Probably the one subject that has produced more comment than anything else in life besides Love itself is Time. We just simply do not understand time at all. We mark our calendars, time speeds from month to month, this one no exception to that, but yet each day can either crawl, slow down, speed up, or just plainly zip past and none of us can ever understand why one second can become a minute or an hour it seems, only when timing it on a microwave for your coffee to heat, but by day's end, it seems as though it either flew past or it turtlelike crawled slowly.
I could go to a book of quotations and probably find more quotations about time than any other topic except that of Love.
I think people are more obsessed with love in its varieties than time, but time is what life is essentially about.
Where does our life go? What do we do with it? When we finally are held accountable for all the days we spent on the earth, how will we explain what we did with the time that we have had?
I don't believe in inflicting guilt upon anyone for their particular circumstances, whether rich or poor. Each one is give the same allotment of days, and to each person he will be held accountable for how he spent his time.
I am into the one on one thinking, that if one person has done one thing for one other being that has real value and worth, then each of them impact in turn many others in the ongoing process of life. In other words, one good teacher will impact one good student and that will proceed to reverberate over the course of time many many times.
So one need not be a glutton to impact many but rather should at least impact one well.
I am thinking of time because we use time to make goals, and time appears to control every aspect of our lives. Our calendars are filled with a certain number of days in which we must work in order to produce, and for certain kinds of occupations, length of days and hours is crucial to achievement, especially in agriculture and husbandry.
We mark the school calendar with so many days in which a number of lessons, and values are set to be learned and mastered before the end of the season. Our lives become structured by the number of years it takes to accomplish set agendas, whether that of earning a degree, mastering a skill, or performing a function or job.
While man may be productive to fulfill a position in the economy of a nation, many nations are nonproductive and many people do not have anything to do but to languish around, to get by, and to simply exist. These people have become what we call illegal immingrants who move about from one country to another, hoping to find a place where they may find something to do, some life to lead, and some way to fill time that will be better than the way they had lived in the previous environment.
Isn't it amazing to realize that nations can be so different from one another in terms of providing for the national care of its most important resource: people.
But each one of those people is equal to every other person on the planet in this one respect: each has time, and each must find a way to use that time to his or her best advantage!
To be cogitated upon again maybe...just using my time to make a point!
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