This computer world may be the death of me yet. It is the most exasperating problem that the modern world has had to suffer. I am venting because i had to call Century Link again tonight to get wifi service working again. Fortunately, that company is full of very nice technicians or service people who are able to get everything working as it should. I can literally do nothing from this end.
Because I had so much trouble with viruses and malware at Windows on my Gateway I finally decided to buy an Apple computer which supposedly has fewer problems. I had had my computer hacked not one time but several, and I had viruses. Once you have one virus, it seems that even though it may be cleaned out, it really never is so that the attacks occur again and again. I eventually did use microsoft essentials as none of the others were really effective but simply costly. Windows is one company I do not recommend due to the number of viruses. If Google does come up with a way to prevent viruses which it is supposed to have done in its Samsung Chrome computer then that would be great. But I do not know as I did not purchase that machine.
I went with Apple and as I have been taking one to one classes, I have learned more and more about the computer than anyone can imagine. I like it very much and recommend it very highly. But because I am tonight having problem with a print job I am upset about what is going on.
However, I shall try another print job to see if I can get the printer working again. I have had no luck in resuming the job that I had started because it keeps going back to the beginning which I do not want. I do not know what is to blame for that.
Then tonight my wifi went out on me as it had done one other time before. I had to call Century Link again to get it started and the guy did do something at his end that he said would make certain that it would not happen again. I did see the tool symbol bob up and down, so it had something to do with the Mac Computer. What the heck? He was nice. His name was Lee. This is to remind myself when I may have to refer back to this journal if need be.
I feel better now that I have vented. Today has been a rough day. I did not need this to happen at the end of this day.
Something that I learned from Scrivener while I am at this business of unloading today's problems because that is one of them is that believe it or not, their program is based upon Hilary Montel's description of her method of writing a book. When using Scrivener we are all copying and using Hilary's methods. She apparently uses index notes, then posts them on a cork board, then places them in a binder. Guess what...that is the program that Scrivener uses. Huh!
Now if I can get this job begun I will be happy. But I am going to take the plunge on both Pages and Scrivener. One of them will work for me or maybe both.
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