Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Monday, January 31, 2011
88 starring Al Pacino
I have been catching up on movies that I have never seen, and often never knew existed. This movie 88 is one that I had never known anything about at all, but its story is a strange one. I checked out a bunch of movies last week, some of which I decided not to see, once I received a notice from the library about one that is new and must be returned. Someone did me wrong song and so I had to correct an error made at the library, but do not know what happened. I am not truly paranoid, but I have been well aware of the fact that people have been picking on me.
I could cite instance after instance, but this one truly perplexes me. I had a library card and nobody but nobody has ever used it but me. There were four movies charged on my account that I did not make. I do not know how they got there, but after explaining why I was making a complaint, I learned this about the other films. She did correct the problem for me, but said that perhaps someone in my family may have used my card. I said no. That is impossible. Frankly, the only people who could do this is inside the library in my opinion for who else would have access to my account but someone inside. At any rate, I ended up getting a new card with a new number and then found this movie 88. 88 stands for minutes in this flick.
It is about a serial killer who is out to get even with a forensic psychiatrist whose testimony has put the killer behind bars for the past nine years and now is about to be executed for having killed several women in a brutal and sadistic way.
The forensic psychiatrist is portrayed by Al Pacino and he gives a very believable performance in his Columbo type appearance. He also teaches and so most of the film is about his students in his classroom who are studying to become as savvy as he is in his work.
In the meantime he is being threatened with phonecalls about his impending death, and the calls are being made to harrass him but also to help prove that his testimony was faulty so that the convicted killer can get a stay of exeuction. Through the movie we are reminded of other serial killers, Ted Bundy, and others whose names I prefer to forget momentarily, as all of these killers are terribly psychotic and evil, and frankly, the entire movie is so depressing that one wonders why and how anyone can watch such stuff...yet because I have a personal interest in the Ted Bundy murders, I was spellbound and sat riveted to the finish of the film.
It is very fast paced, well directed, and certainly well acted. It has surprise twists, frightful pictures of torture, sadism, and death, and is scarey as hell. It served to remind me of a movie about Ted Bundy which was made shortly after I visited Anaheim one year and met up with a security officer who gave me a ride to the Disneyland attraction. This was a reminder to me of that, as I used Ted Bundy as a reason for some of my behaviour. Later, our conversation was a part of the film about Bundy. I was in Florida when the attack on the girls in the Chi O house at the university happened. Ted had come all the way from the state of Washington to Florida to commit another one of his crimes. It coincided with something I did in my apartment using the secrets of the house to demonstrate a point. So this movie reminded me of that again, as did the tie in to the library card and the title of the movie.
The 88 in the movie has a reason which is very sad to understand. The plot of the ovie is so thin until one remembers the Charles Manson cases to know that young girls are easily manipulated with drugs, mind control, and seduction by evil men to do what they want them to do. So yes, it can happen that some woman can become the tool of some man to do his bidding. The twist is not so unusual after all, remembering the likes of Squeaky Fromm and others...
It is horror that ends satisfactorily...after all, it is Hollywood and fancy that...movies make for happy endings...Al Pacino stays alive!
Theatrical trailer will follow if I find one...this movie is incredibly important to see despite its horror story. Be careful at all times...
I could cite instance after instance, but this one truly perplexes me. I had a library card and nobody but nobody has ever used it but me. There were four movies charged on my account that I did not make. I do not know how they got there, but after explaining why I was making a complaint, I learned this about the other films. She did correct the problem for me, but said that perhaps someone in my family may have used my card. I said no. That is impossible. Frankly, the only people who could do this is inside the library in my opinion for who else would have access to my account but someone inside. At any rate, I ended up getting a new card with a new number and then found this movie 88. 88 stands for minutes in this flick.
It is about a serial killer who is out to get even with a forensic psychiatrist whose testimony has put the killer behind bars for the past nine years and now is about to be executed for having killed several women in a brutal and sadistic way.
The forensic psychiatrist is portrayed by Al Pacino and he gives a very believable performance in his Columbo type appearance. He also teaches and so most of the film is about his students in his classroom who are studying to become as savvy as he is in his work.
In the meantime he is being threatened with phonecalls about his impending death, and the calls are being made to harrass him but also to help prove that his testimony was faulty so that the convicted killer can get a stay of exeuction. Through the movie we are reminded of other serial killers, Ted Bundy, and others whose names I prefer to forget momentarily, as all of these killers are terribly psychotic and evil, and frankly, the entire movie is so depressing that one wonders why and how anyone can watch such stuff...yet because I have a personal interest in the Ted Bundy murders, I was spellbound and sat riveted to the finish of the film.
It is very fast paced, well directed, and certainly well acted. It has surprise twists, frightful pictures of torture, sadism, and death, and is scarey as hell. It served to remind me of a movie about Ted Bundy which was made shortly after I visited Anaheim one year and met up with a security officer who gave me a ride to the Disneyland attraction. This was a reminder to me of that, as I used Ted Bundy as a reason for some of my behaviour. Later, our conversation was a part of the film about Bundy. I was in Florida when the attack on the girls in the Chi O house at the university happened. Ted had come all the way from the state of Washington to Florida to commit another one of his crimes. It coincided with something I did in my apartment using the secrets of the house to demonstrate a point. So this movie reminded me of that again, as did the tie in to the library card and the title of the movie.
