Because of Left Behind series which deals with a real person being an Antichrist, I have been discussing the various concepts which are antiChristian in nature. An actual real AntiChrist is something that I will leave to the individual interpretation of each Biblical scripture. Were I to write a book similar to the one that these two men have written the antichrist would not be a suave blonde Robert Redford lookalike whose false piety was too easy to see through in the beginning for as soon as he had risen so quickly from obscurity into fame I knew that he would be the one that would be the antiChrist. Many today think that bin Laden fits the picture, and in many ways, he had fit the picture of a portrait that Jean Dixon, a seer from years ago, had depicted coming into power.
To my impression, a real antiChrist is someone who would have abnormally superhuman powers that few would be able to resist. Few today can resist celebrity, fame, fortune, excessive wealth, and simple ordinary things like alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, meth, etc. All are symbols of an antiChristian lifestyle if you really think about it. So the anti Christ is ever present, not merely an endtime character.
Everyone seems to want to push something that is not quite ready to happen onto today's society, and it is like trying to get a seed to sprout before its germination period...just let it be and take its own time, and it will all come about.
I do not have all the answers to all the questions, and do not pretend to do so, but I have had strange unusual godlike capabilities that make me understand what a true god would have to be like to satisfy the needs of man's desire to know...I have clairaudience, the ability to hear spiritual beings speak, clairvoyance, the ability to see into the future, olfactory senses that are spiritual in nature that can smell fragrances that are not that ordinary man can smell, and all the other senses spiritually activated so that I can actually hear someone's voice within my solar plexus whenever I activate a post from them on the internet, and an ability at times to run a finger down a page of written word and get the actual mental thought process of the author at the time of writing, a myriad of such things that are out of the normal range of most people...amplify this a thousand times in all the languages of the world and it would give some idea of what a so called God who is omniscient, omnipotent, etc. would be and it is beyond most of man's comprehension to understand any single entity that could stand all this at once. Theoretically, if God is at this moment in full knowledge of all time, all life, all events, then all is a known quantity, and what can be done about it.
All multiple lives are known to God at once and it would appear that life must be like the living organism, with each lifetime resembling the internal structure of the human body, each lifetime being perhaps similar to the synapse in the nervous system, occuring throughout the entire body, or for those who wish to use the skeletal structure, each lifetime like the joints of the interlocking bones to make up the entire human structure. Get it...see what I mean.
At any rate, some minds are far more capable of understanding the mathematics of life, while others can understand the figurative language quality of comprehension. To comprehend an all knowing entity requires one to be capable of relating to that thought. Most admit that they cannot.
At any rate, I am in the state of believing that God exists, that man projects God in man's own image rather than vice versa, as God is a part of all, and while man may approximate God's entity more closely than other species, it seems that religious beliefs originate from man's witness to strange events around him more than from God's making a simple declaration for all to know exactly who or what he is.
So Jesus springs from the belief system of those who accepted all the stories of the old Testament and kept it intact so that when Jesus finally arrived, he fulfilled all the prophecies that had been given about him. Since his arrival and his departure, his story has been told, and believed and disbelieved by all who hear it.
My reason for believing is a personal one of which I do believe in the inexplicable as being plausible and that Jesus in reality is all that he says he is, a male born of a young girl (why so young as is marriage always only tied to the menstrual cycle) who had not yet had sexual intercourse in her young life, and a girl so predetermined to be able to carry the child and to wed a man who would care for her and her spiritually conceived child, proving that all the prophesies were accurate and correct in order to identify him properly.
He had to fit into a preconceived mold, and for all practical purposes did so, but his message deviated from the ancient conquer your enemy and defeat him to establish your own domicile to love your enemy and convert and change him to become one of your belief.
And when that day does come that the enemy is totally changed and converted to this one belief of salvation of the soul, then the world be of one accord and faith and will live according to that without bloodshed and division. It will be one world of one faith and one harmony, a symphony of beauty and peace and joy.
The true enemy is always the devil, which is also a thought process as Jesus said, get thee behind me, Satan, to Peter when Peter questioned him about something which realy meant that the Satan was the doubt or fear that Peter had expressed. Oh yes, of little Faith.
The day will come, but it will be a while before all the enemy is converted to this message of Love, Peace, and cooperation amongst many but it will be done. God's will be done! Jesus simply is the way to be, to be loving, kind, gentle, and true to the required state of obedience to do the will of the Lord. Love One Another! That is the great commandment.
So be it!
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