Yours Truly

Janet Fauble at home
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Practical Magic
Practical Magic is a movie starring Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock. Suddenly while watching this film I see the similarities in Sandra Bullock's face and Osama bin Laden's face and I wake up! Just like that I can see that they resemble one another. Then I remember that my brother went to Mexico where he was at a site where Sandra Bullock appeared for some reason...can't remember now what it is...making me think that it is no accident that I met up with "Omar" at Fashion Square after all...maybe it is all coincidence...but I am wondering all seems too much like the plot of this movie somehow...real life and reel life resemble one another a lot at times and I often wonder, is that coincidence too or what?
So naturally, that sets me to thinking. How much of this is phony baloney? How much of this is for real? I honestly do not know...But methinks that Osama resembles somewhat the zombie in this film...I see that likelihood many times has he been killed? Only to be rekilled again? and again? Weird plot this film but weird resemblance to real life too...Or am I just seeing too much in this film?
The eyes gave it away...I could see so well what this director or writer was saying...but not only the eyes...some other know that there is more to this than meets the eye...However, I somehow or other think that maybe, just maybe the Tucson connection makes too much sense to me...remembering James Gonzales's date plan...I am highly suspicious now...thinking of the sheriff there also...all this sounds very peculiar to me....ugly as sin as they say.
I am going to check something out now...
So naturally, that sets me to thinking. How much of this is phony baloney? How much of this is for real? I honestly do not know...But methinks that Osama resembles somewhat the zombie in this film...I see that likelihood many times has he been killed? Only to be rekilled again? and again? Weird plot this film but weird resemblance to real life too...Or am I just seeing too much in this film?
The eyes gave it away...I could see so well what this director or writer was saying...but not only the eyes...some other know that there is more to this than meets the eye...However, I somehow or other think that maybe, just maybe the Tucson connection makes too much sense to me...remembering James Gonzales's date plan...I am highly suspicious now...thinking of the sheriff there also...all this sounds very peculiar to me....ugly as sin as they say.
I am going to check something out now...
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Same Old Song
For years I went around warning everyone in my presence to be aware that anything said around me would be used on t.v., in the movies, or in books and magazines. I have been aware of this ever since I was teaching in Azusa. It had a very negative effect on me after a while. I can sit and cite every single t.v. show that used me and my friends dialogue, statements, comments, anything that was audible as a part of their show. It was my students who made me fully aware of it. So long as I was working I did not care. I have always had several viewpoints about what? good for them? not good for them? is it good for me? is it good for anyone? So the latest proof of that is a movie released in 1996 that I just finally saw thanks to going to the library. Movies are generally seen due to a love of an actor who appears in it, or a good review of the film, or the topic or subject appeal. It was probably the fact that Richard Gere appears in this film that I decided to see it.
The movie is Primal Fear. This movie is right up my alley. I suppose if there is a movie that I could sue and possibly make my case it would be this one...I am trying to decide how to take it now that I have finally seen it.
Let me explain a few things. I once upon a time did say that the story of my life is in the box, the t.v., and all I have to do is to turn it on to see a slice of it. I will always be able to find myself cut up and dissected in many ways in many different movies that have made their way into theatres everywhere. I always know myself very well.
Someone in Florida, (Candy Reed) asked me why you? You know I had no answer. I do not know...why me? lucky rabbit's foot maybe? They won oscars, emmies, you name it, made money, whatever, and so I do not truly know. But it is not just is others around me as well.
Primal Fear, the movie that I just saw, goes far enough to use my first name and part of my last name to make me wake up to see what is happening. (My favorite name for years and one I have used as a pseudonym in writing is Laura). So happens that Laura Linney plays the role of Janet Venable in this movie. She even ends up suffering something that I have suffered more than one time in my life from the hands of a close relative who I could see in this film has been equally as studied and imitated to use in this film.
Should I do something more about this? I do not know what to do. It did impact me a lot. It was traumatic for me to watch. I made a big scene years ago about gays in the Catholic church with my god child and his mother...That became a part of Designing Women. It has struck me odd that all these movies came out in the Clinton administration. I was always annoyed with the producers of Designing Women for using my visit with my god child and his mother and his brother in that episode of Designing Women. I felt that my privacy had been invaded. So now I see that it has been carried over and used in this film Primal Fear. Only at least in this case, I can understand why it is that Roger Mahoney today of the Los Angeles diocese is being investigated and charged with malfeasance regarding sexual molestation in the Catholic church. Interesting that Jack Mahoney of Frasier fame is starring in Primal Fear.