The 88 in the movie has a reason which is very sad to understand. The plot of the ovie is so thin until one remembers the Charles Manson cases to know that young girls are easily manipulated with drugs, mind control, and seduction by evil men to do what they want them to do. So yes, it can happen that some woman can become the tool of some man to do his bidding. The twist is not so unusual after all, remembering the likes of Squeaky Fromm and others...
It is horror that ends satisfactorily...after all, it is Hollywood and fancy that...movies make for happy endings...Al Pacino stays alive!
Theatrical trailer will follow if I find one...this movie is incredibly important to see despite its horror story. Be careful at all times...
Writer's Workshop
Last Saturday, two local authors who have works published shared their experiences with the small group who attended as a result of the NaNoWriMo effort last fall. It was a total waste of time and I wish now I would have spent my time in other ways but I did at least get some insight into the game that writers play with one another.
I won't go into specifics. It will remain unspoken except as a reminder to self not to get taken in again by "freebies".
No video will accompany this short reminder to self about publishing and authorship.
I won't go into specifics. It will remain unspoken except as a reminder to self not to get taken in again by "freebies".
No video will accompany this short reminder to self about publishing and authorship.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Inglourious Basterds - Official Trailer [HD]
This movie is a comedy of a kind but because it is about Nazi Germany it would seem to be a tragedy. The comedy is an inside inside but if you see it as cowboys versus Indians (since Brad Pitt is part Apache) then the Germans are the cowboys and the Italians the Indians in the inside the movie storyline...I am sure a lot of Indians probably would feel the same as the Jews who are depicted seem to feel, wanting revenge and to get even for all the hurt inflicted on why do they do it now to their neighbors in Palestine? At any rate, the actress who is a lone survivor of a Nazi roundup has to face her enemies and swallow her own pride working with them to show a movie depicting the Germans as heroic in the face of their enemies, the Italians. The entire scenario is preposterous from start to finish which is why it is comedic. Everyone gets killed in the end, which of course did not happen. There is no historical truth to any of this film. It is just Quentin doing a wish I could have been there and done it this way, and his way is not exactly the right way either. Actually, there are enough bad guys on the planet today who probably could stand being mowed down also but nobody has the will to end their lives either. Only Saddam Hussein was finally put down by his own people. Whether all the stories about him are true or propaganda is something nobody will ever know either. People have a way of fabricating stories to justify their actions. Right now, it is Mubarak in Egypt who is under fire. Muslim turnovers only get more Muslims, so why get excited about it? Just like American elections only get more Amerians elected, why worry?
The movie is fast paced, entertaining, and thoughtful on a special level. Worth the time to see.
The movie is fast paced, entertaining, and thoughtful on a special level. Worth the time to see.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The International - Trailer in iHD™
The International is a tense, exciting thriller of a movie that does keep you involved and interested to the end. The closest to an Alfred Hitchcock movie that I have seen in years. Most don't have as much suspense and excitement as Hitchcock was able to bring to the screen, but this one seems to do it. It also makes one think about who actually does control the strings of all the world turmoil, conflicts, recessions, depressions, and swings up into great financial success. It is all about money, power, and murder...a really intense and intelligent screenplay, wellacted and directed...liked it. recommend highly
Friday, January 28, 2011
Avatar Trailer The Movie (New Extended HD Trailer)
Avatar received all kinds of acclaim, and I avoided it until now. I finally watched it this afternoon, and liked it after all, despite its being very anti military and too obvious in its attempt to make the Marine Corps and George Bush Administration look like fools. One can see through this film, believe it or not.
But the scenic effects are gorgeous, the plot too thin and stupid to suit me, but scientist Grace played by Signourney Weaver does get points for being at least a good performance and great character for any actress. Weaver is wonderful. The premise of humanoids on other planets annoys me as I cannot stand earthlings projecting their fantasies, hopes, fears, and bad seeds onto other planets at all.
Since this movie is another dream movie as is Inception, I had to wonder about the idea that these dreamwalkers could be taken very seriously by the inhabitants of the place called Pandora. ( Pandora's box no doubt).
A case of reality fighting with itself in a dreamlike state is just a bit too farfetched for me to take very seriously.
So all in all, I did not really like this film, but it did touch me at a few levels. In truth, many soldiers do become disenchanted with their superiors, and it is easy to see why.
Nobody likes the devil in the end, no matter whether seen in Avatar or Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. At least in the Imaginarium plot, the devil is able to admit who he is to himself. It is only after being provoked in Avatar that the real devil reveals himself there too...Interesting to see these two films back to back.
Guess Hollywood is on a roll on time travel and dreamscapes!
But the scenic effects are gorgeous, the plot too thin and stupid to suit me, but scientist Grace played by Signourney Weaver does get points for being at least a good performance and great character for any actress. Weaver is wonderful. The premise of humanoids on other planets annoys me as I cannot stand earthlings projecting their fantasies, hopes, fears, and bad seeds onto other planets at all.
Since this movie is another dream movie as is Inception, I had to wonder about the idea that these dreamwalkers could be taken very seriously by the inhabitants of the place called Pandora. ( Pandora's box no doubt).
A case of reality fighting with itself in a dreamlike state is just a bit too farfetched for me to take very seriously.
So all in all, I did not really like this film, but it did touch me at a few levels. In truth, many soldiers do become disenchanted with their superiors, and it is easy to see why.
