So, I remembered that Sandy had told me that the place where she would send her kittens would be connected to a petstore, but I never dreamed that I would find them at Petsmart. I am convinced that two of those kittens were hers, which means that they are Alexander's nephews and nieces...Alexander is my cat, son of Snowball, who is grandmother of these kittens.
One is a little black cat with deep blue eyes, because his grandfather is a Siamese, and the other was a tabby which is why I realized all of a sudden that I knew those kittens after all. I had seen them at Sandra's home often enough but I failed to realize when I saw them in the cage that that was who they were. I remember the black one staring at me, and it had such a despairing attitude...I am utterly distressed by all this.
Cats have real personalities. My Alexander has taught me so much about cats that I never knew. I know that these kittens could be as loveable and desirable as anything if given the chance to have the right loving owner.
In the end, the owners determine the lot and life of the cats. My cat is so much fun for me, loves me, comes up to me, plants kisses on me, and engages in bad behaviour enough to keep me on my toes. I am paying a high price for the pleasure of this cat, but the sorrow is to know that other cats, due to excessive population of cats, and neglect from human beings, go unloved and unwanted. I am truly upset but like with everything else in life, resigned to the fact that there is little I can do about it.
And to think I came home and even spoke of it to Alexander telling him how lucky he is. Later, I realized that those kittens were his relatives...very sad to me. I am dwelling on this enough to write it out.
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