Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Friday, October 18, 2013


I woke up late again this morning.  I do wake up early because my cat always wakes me but I do not always get up at 6:00 in the morning.  He is very persistent but often my need for sleep will not let me get up when he wants. It is closer to 5:00 because usually it is dark out and i just say to him, Let me sleep,please, and I go back into my deep sleep.  So today I woke up because I had just seen my mother come into where I was and I watched her put curtains on the windows, and then I recognized her carrying stalks of corn in her arms.  I knew her immediately and felt so secure and peaceful seeing her that I woke up at once, thinking about it.  It did not disappear from my mind as most dreams often do.

So dwelling on it, I realized some things that make me believe more firmly in the truth about times past. One, she is gone.  If I saw her again today, it would be in a spiritual way, and just as I had not recognized my grandmother at first because she was appearing in a ghostlike appearance I might have difficulty in recognizing my mother too were she to do the same.  She has never done that, but because I dreamed of her, I believe that she is trying to contact me somehow.  Maybe?  Who knows why we dream at all.  But anyway,  I felt at peace in seeing her.

It made me understand that all the personages of the past that I have seen in their own appearance at that time period are a lot like the people we see in dreams.  They are seen in the way that they had appeared in life at that time, and that we somehow or other are able to know them in their own time period which sets them apart from one another even if they are an extension of the same soul.

I use many analogies or comparisons to explain the way I see this. I think of the length of rivers which are one single body but are described according to the villages and towns that develop along their shores.  The Mississippi near St. Louis, Mo. is the same river that appears at the various cities and towns further north or south, and each one has its own impression of that mighty river.  So souls appear to appear in flesh in different times and generations, and while the inner soul which is love, energy, and all attributes of God the creator, all appear and behave according to the flesh in which it appears.

I am writing this out because I recognized my mother immediately. Day before yesterday, it was both my mom and dad, but the point is that when in a dream, one does know who is who as well as when they were both alive and well on the earth.  And it is also true when in regression and identifying people who appear to us.  I recognized them for their identity in that time period as well as the time when I had lived then.  It is interesting for me to consider all this while I try to figure it all out.  I had not  really known some as quickly or as well as others but the sounds and the words I did recognize.  So I have to admit that this has had a great effect on me.   I was so happy to see my mother again.  I am wondering about the meaning of it all.

1 comment:

  1. I mean that when I am in that person when back in time, I as that person does know each person who I see and interact with during that regression. One always knows.