Nobody likes the devil in the end, no matter whether seen in Avatar or Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. At least in the Imaginarium plot, the devil is able to admit who he is to himself. It is only after being provoked in Avatar that the real devil reveals himself there too...Interesting to see these two films back to back.
Guess Hollywood is on a roll on time travel and dreamscapes!
"The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" - Official Trailer [HD HQ]
I like this movie. This is a fun trip that reminded me of Shanley and her nine muses a bit much, especially with the use of the mirror, but so...what can you say? Hollywood has a tendency to be never original no matter whether in USA or in London. But I loved the characters in the film, all were interesting and novel, and Terry Gilliam as writer and director is excellent in his artwork and creativity. I loved this movie for all the special effects, the simple charm, eloquence, style, and humor and pathos...for once, even Johnny Depp and Colin Farrell prove to be really great in their performances...shows what a difference a director does make. Christopher Plummer is magnificent, as each and every actor in this film is superb. A great movie, much overlooked, but well worth seeing and enjoying...themes as old as eternity but a great version for those of us who like to tickle the imagination...Excellent...see it by all means. And not to forget that it is Keith Ledger's last film in which he is truly excellent in his performance.
Nine - Official Trailer [HD]
I had read about Nine in Vanity Fair magazine so I wanted to see the movie. Finally have done that...It is a flop, a badly strung together group of musical numbers trying to rival Chicago, but failing. The pace of the movie is too slow, the intent to copy Fellini's 8 1'/2 poorly structured without the necessary equipment of beautiful Italian women to save the film...the too bland and too inane character of the director, the horrible character of the costume confidante portrayed by Judith Dench...All the wonderful actresses intended to draw the audience to see this film just did not work well at all...not Italia at all. Fergie a far fetched caricature of really fantastic women of the just did not work at all as Daniel Day Lewis was too weak, too much like some fashion designer diva to make one believe in him...he was a jerk all the way through and made me think of Charlton Heston too much...a very bad film for all the wrong reasons...I do not recommend it except if you like hypocrisy and blatant sexuality done really stupidly, you might be able to accept the theme of miserable wife versus miserable mistress with a certain amount of is totally ridiculous and very unsympathetic as frankly I cannot see either lady as anything to get excited about, especially Penelope Cruz's poor attempt at being truly did not come off as anything but amateur hour...sorry but this is one of the worst! The only actress half way interesting to see is Kate Hudson, who is too obvious in her wanting to bed the famous director too, and he is the cats pajamas for being someone who most would want to avoid rather than become involved in a romantic encounter...bad choice...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Katherine Jenkins and Andrea Bocelli - I Believe
I saw the Christmas DVD that Andrea Bocelli and David Foster produced. This number is a part of that Christmas album and I liked the song so much I decided to place it here to share.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Disc-Shaped Object Photographed by Hungarian Military Pilot (09 29 2001)
I saw this video on ATS tonight and want to have it here to see again when I choose.
This event is significant because of the choice of song that the pianist chose to play at the White House dinner. It is quite controversial since it is supposed to be an AntiAmerican song if one interprets the term "jackal" as being America. Thus, a lot of controversy is appearing on the various talk groups about the wisdom of this Chinese pianist playing this song for Barack Obama. Obama had known what the song would be in advance so it was done with his approval. I decided after hearing about it to view the video and saw half of it and put it here to remember this event. It sounded very "twangy" to me which is very Chinese, but to the pianist it is very patriotic and sentimental to him. I wonder at his reaction to his appearance in America now.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
HORRIBLE HISTORIES - Alexander The Great
HOrrible Histories makes a point as to whether overkill began with Alexander. Doesn't it make you wonder that only one city is named for Bucephalus? He was buried there. Somehow there is a message there...if one could only discern it.
Horrible Histories - Charles II: King of Bling
Charles II was exiled in France before finally being returned to rule England as King. His sister Henrietta married Philippe, King Louis XIV's younger brother, and was Charles II's favorite. He called her his Minette.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
UFO making 90 degree turns - original footage
This video was discussed at abovetopsecret today and last night while out walking at our 9:00 walk I saw three lights in the sky, one an airplane with the regular lighting on it, and two at a distance that looked similar to those that appeared in NYC, ElPaso, TX, and a few other spots in the world. The fact that they moved from one location to another, both objects, and then parted, and then one disappeared totally while the other remained hovering overhead made me wonder what they are. So this piece of video which is being cussed and discussed by those who love to debunk and approve at ATS caught my fancy. The 90 degree turn is certainly obvious.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Someone told me that it is better to use the term connection to a person of the past rather than to use the term reincarnation. I appreciate that as I am always protecting myself by saying that it is a spiritual journey in which I have relived a life of a particular person.
This problem of the statue illustrates why it is that I protect myself. I once heard a black woman and Oliver North discuss the idea of whether anyone could be the reincarnation of GW. My ears picked up then. Can you imagine being blacklisted because you admit to having been a person of yesteryear, especially a person of fame from yesteryear? Well, believe it, as it would happen if people actually believed that you could be right and correct about it.
That is the symbolism of the attitude about the statue to me. Would George Washington not be welcome to come and visit with anyone in this land should he show up and present himself? Not only him, but others of our forefathers? And for what reason would anyone be so rude as to not invite him to dinner and to sup with him?
As Jesus said, what you do to the least of them, you do to me...that is the symbolism that Jesus gave to show that he is everyman.