It proves to me that my home had been used to write a variety of books and movies and I am positive of it for a fact.
Yes, I do sound a lot like the prosecutor in this film. I saw the likenesses. I know why Chicago. Just recently my hometown showed a picture of the train station in VWO that I recognize as the same station I came back from Chicago on years ago after working at a country club there for millionaires. That is where I lost my innocence. Yes I was innocent! But I lost it!
Am I happy? About any of this? Happiness is a strange word...I thought about the film maker and the story itself, and why it was written. I thought about all the ramifications of it. I thought how it would hurt my family member were he to know of it. I thought at last they got something right.
Yes, I saw the truth in that movie...It is a bit of a spinoff of a soap opera on ABC also when a girl goes a bit mad and hacks away....I guess it is easy to go mad on mother earth when the prison cell is so tightly and carefully supervised and watched as some cells appear to be...There is no home on the planet that is not a cell of some kind.
The author carefully plots and plans a way to vindicate everyone in this sorry drama. I hope that whoever wanted me to see this has finally some satisfaction...I can say, Yes....I got screwed all right!
I nearly got killed several times but prayer and God saw me through I now free the tormented soul who did this to me? You bet your sweet ass I do...I hope that when he dies, he finally has a chance to forgive himself.
So it goes...I now understand why I had to learn of past lives...I know very well the truth of that, and yes, sometimes, each lifetime is separate and apart from the previous but the carryover is such that each one of us learns how to continue in our eternal journey throughout time and space...this time period is nearly over for those of us who are depicted in this the saying goes, the guilty fox knows its own hole!
Yes, God bless Fran and Brian and Sean...let us pray that we clean up the filth and dirt of the Catholic church.
The movie is Primal Fear. This movie is right up my alley. I suppose if there is a movie that I could sue and possibly make my case it would be this one...I am trying to decide how to take it now that I have finally seen it.
Let me explain a few things. I once upon a time did say that the story of my life is in the box, the t.v., and all I have to do is to turn it on to see a slice of it. I will always be able to find myself cut up and dissected in many ways in many different movies that have made their way into theatres everywhere. I always know myself very well.
Someone in Florida, (Candy Reed) asked me why you? You know I had no answer. I do not know...why me? lucky rabbit's foot maybe? They won oscars, emmies, you name it, made money, whatever, and so I do not truly know. But it is not just is others around me as well.
Primal Fear, the movie that I just saw, goes far enough to use my first name and part of my last name to make me wake up to see what is happening. (My favorite name for years and one I have used as a pseudonym in writing is Laura). So happens that Laura Linney plays the role of Janet Venable in this movie. She even ends up suffering something that I have suffered more than one time in my life from the hands of a close relative who I could see in this film has been equally as studied and imitated to use in this film.
Should I do something more about this? I do not know what to do. It did impact me a lot. It was traumatic for me to watch. I made a big scene years ago about gays in the Catholic church with my god child and his mother...That became a part of Designing Women. It has struck me odd that all these movies came out in the Clinton administration. I was always annoyed with the producers of Designing Women for using my visit with my god child and his mother and his brother in that episode of Designing Women. I felt that my privacy had been invaded. So now I see that it has been carried over and used in this film Primal Fear. Only at least in this case, I can understand why it is that Roger Mahoney today of the Los Angeles diocese is being investigated and charged with malfeasance regarding sexual molestation in the Catholic church. Interesting that Jack Mahoney of Frasier fame is starring in Primal Fear.
It proves to me that my home had been used to write a variety of books and movies and I am positive of it for a fact.
Yes, I do sound a lot like the prosecutor in this film. I saw the likenesses. I know why Chicago. Just recently my hometown showed a picture of the train station in VWO that I recognize as the same station I came back from Chicago on years ago after working at a country club there for millionaires. That is where I lost my innocence. Yes I was innocent! But I lost it!
Am I happy? About any of this? Happiness is a strange word...I thought about the film maker and the story itself, and why it was written. I thought about all the ramifications of it. I thought how it would hurt my family member were he to know of it. I thought at last they got something right.
Yes, I saw the truth in that movie...It is a bit of a spinoff of a soap opera on ABC also when a girl goes a bit mad and hacks away....I guess it is easy to go mad on mother earth when the prison cell is so tightly and carefully supervised and watched as some cells appear to be...There is no home on the planet that is not a cell of some kind.
