Despite all my interest in historical people of the past, due to my belief in reincarnation or supernatural sources, I do not know everything there is to know about most of them, making the historians shake their heads at me no doubt.
I had not known of a "cabinet noir" until this morning. It turns out that Louis XIII had the office probably to learn whether his wife, Anne of Austria, was friend or foe to him. He was always highly suspicious of her, and so this office is a postal inspection system used to read the letters within the Royal Family.
I was astounded when I learned of this. As I say, I had learned I had been King Louis XIV when I asked myself who am I when trying to use hypnosis to find if I could get an answer. Nobody ever knows until one re-experiences it, but my spiritual guide always answered me with the phrase "Tu est le Roi!" which means You are the king. So I always went to sleep with the guide repeating over and over to me, You are the king, and I would always end up in the king's body, seeing through his eyes, feeling his mental thoughts, emotions, and hearing through his ears...I am the king.
So while I know this much about myself then, I do not know everything, but only that which I re-experience.
Then I learned that I had been Alexander in the same way. Both Louis XIV and Alexander are the two who I have spent the most time in reliving, and who have returned to me in spontaneous moments.
Once that can of worms is opened, nobody can ever take it away, and nobody can ever do anything but live with it, good, bad, or indifferent.
I know both Louis and Alexander better than anyone can imagine, but again, it is only choice moments, and I can only accept it at face value.
I was appalled at some things I learned, and today I learned about the cabinet noir, an office of the postal system created for suspicious people within the Royal Family, and for use against any other persons of a suspicious nature. What a shock to me to learn that Louvois had been in control of this as he was Superintendant of the Post Office.
I am sure that there are many people who hate me for disclosing this information about myself on the various discussion groups, as I have had feedback of that kind to understand that some are quite jealous of those historical peoples. For me, it is a learning experience, and helps me to understand myself in today's environment.
And I am one of the most private and protected persons of myself of anyone on the earth, nearly, so to realize that this may be a good reason as to why I am, is staggering.
I have always thought that probably one of the reasons I am so distrustful of men is probably due to having been the kind of man who had had too many women in a past life now makes me understand why I would be so protective of my correspondence and thoughts today as well.
What an illumination for me to discover now.
I am willing to share much of my thoughts and beliefs openly at a blogspot such as this but I still continue to watch exactly how much I will reveal so openly for others to accept or reject.
My point is still the same: it is not to do anything but to achieve a state of good sound mental and emotional health by exposing myself to the truth of myself.
I cannot help it if other people think me daft, but all I can do is to describe to the best of my ability what comes to me for me to consider. If it is other people's business, it is only because they want to make it so, not that I am forcing it upon them.
But I was truly flabbergasted to learn of this practice, but searching it in wikipedia did clarify it a bit for me. It was not until Louis XV that it finally became an official separate office of its own.
Family is always the first to be your most feared opponent if you think about it, so it is interesting to realize that family is who is most under suspicion. In the French royal families, it made sense.
Well, that is my lesson for this day!
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