I am beyond exasperation. I have purchased a new printer which is a great buy if I can get it to work on all four functions and more. I have only just begun and already things went haywire this morning. I absolutely cannot stand this age. I love the ease and comfort of computers and modern hi tech until something goes wrong...then I hate it.
I just got off the phone working with a technician to get my wifi restarted. He was a great guy who did manage to walk me through the process of getting the wifi going again and I learned something new from him that nobody had told me. I have to turn the modem off once a week to get it restarted each time. For some reason or other the wifi just stopped this morning after I had been using it and so I had to make a call to get help. He did get it back on with a lot of ease on his side but total consternation and frustration on my side.
Frankly, my nerves have been shot for ages, and this did not help one bit. I had a great time with a technician from the Philippines for the HP printer that I had just bought, and I was trying to get it back into operation again this morning to finish a job I started last night.
What a time all this has been. Too frustrating for words, as the document or book is very long. It is the Scrivener guidebook which I want in print instead of on the computer because one cannot check a page on the computer when one is already working on it. At least I cannot do it. There may be a way and I will be sure to ask about that now that I am discussing it but I do not know how to do two things at once on the same system. Working and writing on a document and then trying to check out the guide is something that I can only do if the guide is in print. I do better with printed documents than with documents still on a computer.
As I said in my previous post in this journal I have learned that trying to become a published author is a very expensive project.
All the tools necessary to complete the job is a fantastic and outrageous cost. I doubt that many authors get their costs covered if they are only an Indy or self published author. Even with huge publishing firms authors can only get a minimal amount if they are not blockbusters and rated number 1 for months running. The book must be a notoriously great sell to get any kind of decent profits. That is the business end.
Ohh, the agonies of authorship. Nobody really helps to explain much except a few who do share their torturous efforts.
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