Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The BlackList on NBC

The promotion for the Blacklist was so enticing that I watched the first episode.  I do not watch most t.v. programs, talk shows, sit coms, or other junk that the entertainment industry likes to spin.  But the previews of this sounded wickedly enthralling so that I did get caught up in the first episode.  Fancy this, that Elizabeth Keen and I share some things in common as well.  They just actually said in your face, Janet, this is a piece of your life, and you know it.  I do know it too well, so once having passed that hurdle, I watched it anyway, knowing that there is enough junk in it to save their asses from my prompting a lawsuit against them.

It leads me back to my days in learning of Genghis Khan which believe it or not, did me more good than  anyone can ever know.

Genghis Khan was born with a bloodclot in his hand.  I bet you did not know that, did you?  Well, the story goes that he was, and blood clots have been very important to me.  I also as a baby probably had a bloodclot form in my hand when I cut myself (so I am told) when carrying a glass object as a baby and fell, cutting my palm below my thumb. I have the scar on my left hand to this day and once I learned of Genghis Khan, I realized the real significance of all those solar plexus pulls at the bookstore.  They kept leading me to Genghis Khan.

Next week's episode will deal with the Chinese.  Should I raise my eyebrows on that?

I was startled to learn that one of my "selves" (and remember that Cayce once said that we meet ourselves all the time when meeting other people) was Genghis Khan. I  have never forgotten my first glimpse of the great Mongolian leader.  I have never been so impressed with anyone in my soul searching as I was of Genghis Khan. He is enormous.

So that brings us back to Elizabeth Keen whose life is a mystery and whose new tutor is a mystery as well.  The scar on her hand is much deeper and longer than mine.  Mine always looks like a form of pi or a tooth...By your scars you shall be known....I am fascinated with Elizabeth Keen now and her writers who have caught my interest.  When I last saw her, she was watching her husband discuss her as a tear rolled down her cheek....

No wonder J. Edgar Hoover did not first thought when her husband was viciously attaced.

So it goes...we will see what the writers conjure now....who is this man who knows the minds of the criminal world so well?  After all, he set the guy out to attack her husband...what is going on here? is he her real father?  my fist thought of course, but they have now let that one out of the bag...or was he a close friend of the family?  why is he so interested in her?  and he reminds me of Putin no less...

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