Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Musings about connections

I was earlier discussing why I believe that Borte, Genghis Khan's first wife, may later be Madame de Maintenon, Louis XIV's secret wife. I have had to find my way back through time through the use of the astral body and probably what is known as akashic records, at least some kind of spiritual dwelling place where the physical beings of the person is located...if that location is somewhere within me, it at least has become known to me now.

I know that Alexander is said to have believed that he was Achilles in an earlier incarnation...

I read something tonight at Twitter that amused me...a statement by Nietsche that a poet would have some fun writing about God's boredom after the creation.

I have said in an earlier passage that my experiences are such that if given a choice of which to believe, that I had been any of these men of the past, or God, which is easier to believe.

Because of my learning about each of this individual's life's record as spun by biographers and historians, I have come to realize how important God is in each lifetime.

I am realizing that as I meet up with people who have become involved one way or the other with the study of the subject at hand, that each person has an attitude of his own, based upon his time spent with the subject, and each does believe himself an authority.

Now I believe that I am a higher authority than any historian simply because my information is from a source that is not based upon translation, care with which the record was made, judgement calls by the writers of the record, etc.

I really am a privileged character in this ability to go back into time, or to have time come up to me which it has as well, and as I have had the luxury of seeing each individual's face up close and personal, have seen some of the people who are associated one way or the other with that person, I feel as though I have the real goods on each person.

What has always been difficult for me to do is to say that I am that person. I am that person only when I go back in time, and find my way into that person's residue which is at the place where I find him, and once I enter into his being, I am myself again then and am reliving that life while this current one lies asleep on a couch or bed and waits until I am through in that lifetime to return to this one and get one with another waking day.

In other words, I am not sure that it is always a good thing for anyone to ever have to travel back except in unqiue and unusal circumstances such as this one is to me.

But because I have learned what a "son of a bitch" I have been in the past, I have had to come to terms with myself.

That is a colloquialism and if it offends anyone I would apologize except for one thing: it is true.

I do accept responsibility for the fact that I ventured on this journey and have been forthright about it.

I do not claim credit nor do I expect to be blamed for something that occurred in a different environment, a different setting, and a different human body, no matter what it may have been, no matter whether the end result is good, bad, or indifferent.

This journey of the soul is to learn of myself and to know myself...I just had no idea who I had been but I am a believer now more than anyone else could ever know.

Don't you think that I could cry to see that Alexander is so beautiful in that day...and only that day alone will ever truly know how beautiful except for me now who is blessed to be able to finally realize it.

If I were to project into a future time, and have to look back to see me now sitting at a computer writing all this, I would wonder at how it is that Janet is so young in appearance at 71, so tired within her body, and so idiotic as to sit at a computer and pen a blog about reincarnated lifetimes anyway. And how on earth did she learn that she was once a military leader, a megalomaniac to some people's thinking, and a teacher in the female lifetime.

So would God have been bored after creating this universe in which he has thousands of years to observe and watch as mankind struggles on the planet to make sense of it, and has to wait thousands of years for the equipment to learn that there are strange creatures at the bottom of the sea, that the earth is really round, filled with strange creatures everywhere, some of whom are considered human beings...what makes one think that God would be bored to see the human race develop from cavemen who fought jungle animals, to brave men who organized armies and built cities, to finally encircle the globe so that once the entire earth is mapped, man finds a way to send himself into outer space to see if there is more.

If God becomes immersed into this lifeform called earth, he is under attack from those who do not recognize him, and so he must make himself known to them so that they will be able to distinguish between him and he accomplishes great tasks, performs great deeds, and says, Look at me...what do you see?

And man crawls away, not knowing who is the great God, an Achilles, a Zeus, an Alexander, a Caesar, a Khan, a Louis XIV, a Washington, or a Janet.

Would God have been bored after the creation? Or was it before? And what is God to do next now that the all is created?

Isn't that just like a philosopher? To ask a silly question? But it struck me as worth saying something about it...

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