So high or mighty, low and insignificant, no matter who you are now, who you were then, what is it that you have done to deserve public embarrassment and humiliation to not be considered a friend?
So you see that even if reborn again, the flesh today hides the soul within, and no matter how high or low we are or will be, the love within us is the only tie to the God within us that we have. God is Love. When we lose that, we become the cymbals of nothing...we are nothing at all...we are self annihilated.
Pity those who do not know how to love.
This problem of the statue illustrates why it is that I protect myself. I once heard a black woman and Oliver North discuss the idea of whether anyone could be the reincarnation of GW. My ears picked up then. Can you imagine being blacklisted because you admit to having been a person of yesteryear, especially a person of fame from yesteryear? Well, believe it, as it would happen if people actually believed that you could be right and correct about it.
That is the symbolism of the attitude about the statue to me. Would George Washington not be welcome to come and visit with anyone in this land should he show up and present himself? Not only him, but others of our forefathers? And for what reason would anyone be so rude as to not invite him to dinner and to sup with him?
As Jesus said, what you do to the least of them, you do to me...that is the symbolism that Jesus gave to show that he is everyman.
So high or mighty, low and insignificant, no matter who you are now, who you were then, what is it that you have done to deserve public embarrassment and humiliation to not be considered a friend?
So you see that even if reborn again, the flesh today hides the soul within, and no matter how high or low we are or will be, the love within us is the only tie to the God within us that we have. God is Love. When we lose that, we become the cymbals of nothing...we are nothing at all...we are self annihilated.
Pity those who do not know how to love.
Revising my opinions on the brown box and GW in SC
There is little doubt that the act of putting a brown box to block George Washington's appearance at a NAACP rally is truly troubling. I am wondering why it had to be a brown box. White would have been preferable but apparently the poverty stricken can only afford brown boxes instead of white boxes. Disgraceful!
It clearly shows lack of originality, as they appear to have copycatted some other group who likewise used the statue as a prop for their organization. This can only be realized through a careful study of the thread at abovetopsecret which proved that it is not the first time that George has suffered such ignominy at a rally in this particular area.
However, an artist could have made this interesting had they showed any sense of organization and creativity. Lord knows Bored Panda has demonstrated how many bus stops can be changed to sell products. Why didn't the NAACP think to place some interesting billboard in front of the statue instead of merely a brown box? Totally exposing themselves to the depth of their bankrupt condition.
It clearly shows lack of originality, as they appear to have copycatted some other group who likewise used the statue as a prop for their organization. This can only be realized through a careful study of the thread at abovetopsecret which proved that it is not the first time that George has suffered such ignominy at a rally in this particular area.
However, an artist could have made this interesting had they showed any sense of organization and creativity. Lord knows Bored Panda has demonstrated how many bus stops can be changed to sell products. Why didn't the NAACP think to place some interesting billboard in front of the statue instead of merely a brown box? Totally exposing themselves to the depth of their bankrupt condition.
The NAACP disrespectfully covers up statue of George Washington at MLK r...
No matter how you view this, it is wrong. A white box would have been preferred anyway.
Van Wert Locomotive
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
2011 in only first three weeks
I don't believe that this new year has had a great start, but food wise I was enjoying myself since when one gets to the age where life is mostly tolerance and patience with everyday details, food is one of the most pleasurable and essential parts of living.
So in that respect, I was actually thinking that the new year was off to a good start as I had a couple of really great meals, thanks to some great buys at local supermarkets...I had king crab legs one night thanks to a Safeway bargain that really made me very happy. Crab legs cost a fortune and this was just a package enough for one and I found it and enjoyed! Thanks Safeway!
However, if the new year is to be measured by annoying and irritating events, then the water problems at the apartment are so ridiculous and annoying that it makes the year already a bummer. We have had the water shut down twice, and it will be a third time tomorrow so that it is off to a really bad start.
However, Zenyatta was named horse of the year at the Eclipse awards which makes me feel that finally someone has done something right in the world of horseracing.
Zenyatta has an enviable record that will not be matched for many a decade as she is a filly whose reputation for winning can only be compared to the awesome and mighty Man of War. So we of this generation were lucky to finally witness a race horse within our own time that deserves the recognition and accolades that have finally been bestowed upon her.
I am in the process of reviewing my novel about Alexander and shared a couple of pages with a group and know that one person there has read the page I shared. I have not heard from others to know if they did or did not read it.
I had it come to my file at yahoo in a way that I could not read it, but I have the original so that I know what is in it. One person was kind enough to let me know that she/he had read it and I appreciate that.
I have a lot of work to do on it. So far, the year has only begun...Gads, I wish I could make it a great one yet!
So in that respect, I was actually thinking that the new year was off to a good start as I had a couple of really great meals, thanks to some great buys at local supermarkets...I had king crab legs one night thanks to a Safeway bargain that really made me very happy. Crab legs cost a fortune and this was just a package enough for one and I found it and enjoyed! Thanks Safeway!
However, if the new year is to be measured by annoying and irritating events, then the water problems at the apartment are so ridiculous and annoying that it makes the year already a bummer. We have had the water shut down twice, and it will be a third time tomorrow so that it is off to a really bad start.
However, Zenyatta was named horse of the year at the Eclipse awards which makes me feel that finally someone has done something right in the world of horseracing.
