Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Conclusion of Cat situation

Well, it isn't over yet,as I have not yet talked to Sandra yet about it but sent her an email explaining what had happened briefly and she was sorry that I had had a stressful time. She does not know the half of it yet so I am not going to ruin her Easter Sunday by explaining all until after she returns from the Monastery and has time to hear it out.

Janice jumped the gun in my opinion but I did not really care as I was all too happy to have Snowball removed from the premises since she was causing so much distress for me.

I was not very friendly towards her myself after she reacted badly, and after she would not move at all. I was even unhappier with Alexander for having been a bad cat at this point when both should have been behaving in a friendlier fashion. I had never expected such a predicament and was angry at myself as well for not considering how Alexander might react. But for Heaven's sake, she is His cat mother.

I learned that does not mean a thing except that I finally learned where it is that he got the little brown smudge marks around his nose as they are exactly the same on her nose.

This is a problem for we have four headstrong people involved in this cat situation. Janice is a pet sitter who thinks she knows everything there is to know about cats and dogs from that angle, and has very set opinions on how cats and dogs should be raised. She is a cat person more than a dog person. I am, by nature, a dog person more than a cat person, but I have learned to love cats now that I have one and have learned a lot about him. I call him dog half the time too.

I used to call my yorkshire terrier part cat, so now I have alexander, part dog.

Sometimes I even call him Clancey and he sure acted a lot like him last night too.

At any rate, Sandra is a woman who has way too many cats, and is trying to farm them out,finding the right homes for them. Sandra is a good hearted Christian woman who also thinks she alone knows how to raise cats, dogs, and children.

Lord save us all from the people who always think that they alone know how to do anything, and better than anyone else.

The other strong opinionated woman is also a woman who wants to love animals, have them love her, and to be an expert as well, but who does agree that both Janice and Sandra are both wrong in what they are doing with each other. And it is this...

Sandra neglects her cats, and has Snowball, Bella Su Vino, Itsy and Bitsy, (Alexander's siblings), another kitten from the ass't. manager for her son, and now all of the asst. mgr's cat's newborn kittens, and occasionally lets her daughter's dog stay in the house. That makes 12 cats and one dog!

The two white Persians are filthy dirty due to neglect, lack of brushing, bathing, and grooming, and Alexander's siblings are also on their own, but not appearing quite so dirty or neglected...don't know why.

So these cats go to Janice's home to eat food that she provides for them, thinking that she is doing the kittens a favor, not caring what Sandra does think, and so the cats continue to wander in and out of Janice's home at will. She thinks that she knows better than Sandra on how to treat cats.

So I get caught in the middle of this war going on between two apartments and two neighbors. I agree that Sandra does neglect her cats, but I do disagree that Janice should make up for it, and take it upon herself to solve the situation.

So that is why we have a problem ongoing, why I wanted to clean up Snowball who may be pregnant again, and why I wanted this to end happy ever after instead of miserably as it is continuing to do.

I did get my cat vaccinated, and he is going to be neuteured soon because I also am tired of the growing kitten population with few people willing to care for them properly.

I wish he could have one litter because he is a little beauty but I am wondering about what will happen to the kittens, and who will want them if I do have him bred to a female.

At any rate, he will be neutered soon as I have the vet ready to do it. So it goes...Cat wars ever unending...

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