Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Part 3 Hospitalization - Coming home

In comparison to the tragedy unfolding in Syria, my little health problem is minor.  But for me, it is a very big deal and this is why.  One, I have not had a steady full time job since 1974.  I have had part time jobs and most were short term.  I had trouble finding employment after leaving California.  In fact, a banker in Florida told me that I was supposed to stay in California.  I wondered what the heck is and why could a banker tell me such a thing as that...In fact, I think it was programmed for me to go to Florida at that time, but that is all water under the bridge. I became a full time student after a while it seemed to me.

What all this has to do with Marcello?  I do not have health insurance. How could I?  Were it not for Marcello I would have no need of any now. I am one of those who distinguishes between a real need for medicine and medical treatment and what I call hypochondria. I am anything but hypochondriac.

Because I have knowledge in the medical area, I am well aware when one really needs the services of a health worker and a doctor and when one is just getting sympathetic attention.

Because I knew I needed help I am not so foolish as not to take it as well.

So when I came home, because I had given permission for Marcello to stay in the apartment thinking that I would keep him when I got out, I let him stay here unattended but with food and water and litter enough for the days that I was in the hospital.  He was disoriented when I first entered the apartment, and it took him some time to readjust to my being home, and his being able to get out of doors finally.  Eventually, after some exploring he began to feel accustomed to me and the outdoors as well. I would not touch him or put a harness on him. I let him roam freely.

He came up and crawled up on my lap, and I petted his head. He was acting sorry, but suspicious, so he stood atop me on my lap and I shooed him down and got up.  I was a bit apprehensive about him as well.  But we were getting along fine, and he would wander in and out, wondering why I wasn't coming out to check on him. Once I did, and he was sitting in his usual spot, and looked up at me as he had always done.  I went indoors.   Next thing I hear a huge scuffling sound. I did not witness this so I do not know what happened. but I could tell that there was some fight going on.  I went out to see what the trouble was.  A woman stood next to the mailboxes holding her dog in her arms, shouting at me, Is that your white cat there? I said yes it is.  She said, Well your cat attacked my dog.  I said, Oh, well, he had attacked me too.  How is the dog?   She pointed to a place to say your cat was over there... He was back where I had last seen him, and she turned to go up to the office to complain. I called 911 to make a report, found them lacking and useless in this case, and so went inside.

I called Marcello and he came over as I opened the door to the shed, in which he walked in himself, and I closed the door on him to leave him there for the night. He was no problem to me at all.

Kelly came to my door and asked me about it.  I will omit the details of my neighbor who is a part of this scenario because I want to keep my blood pressure low.

Later that evening, animal control came by and went from one side of the apartment to the other.  It turns out that they were called in because of some dog, and they would not take Marcello with them since I am his owner, and I must do it myself.  Exasperation at the country rules now.

I then sent many messages to Sandra being urged by my neighbor who was hysterical and out of her mind, and insisting that I get Sandra to do something for me.  What a problem...Sandra was so good as to be very understanding as she had to have reread my constant torrent of emails and messages to her.  She came the next morning to pick him up and to take him to her apartment once again.  For now, this is where I will end to pick up again later.

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