Zenyatta has an enviable record that will not be matched for many a decade as she is a filly whose reputation for winning can only be compared to the awesome and mighty Man of War. So we of this generation were lucky to finally witness a race horse within our own time that deserves the recognition and accolades that have finally been bestowed upon her.
I am in the process of reviewing my novel about Alexander and shared a couple of pages with a group and know that one person there has read the page I shared. I have not heard from others to know if they did or did not read it.
I had it come to my file at yahoo in a way that I could not read it, but I have the original so that I know what is in it. One person was kind enough to let me know that she/he had read it and I appreciate that.
I have a lot of work to do on it. So far, the year has only begun...Gads, I wish I could make it a great one yet!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Golden Globe Awards 68th edition
The Social Network took the best picture award tonight at the Golden Globe Awards. I had heard but have not seen The King's Speech which did earn an actor, Colin Firth, his Globe award, for portraying the King of England having to undergo speech therapy.
Social Network turns out to be a movie about FACEBOOK of all things. I was shocked at the number of awards that it received, having never heard a darn thing about it.
A comment at yahoo said that they had walked out of it halfway through as it was so awful. So I wonder what it is about. I will post a trailer here if I find one.
The elaborate gowns, the usual Hollywood nominate them and never let them win anything proved to be a constant also as the same old repeats won again and again, and everyone there seemed to be surprised and happy for some and probably a bit sour grapes on others. I mean really, when a newcome young kid wins and an old timer who has been around many times always to be beaten out, it becomes a bit strange to wonder what kind of game is this going on?
Remember, some actors who were considered great never won an oscar at all but were nominated repeatedly. For awhile, it was the Susan Lucci bad joke of the Emmy's, but we see it again at awards time in Hollywood.
In other words, why didn't Johnny Depp win a globe award? Up for two movies and no globe award...oh well, such is the Foreign Press.
I guess I will post a trailer for The Tourist too and maybe even Alice In Wonderland.
Social Network turns out to be a movie about FACEBOOK of all things. I was shocked at the number of awards that it received, having never heard a darn thing about it.
A comment at yahoo said that they had walked out of it halfway through as it was so awful. So I wonder what it is about. I will post a trailer here if I find one.
The elaborate gowns, the usual Hollywood nominate them and never let them win anything proved to be a constant also as the same old repeats won again and again, and everyone there seemed to be surprised and happy for some and probably a bit sour grapes on others. I mean really, when a newcome young kid wins and an old timer who has been around many times always to be beaten out, it becomes a bit strange to wonder what kind of game is this going on?
Remember, some actors who were considered great never won an oscar at all but were nominated repeatedly. For awhile, it was the Susan Lucci bad joke of the Emmy's, but we see it again at awards time in Hollywood.
In other words, why didn't Johnny Depp win a globe award? Up for two movies and no globe award...oh well, such is the Foreign Press.
I guess I will post a trailer for The Tourist too and maybe even Alice In Wonderland.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Le Roi Just Dances
In response to Sandra Taylor's posting Lady Gaga's video on the French Revolution, I found this Lady Gaga meets Louis XIV which uses a song of hers, Just Dance, to the video of the film Le Roi Danse, The King Dances. I have not seen the film or even know much about Lady Gaga except to know that she is a current ongoing name in music, and history teachers for some reasons uses musicians to parody history. Some are good; some are soso, and so this is the Madame GAGA but not with historyteachers, just a Louisfan group. To be honest, I am not as receptive of the musicals about women who have lost their heads in history as I frankly am in true sympathy with their fate, and find nothing remotely amusing about Henry VIII or the French Revolution. Sorry, but I find it deplorable.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Doug O'Neill and Paul Reddam after Square Eddie wins
When the trainer and the owner are this excited, then you know that this race is more than just legitimate. I had noticed the horse during his walkon and the cameraman, director, and horse combined to tell me that he was ready for the win. In fact, he broke the track record for the distance of 6 1/2 furlongs. It was a great race and the one I decided to stick with in my day of betting,so I walked out of Brennan's a happy camper also. I learned a lot from this video which I saw at Twitter soon after. It made me happy to show that most races are as much a surprise to the trainer as to the bettors! Good race. Jolly good win for me. Now if we can only keep this up!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Queensland Floods Jan 11th 2011 Race Horses swim for survival
This story from Queensland, Australia, appealed to me. I had seen a view from space showing the flood waters rising in Australia at the NASA twitter link, and it is perfectly dreadful to see the tragedy that faces so many who live in "down under". To see these race horses attempt to survive is incredible, especially when one considers the phtoographer who captured these images. I wish that there were a follow up story on this but my last Twitter breaking news story told of 13 dead according to Sydney news story.
I know that Todo Bramble also posted this photo at Facebook but the Twitter story caused me to add it to my ongoing daily journal here.
I have been overwhelmed all this first part of January also through day to day routines which have frazzled my nerves. I had not realized how much I had needed companionship until I acquired this kitten. Love stories are strange as it is difficult to find someone to love and to let love you in return. The kitten is teaching me a lesson that way. As I love horses so much, this story in Australia is very poignant. We had had nighttime racing with the Aussies here in this region. I am sure that it is interrupted.
I know that Todo Bramble also posted this photo at Facebook but the Twitter story caused me to add it to my ongoing daily journal here.