The author carefully plots and plans a way to vindicate everyone in this sorry drama. I hope that whoever wanted me to see this has finally some satisfaction...I can say, Yes....I got screwed all right!
I nearly got killed several times but prayer and God saw me through I now free the tormented soul who did this to me? You bet your sweet ass I do...I hope that when he dies, he finally has a chance to forgive himself.
So it goes...I now understand why I had to learn of past lives...I know very well the truth of that, and yes, sometimes, each lifetime is separate and apart from the previous but the carryover is such that each one of us learns how to continue in our eternal journey throughout time and space...this time period is nearly over for those of us who are depicted in this the saying goes, the guilty fox knows its own hole!
Yes, God bless Fran and Brian and Sean...let us pray that we clean up the filth and dirt of the Catholic church.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Women in Combat
I read today that Leon Panetta has made it possible now for women to serve in combat. This seems to be an important issue to women who want equality. Frankly, I am opposed to this decision. I do not think that women should serve in combat. Before making this decision, I would have thought that all these political figures would have considered all the negative reasons for keeping women out of combat. My first thought is that of a woman caught and held as a prisoner of war. Will she be given the same treatment as men are given? I know that torture is a normal means of punishment in the Islamic world, and I know that women there are not given the respect and consideration that men are given so what would the Taliban do to an American woman who they hate and deny? I do not think that it is wise for women to try to test them on that situation should it arise. I doubt that many women could survive the treatment.
So, no, Mr. Panetta, I think that the Obama administration has erred in this decision. I think that it should have been thought through more thoroughly. Sure, one can be positive to think that women wish that they could be superwomen, but in fact and truth, none can be. Women at the mercy of an enemy will suffer worse treatment than men have suffered, not better or improved.
So, no, Mr. Panetta, I think that the Obama administration has erred in this decision. I think that it should have been thought through more thoroughly. Sure, one can be positive to think that women wish that they could be superwomen, but in fact and truth, none can be. Women at the mercy of an enemy will suffer worse treatment than men have suffered, not better or improved.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Creating video tapes
Last night I used my cellphone to tape myself, and I finally learned how I look to other people. This is something that I wish I could have had when I was much younger in life. We all deserve to know exactly how we look and appear in other people's eyes and why.
I am experimenting so that I can videotape my drawings and explain them. I want my voice to be heard as I describe incidents which occurred when I was undergoing this experience. Cold type never is as helpful to knowing how an event or action is as is a taped recording. The voice says a lot.
Animation is very important in understanding another person. And I was rather surprised at myself and how well my voice came across on the tape when I was discussing TWA 800. I had drawn pictures of that experience. It preceded all my adventures in time travel which came afterward. I will then be able to add them to blogger also and facebook so that there is at least a true record of what I learned through my self hypnosis.
I am experimenting so that I can videotape my drawings and explain them. I want my voice to be heard as I describe incidents which occurred when I was undergoing this experience. Cold type never is as helpful to knowing how an event or action is as is a taped recording. The voice says a lot.
Animation is very important in understanding another person. And I was rather surprised at myself and how well my voice came across on the tape when I was discussing TWA 800. I had drawn pictures of that experience. It preceded all my adventures in time travel which came afterward. I will then be able to add them to blogger also and facebook so that there is at least a true record of what I learned through my self hypnosis.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
The Internet or my computer
I just deleted the first paragraphs which refer to the title of My computer. It turns out that it is blogger and not the internet nor the computer...will not repeat the paragraphs that I wrote here.
I am not wishing Barack Obama well today regardless. I remember once saying that I had hoped that George Bush would have a worry free administration when all of a sudden 9/11 happened and that was after a Chinese problem that has simply by now been forgotten. So if wishing him well would bring another disaster to this country, I won't do it.
Because I could see that the news media was making anything that I said to a colleague at GHS in either editorial cartoons or actual events, I became a bit sympathetic to Nixon during the Watergate affair. It seemed to parallel all our actions at Gladstone High and I know very well that none of us were guilty of doing anything but our jobs and being real people in small places.
I had been a member of the League of Women Voters at the time, and even there, one of the ladies, Louise Thomas, mentioned to me that she heard from Washington, D.C. many of the things that we had stated at our meetings. So the leak was amongst us...This was a time when people were trying to learn where the leaks in government are.
Joke time on this...there was a woman name of Sybil Leek. I am not talking about her at all but I think of her often now as she discussed reincarnation and her past lives many times.
