Last night I went to bed but had to pour out my thoughts in my journal about things that were on my mind. Reading it this morning I see what is wrong with it so that I may be delete it. I was just musing aloud at a time of the day when I wanted to sleep without worrying about those things.
I did not mention that Ivan Andrassew, the Hungarian journalist, had a brain tumor which meant that he would die soon or if operated upon, become partially paralyzed. This story came to me from the Budapest Beacon. I had never heard of Ivan until this post but I did read the story about his courage and his honesty.
Four of his final blogs were published with this article about his death. His concern for his son was obvious in one of the blogs. Because I have been thinking about dying so much myself, always worrying and wondering when that time could come, this blog did impact me enough to decide to sit down to write a bit about the things that were on my mind at the time.
I see that they drifted from one topic to the other. The story about the abused infant had come after some long discussion with some pro-life people on a post from the ACLU. I am convinced that most of the world problems all begin at home in the heart of the family. There are many children who come into the world who are not wanted, and who suffer miserably at the hands of parents who truly find them a burden and a problem for them to bear. I do not believe for one minute that people who live in comfortable circumstances should try to inflict their beliefs on people who cannot handle the lifestyle that a child brings. I get very disgusted with the sanctimonious who think that they can speak for the unborn. They truly cannot.
So when I read that story of extreme sickness directed against a helpless infant it outraged me.
There had been a time when I had not believed in the use of the death penalty. There are many cases which truly deserve to be treated with only the death penalty, and in my opinion, this is one of them. The man who did that deed should have his own life taken from him.
For some reason, I jumped to the problems of Muslims in the world today, since their atrocities are being paraded across the stage of news media. More of their atrocities are on the internet since these ISIS members know how to use computers with ease. I guess that is why I mentioned Janice and Carolyn from the CPT word processing group that I had learned years ago in Flint, Michigan.
Janice was a black muslim. Whether Carolyn was Muslim or not, I am not really sure. She was a black woman also who was from Houston, Texas. I swore that I would never send any of my children to a school where blacks taught after I had taken that course. The fact that they were Muslim never really impressed me until now. I did not really know then what it meant to be a Muslim but I know that Janice explained that until she and her boyfriend finally married that neither had had the respect of her community. But after they finally took their vows they seemed to be acceptable.
I do not really know how Muslims treat or deal with common law living.
So this is not really a rewrite as I have decided to let it go as it is. I was just rambling forth at an early hour of the morning, just wanting to dump ideas onto my journal.
This is just a recap and explanation of loose ends.
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