Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Unbelievable Match

I had my novel validated today for word count, and my number is totally unreal! It is 53,538 words, and the reason it is so unreal is that it matches an important number of mine that made it something I can never forget. Absolutely unreal! However, my open office word count was a bit more than that, standing at 53, 946 words. So go figure!

I am so relieved, but my novel is first draft status only, not a finished product yet. It is salable, is interesting, and is in need of a lot of work, rewrites, re-editing, etc. One puts out the first draft for the purpose of building a frame, a foundation, and for having the novel essentially flexed out. I compare it to building a house and/or giving birth to a baby. I actually loved working on this except for the tedious places where I had to set up my construction or in metaphor terms build my walls. I have a plan in mind, but in order to do it, I had to do a lot of work in writing out all the groundwork. That was very long, tedious, and tiresome, but in the end,very important in developing the book and making my main points!

Plus, I had to reread several books, poems, and plays. There is a poem I want to use at some point but I did not get it onto this part of the book yet. It will come as I love it, and would use it in the frontispiece.

This novel is following upon my days at Kent State University when I discussed the power of religious beliefs upon our personalities, and it fascinates me this many years later, to see how time passes but in truth, many ideas remain the same despite daily ongoing growth and changes. It has really hit me at how much I have learned in the years since I moved from Colorado back to Arizona. All this is relevant as so many strange things have happened while I have lived in this part of the USA.

So being honest with myself, I do believe that this novel has helped me in many more ways than I would have suspected. I love the creative part of it, and I love my major theme which is obvious without too much discussion. It reenforces many beliefs that I had had as a teenager and adolescent, and I can see how far I have come since writing those thoughts for a philosophy class. Who would have ever believed that I would end up harkening back to the age of Alexander, and those gods and goddesses so important then! Go Greek!

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