Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Monday, September 27, 2010

Short one today

I had a dream this morning which really made me think. I had had a thought come to me last night when writing the previous post here about the series Left Behind. So this morning I had a dream about John Mann, my former principal at Gladstone High School, and I could see him as plain as day. He was with another man who I did not readily recognize, but I reached out and touched him in this dream, and as I was going into some kind of auditorium to see a show of some kind, I was trying to find a place that I could seat my mother, who was still in her crippled stage, so while I was trying to make life easy for her, I was making it difficult for myself. This is a bit of a conglomeration of a recurring dream that I have had in the past, and so I went alone to find another place for us to sit, and while finding one, saw that everyone was breaking the rules, and going to see down in front where they could see better, and so were allowed to do so. I returned to where my mother was supposed to be, but the men then decided they would not take me home, but I said I lived next door, so they were taking me home, when it detoured all of a sudden, and we went up a different street for me to wake up and wonder what the heck does all this mean?

Talk about confusion. I thought it sounded a lot like the mess in Left Behind a bit, but not exactly so. They seemed to be mad at me for some reason while I was trying to straighten everything out. No way can I believe any aspect of this dream, but it must have some purpose. I noticed that a dream I had had the other day, Friday, to be exact, related to the movie Mama Mia when I finally saw it. I had been asked to dance in the dream as some man came up to me and asked me, so I got up, and the movie then made sense to me.

To me, the locusts in revelation could refer to some kind of military device, as often dreams are metaphorical in description.

I do not see God and the devil in a real actual physical war at any time. Mankind is at war always with himself when he decides to choose between good and evil. If given the chance to cheat, does one? Some do and others don't. Does that make one better than the other? Yes, as the truth is that virtue is its own reward does become true after a certain time. One can like one's own self for being virtuous instead of being scummy rotten to the core. So in the end, yes, it does all matter.

I admit I was raised in an environment of lying, cheating, and stealing. Many are. One learns soon enough why it is wrong to do so. But in America today, it is pretty much accepted and taught that one can cheat and get by with it, whether that of taking tests in school, cheating on an exam, writing a term paper, or whatever. In the end, it will bite you in the butt if you pretend to know something but do not really know it at all. How many want to go to a dentist who cheated his way through dental school to make your dental life miserable? There is a good cause to demand excellence in scholarship, honesty, integrity, and decency in ordinary life. We need it to survive and to survive well.

The saying cleanliness is next to Godliness is more than just a trite saying. Cleanlliness of character, mind, and soul is what makes life good for all of us...a little dirt can't do a lot of harm, but over a period of time, if the dust or dirt is not removed it soon becomes a pile of keep yourself clean, and you will be better for it, to yourself most of all.

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