Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Revising my opinions on the brown box and GW in SC

There is little doubt that the act of putting a brown box to block George Washington's appearance at a NAACP rally is truly troubling. I am wondering why it had to be a brown box. White would have been preferable but apparently the poverty stricken can only afford brown boxes instead of white boxes. Disgraceful!

It clearly shows lack of originality, as they appear to have copycatted some other group who likewise used the statue as a prop for their organization. This can only be realized through a careful study of the thread at abovetopsecret which proved that it is not the first time that George has suffered such ignominy at a rally in this particular area.

However, an artist could have made this interesting had they showed any sense of organization and creativity. Lord knows Bored Panda has demonstrated how many bus stops can be changed to sell products. Why didn't the NAACP think to place some interesting billboard in front of the statue instead of merely a brown box? Totally exposing themselves to the depth of their bankrupt condition.

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