I have been overwhelmed all this first part of January also through day to day routines which have frazzled my nerves. I had not realized how much I had needed companionship until I acquired this kitten. Love stories are strange as it is difficult to find someone to love and to let love you in return. The kitten is teaching me a lesson that way. As I love horses so much, this story in Australia is very poignant. We had had nighttime racing with the Aussies here in this region. I am sure that it is interrupted.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Shooting of Congresswoman Gifford in Tucson
Saturday morning, a young man, only 22 years old, decided to make a name for himself by going to a Congress on the Corner rally held by Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, a rising star in the Tucson area, according to Democratic party leaders. The young man, name of Jared Lougher, has had a history of interesting rants and raves about politics and is a constituent of Gifford's as he is a part of her district. He had wanted to talk to her, according to some news reports, but was told to go back to stand in line with everyone else there but he returned to take out a 9 mm glock pistol and shot Gifford in the back of the skull pointblank. She survived due to the fact that the bullet entered the rear of her skull and went directly through narrowly missing the right side. Somehow or other, Ms. Gifford's guardian angels were able to have her situated so that her intern came directly to her, tried to relieve her pain by having her sit up, and he applied pressure to the wound, stemming the bleeding, and relieving the pressure upon the brain itself. She is in intensive care, as ordinarily, any other human being (90%) would have died instantly.
So she is a most fortunate young woman, but a judge who came to see her, was killed instantly, a young man who was one of her aides, and a young child, who had come especially to meet her, as well as three senior citizens were killed in the melee that followed.
The sorrow of all of this is that the Congresswoman was doing what good congress people do, greeting and meeting with her constituents. Why on earth this young man would think to take a weapon to a political rally is more than anyone can know. His action is an insult to the principles of America. It is especially hurtful when an open assembly for the purpose of communication between elected representatives and citizens is so blemished in the cause of democratic lifestyles.
All we can think is that the young man is psychologically disturbed, incompetent to be a part of the democratic lifestyle, since he has taken it upon himself to take matters into his own hand, choosing to kill rather than to reason with officials within the government.
I sincerely hope that he does not become some kind of antihero to the malcontents who love to sling words of hatred around so free and easily. Government has become a known evil amongst the citizens of the nation when the wrong way politicians continue to self aggrandize themselves, forget their constituents altogether, and reward themselves with great salaries, benefits, and perks that include free vacations, trips, gifts, etc. so that they have all become career politicans whose only interests appear to be self- serving rather than representatives of the citizens who have so foolishly elected them to office.
It is with sorrow that we lament the actions of one long gunman. It makes it difficult for all those who want the democratic lifestyle to work right. We must continue to believe in the promises of government for, of, and by the people and the people themselves must help to make it work.
So she is a most fortunate young woman, but a judge who came to see her, was killed instantly, a young man who was one of her aides, and a young child, who had come especially to meet her, as well as three senior citizens were killed in the melee that followed.
The sorrow of all of this is that the Congresswoman was doing what good congress people do, greeting and meeting with her constituents. Why on earth this young man would think to take a weapon to a political rally is more than anyone can know. His action is an insult to the principles of America. It is especially hurtful when an open assembly for the purpose of communication between elected representatives and citizens is so blemished in the cause of democratic lifestyles.
All we can think is that the young man is psychologically disturbed, incompetent to be a part of the democratic lifestyle, since he has taken it upon himself to take matters into his own hand, choosing to kill rather than to reason with officials within the government.
I sincerely hope that he does not become some kind of antihero to the malcontents who love to sling words of hatred around so free and easily. Government has become a known evil amongst the citizens of the nation when the wrong way politicians continue to self aggrandize themselves, forget their constituents altogether, and reward themselves with great salaries, benefits, and perks that include free vacations, trips, gifts, etc. so that they have all become career politicans whose only interests appear to be self- serving rather than representatives of the citizens who have so foolishly elected them to office.
It is with sorrow that we lament the actions of one long gunman. It makes it difficult for all those who want the democratic lifestyle to work right. We must continue to believe in the promises of government for, of, and by the people and the people themselves must help to make it work.
The Three Videos of William Shatner
I posted three videos of Shatner in a t.v. pilot that did not work for the producers. It also features Adam West at the end of the film who later became Batman character. These are interesting and amusing depictions of a Hollywood Alexander who once again would probably have turned Alexander into a character joke. So happy that they decided to opt for outer space and Startrek so that Shatner could be Captain Kirk.
I put these on here since Maria D put the 30 minute video on the Alexander-Macedon blogspot which has to have a special activation. These are from Youtube which can be seen without having to download or make additions to the computer. I get tired of always having to add something to see a video so I thought that for my own personal comfort and ease in viewing I would simply place these here.
They are seen in three parts. Anyone who is interested can either use them at this blogspot or go to youtube to see them. I thought William Shatner a very amusing type of Alexander. Alexander should never be likened to the Lone Ranger or any other stock Hollywood type. He is not fit to be cast in that kind of role. He is a very serious man whose real image cannot ever be captured by cinema or video.
While I do believe that I have had the luxury of knowing Alexander in a way that only I will ever be able to understand, I am aware of how many different kinds of people are attracted to him. None probably for the right reasons,but I will say this much. So long as they are attracted to him, they can leave me alone which is great for me. A lot like diversions of any kind to prevent too much excessive interest in the present state of soul and flesh.
I am having to decide whether to actually publish my draft novel now that I have written this much of it, and I deliberately wrote it as I did to give myself lots of exits should I decide to keep it to myself only.
