Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Friday, February 28, 2014

Trying Times

I did not think that just merely talking to my neighbor at a great distance would result in my catching her cold, but by darn, it did.  She had warned me so I did stay away from her, but those pesky little bugs that fly from one person to another afflicted me so that I came down with this pesky cold.  I waited until tonight before going out to get some medicine to take for it, and am gobbling down vitamin c lozenges faster than you can count.

We are going to get some rain this weekend which will put a damper on my plans because if it rains as predicted I will not drive in it...I would like to go to the races for the Gotham and Swale Stakes in New York but if the rain does hit us hard, I will pass on it.  Not that there is much money to win in those races because most likely the favorites will win...I would be surprised if they don't.

I am entertaining thoughts of going to Las Vegas to see about an apartment there.  I checked out apartments and if I were to win a full year's rent in a game plan in Las Vegas while there sometime this coming month I would seriously consider moving there for good.  After seeing Mario on Jimmy Fallon tonight I thought that it might be a very good idea to try that plan... I am always six of one and half a dozen of another on the prospect of moving. I have more or less decided that I will stay here for another year to move next year after I find the right place, taking my good old sweet time to do it. That is most likely the way I will go because the aspect of moving does not enchant me at all.  However, if rents go up too high here I will surely think about moving as soon as I can...i was told how much my rent would increase so I am prepared but I want to see it in writing first.

I only have April to go and must make a decision by May.

I could save more money in Las Vegas than here, and that is my main motivation...So I am considering what I should do now while I am still relatively able to get around on my own at this old age.

I have all this paper work to go through for my hospital stay.  I have to figure out how I am going to pay for this...But first I must manage the paper work.

My hand is still very stiff in the area where the doctor had to cut to pull out all the bacteria that was in the blood, and I am constantly exercising my fingers both on typewriter which is good for it, and with exercise tools that I received at the hospital.  I also massage my fingers a lot as the therapist showed me how to do.  She was a nice woman as were most of the people I met at the hospital...god, to think how I am going to have to pay for each and every one...ha1  That is a joke if ever I heard one!

I wonder about the actions that Vladimir Putin is pulling in both the Ukraine and in a battle ship resting in Havanna, 200 miles from Miami.  I wonder what he is trying to say to the USA about his intentions...John McCain made some remarks about it on a video that came from CNN today, that is about the battleship in Havanna, not the war in Ukraine.  Putin's soldiers appear to be trying to enforce allegiance to Russia instead of to the West. The entire disturbance is because the protesters did not want tied to Russia so much...I think that Putin should take a hint from the Queen of England when she let Hong Kong go to China instead of staying in British control.  He would do better to let the Ukraine decide their own fate.

The former president of the Ukraine amassed a fortune similar to that of Sadam Hussein and his sons...his excessive greed, especially on cars, is so outrageous as to be unbelievable...Hahaha to the idea that Russians liked the communist philosophy.  Hardly, they were all secretly wanting lives of extreme luxury it would appear. What a joke on the old Soviet Union, and if Putin seriously thinks that those were the good old days, all his so called cohorts are making him look pretty damn foolish if you ask me.

So it thoughts for the night...Good night all...

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