I boo-booed. I do this a lot, but I caught it so that I corrected it as soon as I realized it. How many people have read the original I will never know.
However, I deleted all the references to my sudden realization of the film's making me think of my discovery of Genghis Khan during my soul searching. I was mumbling to myself aloud the other day about soul and tissues. I often spill things on the floor or counter and have to use a lot of paper towels or tissues to blot up the liquid. It dawned on me when I was thinking about Alexander's wounds and how they affect me now that flesh is like the tissue or paper towels and soul is like the liquid which we are blotting up. In this sense it is the same that no matter how many tissues we pile on top of one another,the liquid remains the same liquid that we spilled onto the floor. The soul is the same soul no matter which flesh it inhabits.
Now, I am a woman who believes in this because I believe in my own personal revelations that have come to me during my quest for truth.
I am not interested in the history of any of these former figures who were prominent on the world stage. I frankly find too many books written about them so full of the author's own personal agenda that I dislike them completely and totally. Each are regurgitating the same material as envisioned by their thinking capacity. Some could be truer than others but I do not choose to read each and everyone to know who is the most fair and most comprehensive in their version of the same tale.
My experiences can only be supported by the historical data available and I have had most of them without knowing history that much about any of them. I do know that they are taught in major coilleges and universities, studied primarily by the military since most are military oriented, and are often exposed according to the light that the individual university or academic institution wants to present. Don't expect a British University to ever appreciate George Washington or even Louis XIV. Don't expect a Persian Institution to love Alexander the Great. Don't expect Muslims to appreciate Genghis Khan. It just won't happen.
I doubt that many French could really ever truly love or appreciate Julius Caesar either for that matter.
At any rate, while watching movies I sometimes think what a movie would be like using my experiences and myself as the catalyst for exposing the lives of these men as I have seen them. I do not even care to think about it. It would be far more absurd to film than this movie about a female scientist having to leap from space station to space station to survive.
But as with the analogy of the liquid and paper towels, and soul and flesh, I believe that the soul is the same soul for each and everyone of these persons who I have met in my soul searching.
I did push to go back to first man and even beyond to the great soul or spirit which is the force that preceded being drawn into the human being. I have always wondered at that and I have glimpsed into it.
In truth, this might be my most important lifetime because of the very act of learning of all previous lifetimes. I have other secrets besides just soul searching but the enormity of the fame of each has never daunted me. After all, they were men, they were born into the role they had to play, and they pursued it as best that they could. They fascinate me now only because I have learned of them from within rather than through taking a class in a college setting. I truly ignored their history because I was busy doing other things and none of them ever seemed significant or important enough for me to study or even read. I may have seen the Burton movie on Alexander, and I certainly had heard of the dangerous Genghis Khan and I have always known of the heroism of George Washington but never did I care enough about any of them to even read a book about one of them. But once it was brought to my attention that they might have something to do with me, I devoured them all wholesale. I had never even heard of Louis XIV to be perfectly honest until I was led to him at the library. He would have bored me silly to be honest, and I have always realized that. If my discovery of them does finally cause me to write books that will show my knowledge and vision of them, then perhaps I will do myself a favor at last. For the most part, they are all tedious and boring in just plain old history books. And not one novel yet has ever induced me to like any of them. Sorry, Authors, but you have not caught them as I have come to know them.
So be it. I will see if I can do it or not. Am working on it all the time.
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