I will do the revision so that I can get the novel printed as promised, but I will be careful about what comes out in published form. Drafts can always be changed. Once published, all is done!
I put these on here since Maria D put the 30 minute video on the Alexander-Macedon blogspot which has to have a special activation. These are from Youtube which can be seen without having to download or make additions to the computer. I get tired of always having to add something to see a video so I thought that for my own personal comfort and ease in viewing I would simply place these here.
They are seen in three parts. Anyone who is interested can either use them at this blogspot or go to youtube to see them. I thought William Shatner a very amusing type of Alexander. Alexander should never be likened to the Lone Ranger or any other stock Hollywood type. He is not fit to be cast in that kind of role. He is a very serious man whose real image cannot ever be captured by cinema or video.
While I do believe that I have had the luxury of knowing Alexander in a way that only I will ever be able to understand, I am aware of how many different kinds of people are attracted to him. None probably for the right reasons,but I will say this much. So long as they are attracted to him, they can leave me alone which is great for me. A lot like diversions of any kind to prevent too much excessive interest in the present state of soul and flesh.
I am having to decide whether to actually publish my draft novel now that I have written this much of it, and I deliberately wrote it as I did to give myself lots of exits should I decide to keep it to myself only.
I will do the revision so that I can get the novel printed as promised, but I will be careful about what comes out in published form. Drafts can always be changed. Once published, all is done!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Editorial on N word
I was a language teacher. My students loved to trick me into writing words on the board so that they could go home and tell mom and dad that Miss F had taught them the F word today...that was a cute one...No other word seems to continue to bewitch youngsters than the f word, and no it is not FUN.
So now I read at CBSnews a story about Huckleberry Finn being edited to eliminate the word "nigger" in the classical tale that Mark Twain wrote describing life in Missouri in his age.
The word "nigger" became controversial at a time when Negroes not then yet known as blacks but usually as "colored" started to grumble about the word being considered hurtful and painful to them since it was often used in a tone that was condescending and patronizing.
Tone is everything in a word. People can use the same word lovingly and tenderly so that it is considered highly desirable. In Twain's case,the word was used to specify and identify an individual the same as the term Injun was often used to describe what we today call "native Americans". Nigger Joe or Injun Joe are used in the same way so as to distinguish their characters from others in the novel.
Had a black person written it, it might have been called Whitey Huck Finn, or other designated words which were used by black people to designate the difference between them and the white people around whom they lived.
The word should be kept and retained to always show what life is like in that time period. Times change. Today he would be called the black is all that simple. Some people object to the use of colored or black but people being what they are call people by names of some kind to identify them and set them apart. Shorty is used to designate a man of smaller stature, and fatty speaks for itself. Faggot, putah, whore, slut, and many other slang words are used to designate people of a particular group and behaviour. The town whore is different from the town slut,and the faggot is often different from the queer guy or the gay guy...depending upon which person is using and saying the word.
In the movie Carousel, the song "You're a queer one, Julie Jordan, did not mean that she was a gay or lesbian woman. It meant odd one, left out one.
We live in an age where people say and use words as weapons against one another. Every child learns this as he grows for he can only learn it from adults who teach it to him. How one handles it in his home is dependent upon the members of the family. Too late people learn that it does not take a genius to have a child as children are born from the ugly, the stupid, the insane as well as the cultivated classes,the educated, and the respectable. The home bears the burden for the education and learning of the child.
Let Twain alone as he is speaking of his own time period and in his own language. Take it for what it is! A period piece!
So now I read at CBSnews a story about Huckleberry Finn being edited to eliminate the word "nigger" in the classical tale that Mark Twain wrote describing life in Missouri in his age.
The word "nigger" became controversial at a time when Negroes not then yet known as blacks but usually as "colored" started to grumble about the word being considered hurtful and painful to them since it was often used in a tone that was condescending and patronizing.
Tone is everything in a word. People can use the same word lovingly and tenderly so that it is considered highly desirable. In Twain's case,the word was used to specify and identify an individual the same as the term Injun was often used to describe what we today call "native Americans". Nigger Joe or Injun Joe are used in the same way so as to distinguish their characters from others in the novel.
Had a black person written it, it might have been called Whitey Huck Finn, or other designated words which were used by black people to designate the difference between them and the white people around whom they lived.
The word should be kept and retained to always show what life is like in that time period. Times change. Today he would be called the black is all that simple. Some people object to the use of colored or black but people being what they are call people by names of some kind to identify them and set them apart. Shorty is used to designate a man of smaller stature, and fatty speaks for itself. Faggot, putah, whore, slut, and many other slang words are used to designate people of a particular group and behaviour. The town whore is different from the town slut,and the faggot is often different from the queer guy or the gay guy...depending upon which person is using and saying the word.
In the movie Carousel, the song "You're a queer one, Julie Jordan, did not mean that she was a gay or lesbian woman. It meant odd one, left out one.
We live in an age where people say and use words as weapons against one another. Every child learns this as he grows for he can only learn it from adults who teach it to him. How one handles it in his home is dependent upon the members of the family. Too late people learn that it does not take a genius to have a child as children are born from the ugly, the stupid, the insane as well as the cultivated classes,the educated, and the respectable. The home bears the burden for the education and learning of the child.
Let Twain alone as he is speaking of his own time period and in his own language. Take it for what it is! A period piece!
