in Sandy Hook, Ct. or Newtown, Ct. has created a frenzy amongst certain types of minds in the media.  For some reason, Sandy Hook is mentioned in a scene in the Batman movie Dark Knight Rising which has caused people to believe that there may be a connection between the events in Colorado to those of Connecticut.  Connecting all the dots or all the c's takes us from California to Colorado to Connecticut.  Some dark force does seem to be behind these mysterious shootings which involve such weapons and ammunition.  More than one hundred bullets were found at the scene of the crime, plus there is also some theory that there was a second shooter who has mysteriously disappeared.  There is a photo of a man wearing a batman shirt in the background of an observer watching the police investigate the crime that has popped up on the internet on some foreign language facebook page.  As they say it is a stretch, but when one examines the evidence there appears to be a set of clues jumping off the page to entertain any conspiracy theorist with a mystery to solve.

I see a relation to Olivia Newton John also who played the role of Sandy in Grease if one wants to play on the word Newtown, Ct.  This because she was used so well in the warnings about the hurricane Sandy.  Another one of those ironies is how many Sandy's does the northeast have to endure.

At one website on the internet, Godlike productions, there is an entire thread making one believe that all this is staged as a movie production.  Any more, with theatrics being what it is, one could almost believe that some great author/ writer/ director/ producer has managed to manufacture all these crimes to puzzle the greatest detective minds in world history.  Nothing surprises me any longer.  Who can top Arthur Conan Doyle in writing a real life true mystery?  Solve that, and we might know who could be capable of such a plot.  It did occur to me that there is a real malevolent body trying to create fear in the hearts and minds of men and women, but is safe and secure in the gullibility of the American and world mind to know that only a few would ever realize such a connection. Moviegoers would see it immediately.

I do believe the motivation is fear.  Fear is behind all of it.  Many short stories have already been written about the power of fear. The entire western half of the nation was developed in a fear ridden society.  For all its grandeur, advanced life style, Americans are still basically small town and law abiding, but there are still evil minds and deeds that require the intelligence of a great detective and law enforcement agency.  I hope that the dramatists have not produced a real scenario of madness that could paralyze a nation and a world.

We need good detectives, real intelligence, and a sharing of the real facts to the community so that we can continue to leave in peace and harmony with one another, making Barney Fife the only necessary law officer in small town America.  I hope that this murder gets solved quickly so that the public can relax and enjoy life in the USA as we have always known it, safe, sound, and secure.


  1. I have to have an outlet to get this out of my system. One sentence is garbled a bit but that is o.k. I am on a thinking binge and have to write it out. I am sure that there is more to all of this than meets the eye. It is too strange to think that this kid acquires all this ammunition so easily and readily, and then has the nerve to carry it out when he has been described as so meek and mild. Something does not add up here.

  2. Hi, can you direct me to the link to the image of someone wearing a batman t shirt?
