On Facebook tonight I read about the death of a Hungarian writer whose blog was placed at the end of the obit to the Hungarian journalist/writer. His blog touched me and prompted me to write this piece in my ongoing journal.
He had suffered an operation in which he was placed in a mask of a kind. Some kind of device in which his head was placed to undergo this operation on his brain. Apparently, for some time the operation had been effective because he seems to feel that it had been worth it, but he was dying, and nothing could prevent it.
His blog is very touching and it made a strong impression on me. Too many times, we need to read other people's experiences to help articulate our own. His name was Ivan, and while I have put all my other devices to sleep, I will have to wait to search out his last name. He was being given much praise for being an honest man.
To write honestly about one's feelings is not always wise because in truth we change our feelings and opinions so much that if we do write how we feel at one minute, an hour later we can realize that we have totally revised our thinking on the subject. It is not a good idea to take what a person says in one time period as meaning that he is to be held to that for a lifetime.
Because of the ongoing current problems regarding the world of Islam in which too many innocent and decent people who are practitioners and followers of the Muslim faith are being truly hurt and injured by the radicals and the terrorists who are following to the letter words that Mohammed may or may not have said.
Years ago in a word processing course, I learned skills on a word processing system taught by two Muslim girls in Michigan. The one girl told me that she had had to learn by memorizing everything, that Muslims are taught to repeat exactly all the teachings of the faith that they learn. Not a single word can be changed so that if that is true then all of Islam continues to live by lessons taught in centuries past so that not a single word is changed or altered. These were modern day women who are a part of the American educational system, but who were Muslim in their faith. Yet, they did break the rules of the faith since they lived with the men instead of being married to them. It amazes me that people do not realize that all religious bodies have people within the faith who cannot always do all the requirements of the faith. It is not just Jews, Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims but also I am sure that even atheists and agnostics have a hard time following all the precepts of their nonfaith.
So while I do believe firmly in my faith, I am at odds with the followers of the faith who preach and teach it in ways that do not necessarily coincide with my own beliefs. I am both very conservative and also very liberal in my interpretation of the written word. I tend to believe that lessons are to be tempered with the times in which we live.
I do believe in the sanctity of life but I also believe and know that no child should ever be brought into a home in which he or she will not be wanted, welcomed, and loved. There are horrendous stories of child abuse that simply make me want to take those people who had those children and jail them forever, deprive them of ever having more children, and in some cases, executing them. One of the worst stories came to be known that happened in Missouri where a woman allowed a man friend to sexually abuse her four month old infant daughter. After forcibly sodomizing the poor infant, the evil man strangled her. What a suffering for a poor child whose mother was so demented and sick that she would allow her child to suffer such sexual abuse! That woman should be deprived of children forever in my opinion, but I feel even worse punishment should be dealt out to the male in the case who damaged and harmed that little girl.
For that reason, I would rather that woman would have aborted that fetus long before it ever came to have to endure a dreadful life at the mercy of such a creature. I do not truly consider her a woman at all, but a sick and ill beast.
And that is why I get tired of the ignorant who believe that religious beliefs are such that they can impose their will onto young women who know that they cannot care for a child and should not have one.
No matter which religious belief it is, there is only one reason that anyone has one. Usually, it is because their family taught it to them so that they attend church and believe their faith as a heritage. Whether family, friend, or just merely seeking to find a faith, one learns from others all the stories and lessons that accompany that faith. One does not acquire religious belief spontaneously from within one's self, but one has to learn it from another.
In the final analysis, when any group comes to agreement upon a belief, a goal, a desire, that group can accomplish great things through it.
Men of science have proved it through countless discoveries, whether they be in industry or medicine. Businesses have grown and flourished through acceptance, agreement, and achievement. Men of faith have taught one another to develop large communities of families devoted to living rewarding lives dedicated to doing good to one another. Nations grow from such beliefs in concepts and ideas.
When conflicts arise, one's faith, one's belief will often be pitted against another. The world of Muslim has developed following the faith of its founder and prophet, Mohammed, and finds itself pitted against a world which does not believe in any of the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed.
Sadly, the wars between Christians and Muslims has been historic and often the success or failure of one of the two faiths has led to the rise of that faith in a given location. Most of the Muslim world has been centered around Saudia Arabia due to the holy cities located there. But the faith spread far and wide since Muslims spare no one when it comes to the faith. Infidels who are not of the faith are executed, and therefore, most Muslims who are not born into the faith are coerced into the belief by fear alone.
Today, executions are exacted in the same method of centuries past. Very little has changed in the practices that govern the followers. So beheadings are commonplace for those who are charged and found guilty of violating Islamic law. In photos now being distributed by ISIS men are being seen thrown from the top of buildings to fall to their death below, and a woman is stoned to death for some violation attributed to her.
To those of us who have learned to have mercy, compassion, and love for our neighbor, these practices are abhorrent. Watching a young child have a gun placed in his hand to kill two men coldly and mercilessly is nauseating. But this is what the terrorists have done to young children in Syria and Iraq. These children are being trained to kill. They are called the young cubs of the Caliphate!
The world is aghast!
To be continued...
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