Ain't No 'N': Huck Finn stumbles over US political correctness
Katie Couric commented on this problem of editing a classic at Twitter through CBSNews the other day, and I was shocked to think that anything so stupid as editing Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn because of a descriptive noun would be considered. Has this country gone mad? Is this a symptom of electing the first black man to office to be suddenly politically correct, and altering history and literature? If so, then America is no longer America as a free nation with free speech and a bill of rights. I am highly disgusted and distressed to think that even a video with a reporter asking this question is on youtube.
But here it is, and I intend for it to stay here so that it is a reminder of these "signs of the times".
But here it is, and I intend for it to stay here so that it is a reminder of these "signs of the times".
Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011 This is my nephew Bryce William's work with his Iphone. Cool look of photography with crazy balls.
Monday, January 3, 2011
January 03, 2011
I am not going to expound on any of previous posts topics now. It is a bit difficult for me to believe that we are already 11 years into the 2000 year span as it makes me one very old lady indeed.
People do not understand age at all until they live it the mind is not really impacted by age except by the bodies ability to maintain itself over this many years. If we were tires that put on tread we would understand how worn and thin we probably are, for the joints,the ears, eyes, and teeth already tell us that we are aging faster and faster all the time, but the mind does not seem to realize that kind of aging process.
So 2011 is a bit frightening to me. I think that I have to be considering the year that I will check out and I wish that we could know that in advance somehow, but there seems to be a veil over our vision that clouds that for us. It seems odd to me that we can know when we will be born due to the constant rhythm of the life plan but that we are not allowed to know our last day and year dates which seems a bit unfair. If we could know it, we could schedule for it, plan our days around it, and do the things that we believe important to do as in that thing called bucket list.
On to another note which always makes me not worry about death but to at least have all my belongings noted for those who might want them. I don't have much but the little that I do can be shared amongst a few people who have truly cared about me.
I reread part of my Nanowrimo Alexander novel last night and realize that it has a lot of work to be done on it yet. I had not read it aloud while writing it so that last night made me realize some things about it. It is historically good and the parts that are so called imagination are good but it has a lot of really serious work ahead to finish before I can even get the free amazon book.
Oh boy! What times we have in learning these publications games.
People do not understand age at all until they live it the mind is not really impacted by age except by the bodies ability to maintain itself over this many years. If we were tires that put on tread we would understand how worn and thin we probably are, for the joints,the ears, eyes, and teeth already tell us that we are aging faster and faster all the time, but the mind does not seem to realize that kind of aging process.
So 2011 is a bit frightening to me. I think that I have to be considering the year that I will check out and I wish that we could know that in advance somehow, but there seems to be a veil over our vision that clouds that for us. It seems odd to me that we can know when we will be born due to the constant rhythm of the life plan but that we are not allowed to know our last day and year dates which seems a bit unfair. If we could know it, we could schedule for it, plan our days around it, and do the things that we believe important to do as in that thing called bucket list.
On to another note which always makes me not worry about death but to at least have all my belongings noted for those who might want them. I don't have much but the little that I do can be shared amongst a few people who have truly cared about me.
I reread part of my Nanowrimo Alexander novel last night and realize that it has a lot of work to be done on it yet. I had not read it aloud while writing it so that last night made me realize some things about it. It is historically good and the parts that are so called imagination are good but it has a lot of really serious work ahead to finish before I can even get the free amazon book.
Oh boy! What times we have in learning these publications games.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day two of 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year 2011
Last night while spending New Years Eve with Janice and Lynn, something unique happened on ABC Live. Dick Clark showed up to speak to his audience and to talk to Ryan Seacrest. He really looked teriffic for his age, showing that he is getting the greatest care in the world. For a man who has owned most of commercial television for so long, he can surely afford the care. His speech problem is still there but has improved so much since I last saw him that it looks as though he made a remarkable recovery.
I had a lot of revelations while spending New Years Eve with Lynn and Janice. These neighborhood involvements become very tricky after awhile as we learn more and more all the time about why and how people feel the way they do about each other.
I met Tina another lady who lives here at the apartments and who is into cats. She is a chiropractor who lives in one of the two bedroom casitas two doors or so away from Lynn and Janice.
Through neighborhood gossip and as I am leary of the internet for repeating stories, I had an impression about Lynn and Janice that had been due to another person's observations. I finally understood why that person had made some of her statements and could agree with her feelings in some ways. So life goes the end, when one sees a tree and describes it as a tree, we all can agree that we are seeing the tree in the same way.
So it is with human beings. Without realizing it, people betray themselves always to each other in much the same ways so that we all come to the same conclusions.
I have to take a break for now...Will return to finish this later.
I had a lot of revelations while spending New Years Eve with Lynn and Janice. These neighborhood involvements become very tricky after awhile as we learn more and more all the time about why and how people feel the way they do about each other.
I met Tina another lady who lives here at the apartments and who is into cats. She is a chiropractor who lives in one of the two bedroom casitas two doors or so away from Lynn and Janice.
Through neighborhood gossip and as I am leary of the internet for repeating stories, I had an impression about Lynn and Janice that had been due to another person's observations. I finally understood why that person had made some of her statements and could agree with her feelings in some ways. So life goes the end, when one sees a tree and describes it as a tree, we all can agree that we are seeing the tree in the same way.
So it is with human beings. Without realizing it, people betray themselves always to each other in much the same ways so that we all come to the same conclusions.
I have to take a break for now...Will return to finish this later.
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