Finally, on Saturday, I met my friend from the Louis XIV discussion group, Gary and his wife Ana, at the stairwell. We were supposed to meet at the small ticket booth out in front of the chateau but when I arrived there, I talked to the girl and proceeded to go to the entrance area. I don't know whether I was anxious or what, but I waited and watched people, even ran after one couple to ask if they were Gary and Ana, and decided that if I were to meet them for certain it would be inside at the place of the exhibit. So I was reading a brochure of some kind when they passed in front of me and Ana recognized me, and we found each other finally. What a welcome relief to have someone from the states with whom I had become well acquainted to help me walk through the exhibit again.
While I had already seen most of the exhibition items earlier, I was happy to have Gary talk about each item that the three of us looked at together. It is always interesting to learn from a history professor all about the King as Gary has a doctorate in the study of the King.
One of the most interesting items to me is in the video which is on this blog. The huge chest that is so beautifully decorated is just absolutely incredible. The colors are so vibrant, and the artwork is exquisite. I really loved that piece of furniture.
The carpets which are famous were a part of the display in that same room, along with many varied portraits of the King. When I had been at the Louvre, I had taken so many videos of the king that by the time I came to the last one which is a pair of small statues of the king astride his horse, I was frankly tired of filming all the various pieces of artwork about the King and only the king. I do know that he also became tired of seeing himself everywhere, according to some historian's comment, so that I finally realized why myself.
So this exhibition made me chuckle a bit to see so many portraits of this man. I can now understand well why I do not like having pictures made of me, if it is also a carryover from a time in which too much is made of one's image.
Now, on that I will say that again while I acknowledge it can be reincarnation, it can also be a special unique ability of mine to simply access a person of the past and get into his being through entry into his soul's remnant left behind...does that sound plausible, or is it a memory bank within my soul's self that lets me recall my own life in another period. I think about every possible explanation for this ability to relive this many men's lives of the past.
Again, I remember that I am myself today, and that I am only recalling it. I do not think that I am that person now. I am no more the king of France today as that exists only in that time period. I am a woman who is reliving the life of the King and I know that king very well.
I have always said that because I am a good person and know myself well too, as I am now, that whoever I may have been then must have done something right to become me now.
In other words, I have high regard and self respect for myself now no matter who or what I had done in previous lifetime roles to play.
So regardless what anyone may think about the king, as I believe that I had to have been him to know all this through his eyes when I am in his person, if in fact, it is something other than that, then I have had a privileged opportunity to become a part of his life as it had been then.
In other words, I am still me regardless. I am only better for learning of these many men of the past.
But I am inclined to believe that this soul of mine which had been that of other men means that GW had been Louis before he became GW, and that because Louis XIV's reign was so long that it was easy for him as GW to create a new type of government whereupon the time of service would be reduced to a fewer number of years to be held responsible for the leadership of a new nation.
It is easy for me now to believe that the soul which had served France so well had also served other nations previously to that time, and as a result of those experiences, it was easy for a man who was not too much better educated than Genghis Khan who had had no education whatsoever to rule a nation such as France.
Since I maintain that both had been Alexander before that time, it is easy to see that all the experience and native intelligence that Alexander had had did help both Khan and Louis XIV in their own times. When one understands their limitations due to their natural environment, one sees that the soul supersedes all the teaching and learning that each had had, for innately somehow they succeeded in being extremely capable at leadership and government.
I will discuss this until I get the final solution to this mystery which I am undertaking to achieve. Now I hope to return to Paris and the Versailles, but I also want to see other places of interest. So in the end, this will take a lot of time to finally resolve all these mysteries of a puzzle that for me is simply saying that I accept the fact that it may be reincarnation, and I am that person in a different time period, and I have learned not to be quite so hard on myself as I had once been.
The real joy for me is to know that our lives are kept in this mysterious place of spiritual dwelling, and that some of the things that are taught to us are really possibly very incorrect. The materialism which accompanied both Alexander and LouisXIV had been brought to me in a way that said that these creations are of God and man united in serving a single purpose and that they are beautiful and worthy to be a part of Heaven's plan.
When one looks at the earth, at the universe, one sees God's creation unfold daily, and all that man can do is to admit that like God, he too must create, recreate, and procreate. That is truly the real purpose of God and man in this time and all time, to be creative and appreciative of it all.
This has been a beautiful journey for me to undertake and to come to understand the reason for a soul to lead and to regulate men in cohesive national interests.
Fortunately, it came at a time in my life when I would appreciate it for what it is truly worth. All our treasures are in Heaven...the material will sometimes crumble into dust, but the spiritual will always remain.
I discovered the spiritual truths...God is beauty.
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