It is October now..Oh, unbelievable as I have been waiting for it for so long just to get a cool down. This has been one of the longest, hottest summers ever. Fortunately, the evenings are cooling down,and soon we will be back into the 90's which is really cool after spending all summer in what we in Arizona call Triple Digits, meaning 101 up, and it is usually around 106/107 from June through September..this year has been especially long for some reason.
But when one reaches old age, one can only do things at a slower pace than when one was young, but honestly, I find that now I probably do more than I did then because I now have the time to do it. Before, I was a workaholic.
The point is that while I am trying to read so many books, I often take on too many, and each one pulls me away from another. I began a book review here awhile back on the book I read about La Grande Mademoiselle, and as I am a member of TudorTalk which discusses the English Tudors so much, I am getting involved in English history as well as French.
But the past two discussions have really been very enlightening to me as I had just finished rereading some of the book about LaGrandeMademoiselle. She is a first princess of France, and early in her life, had wanted to marry the little prince Louis XIV when he was just an infant. Had things been a bit different, she might have done so, as it was her ardent desire for some time that she would.
But then I today got sidetracked into reading a modern contemporary spy book about modern times, involving France and the Middle East, called Traiter, by a man name of Steve Coontz, and I am now caught up in it, while also trying to finish some of the religious books called The Left Behind Series. I have begun to lose interest in them, I will admit.
I have several other French books I have been trying to finish also, but as it is, I put all on hold, while then catching up with Twitter,Facebook, and AboveTopSecret, Yahoodiscussion groups, and blogs to write as well. I have three blogs, some inactive, some active, this having become the most active. So with all of that, I still have time to watch Dancing with the Stars, and a few t.v. shows at my neighbors.
So when I ask where does time go? Today I went to the Fitness Center, relaxed there a bit, and exercises in the water, and rested at the Sauna. I then played games at the computer, read a few emails, read a few chapters in The Traitor, and worked on my lottery game, bringing it up to date as well. Time just passes that quickly, whether busy or not.
I have been thinking a lot about the concept of reincarnation as usual, since it preys on my mind so much. Since I made my statement about it being a blessing to me, I have more or less realized that that is all that I need to do about it. Let it rest, and think about other things, like the earth's magnetic field which became a part of my life through a discussion group. I was amazed to learn of the inner core that is the earth's strange interior at CayceCayce, and this has me really rocking.
Reading the book The Traitor, I think that people today are more interested in contemporary problems, and what kind of book I should write about regarding my interest in Louis XIV. I finally arrived at a conclusion about it..I would write it for the humor of it rather than the seriousness of it. Louis XIV is a rather playful personality in many ways, and I am thinking that I should see the way to make a book of humor interesting for those who might wonder at life in that time period.
I am only toying with that idea. I will publish this so I can write a bit about Rochefoucauld.
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