I have been naturally once again mulling over my deep interest in these strange men of yesteryear who I have come to know so well. I think about things such as the Christian faith which teaches us strange things. Like there were 12 disciples who went amongst the people to tell the story of Jesus so why is it that the Roman Catholic Church evolved as it did and split from the Greek who had been attended to by Saint Paul in his conversions.
But the truth about the Greeks is that before the introduction of Jesus to their lives, they had believed, as the Romans also later did, in the gods and goddesses of Zeus and Apollo, etc.etc.etc.
I am thinking today about how modern day times hates the military power and might of Adolph Hitler, but how today generations are beginning to turn Alexander and Genghis Khan both into a different kind of hero despite the fact that in many ways, they were just as bad as Hitler had been in their march against their enemies, wiping out entire groups of people in one mighty blow. It is only because the Jews keep alive their own martyrdom that people are aghast at the Holocaust, not that any other groups, including Chinese, and Russian, have not also suffered similar atrocities at the hands of modern day tyrants, Stalin, or Mao Tse Tung.
So it is not without full respect that I had to admit to learning of my soul's having been Alexander and Genghis Khan, making people wonder at my sanity for being so bold as to admit it. I was not so bold at first. I had not liked what I read about Alexander in the history books that I had first found in the library. I was one of those know thing about him persons who most historians hate.
But the simple truth is that after learning about him in my way of intimate knowledge I finally accepted him for who he is, and began to study him in a limited way...I do not intend to ever become an academic in any of these studies of these men of the past. I wonder at the people who do and I wonder why they do.
The thing that is most important for anyone who wishes to dig up the past is to know its effects and consequences upon one. My first realization that I had really been Alexander was when some very severe pains that I had had in in abdominal area finally ceased after I finally realized that they were the pains that Alexander had suffered just before he died. I had had strange pains in my tendons of my heels which I identified with Achilles, and I had had always gotten sore throats around the time of George Washington's death, but I had never realized that any and all of these symptoms could be because of past lifetimes, until I finally connected the severe abdominal pains to Alexander. I could not stand up as the pain was so bad, and I had to bend over and get myself to the toilet to sit down and expell waste to relieve myself of this agony. Once I admitted that it was Alexander who I had been ina past life, and then realized that I had been having his pains, they stopped.
This sounds psychosomatic except for the fact that I had had no idea of who Alexander had been, or anything about him. I had to learn about him to make this connection, and once done, it worked.
Why I would have had all these pains inflicted on me now is something I do not know. They just were.
Now, I know all about Alexander's massacres of whole peoples. This learning experience helped me to understand something that when I was a child, I had thought about. For some reasons, I remember well someone asking me how I felt about seeing a lot of people die and what I thought about it. That question has always remained in the back of my mind so that when I finally came to grips with the likes of GW and Alexander I understood why the question had been posed to me. I could never quite understand why someone would question me about that until I finally learned of my role in the past as these two men.
Most people will think that all this discussion of world famous leaders is self-aggrandizing. That always makes me laugh. I am sure that most people would understand that I would not be very likely to broadcast this information to members of my family (excepted trusted ones) as they would either jeer me or plainly laugh and try to imply that I was a bit "touched" in the head.
I certainly would not want my hometown to learn of it. They only can if they take the trouble to read it. Why? Because of who they are in people's minds, and of who I am.
When one becomes over elevated due to fame and fortune, one takes on a whole new life. Alexander was never over exaggerated to his men. He had their love and respect due to his closeness to them, and they accepted him as he was. Only Kleitos and a few others jeered his belief in his divinity, the same as my dad has always jeered me in my belief in my "divinity". If anyone is truly like Kleitos, it is my dad, and I realized it one day. I have told him about this, and he naturally scoffs at it, but my dad has always scoffed at anything pertaining to God, so what else is new? But I realized due to my first experience being in the person of Alexander that one of the men who I saw in that vision is my dad now, thanks to arm hairs of all things.
I realized that all this trauma which exists between me and my dad is due to my having killed him in some time past 3,000 years ago, and that has a carryover to this day. Believe me, I know this is true.
Realizing that gave me a kind of power that I had never had before. I had seen the similarity between my dad and one of Louis's relatives and my first encounter with Louis XIV also prompted a similar showdown battle between me and my dad, something we have had all my life long, but having been in the skin of the King gave me strength and fortitude the likes of which I had never had before. Learning of Louis actually helped me in one of my dad's famous bitches that he likes to throw. Believe it or not, my trip to Paris actually proved to me that I have been right about him all along as it was confirmed there in the Chateau for me.
So for my good health and sanity, I continue to discuss this with myself. I know that people develop strong hates against anyone who is opposed to them. I understand well why. I also understand that I have truly lived in these men of the past, and I am working it out. Thank Heaven I learned of it in time. That is all for now...just had to express it now.
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