The problem soon became apparent to me that it was all me...I am the leak. Not that I am leaking it knowingly but somehow or other, anywhere I went, I learned that the media followed me and recorded anything I did or said through some t.v outlet whether it be a sitcom or the Tonight Show. My students had been right about it and also a lot of other people realized it and knew it too. I am the person whose thoughts and statements get put onto t.v., in a movie dialogue, or a book, or magazine, and I became somewhat defensive and angered about it. It affected the rest of my life. Even in the privacy of my four walls I have proof that a movie caught everything that I did to my mother to prove to her the truth of this. That was enough for me to know that whether it is what is called remote viewing or just plain eavesdropping, actions were mine that an actress copied. I do not like it when something is not private inside my four wall
I am not wishing Barack Obama well today regardless. I remember once saying that I had hoped that George Bush would have a worry free administration when all of a sudden 9/11 happened and that was after a Chinese problem that has simply by now been forgotten. So if wishing him well would bring another disaster to this country, I won't do it.
Because I could see that the news media was making anything that I said to a colleague at GHS in either editorial cartoons or actual events, I became a bit sympathetic to Nixon during the Watergate affair. It seemed to parallel all our actions at Gladstone High and I know very well that none of us were guilty of doing anything but our jobs and being real people in small places.
I had been a member of the League of Women Voters at the time, and even there, one of the ladies, Louise Thomas, mentioned to me that she heard from Washington, D.C. many of the things that we had stated at our meetings. So the leak was amongst us...This was a time when people were trying to learn where the leaks in government are.
Joke time on this...there was a woman name of Sybil Leek. I am not talking about her at all but I think of her often now as she discussed reincarnation and her past lives many times.
The problem soon became apparent to me that it was all me...I am the leak. Not that I am leaking it knowingly but somehow or other, anywhere I went, I learned that the media followed me and recorded anything I did or said through some t.v outlet whether it be a sitcom or the Tonight Show. My students had been right about it and also a lot of other people realized it and knew it too. I am the person whose thoughts and statements get put onto t.v., in a movie dialogue, or a book, or magazine, and I became somewhat defensive and angered about it. It affected the rest of my life. Even in the privacy of my four walls I have proof that a movie caught everything that I did to my mother to prove to her the truth of this. That was enough for me to know that whether it is what is called remote viewing or just plain eavesdropping, actions were mine that an actress copied. I do not like it when something is not private inside my four wall
Anger Management
I find that it is the small things in life that annoy me the most...things dropping out of my hand onto the floor, tripping over an object, be it ever so slight, and sinus leakage so that my nose leaks...all these things irritate me more than really huge problems, even gun shootings in school zones.
On the positive side, naturally enough, a child's smile, a cute little pet, be it kitten or puppy, a rainbow, a fresh bloom, the nighttime sparkle of stars in the sky, the sliver of a golden moon...all those please me most of all too.
In summary, it is the small things that either provoke a snarl or incite a laugh, a glee of spirit...the big things overwhelm and amaze but the small things impact you.
I talked myself out of the topic I intended to write in this way. I have been angry for such a long time over the circumstances in my life. I live life that is practically unendurable except for my age and the knowledge that it will soon change.
You see, I have been living in a state of poverty for so long that it has affected me seriously. Not in the way that most people would imagine, but two things working against me are naturally age and people's biases and prejudices.
One, there is very little that I can do to change anything until my dad is finally passed into the next life and out of this one. With a death certificate, the trust that is to be divided between me and my brother will come into effect and I will emerge into another tax bracket.
I began work when a child. I was underage when I first began to babysit, then I became a waitress, but I had a work permit, and eventually I got a social security card. I paid into the system in every job that I had except one, and that was the time spent working as a teacher in California in which the money was paid into a retirement fund in California instead of social security. I was sadly unaware of this so that when the time came for me to collect social security I learned that I needed 11 more credits or two more years of employment to get social security benefits. That remains the same now as when I first learned of it because I have not become hired by some employer to get those benefits and to do a job of any kind.
On the positive side, naturally enough, a child's smile, a cute little pet, be it kitten or puppy, a rainbow, a fresh bloom, the nighttime sparkle of stars in the sky, the sliver of a golden moon...all those please me most of all too.
In summary, it is the small things that either provoke a snarl or incite a laugh, a glee of spirit...the big things overwhelm and amaze but the small things impact you.
I talked myself out of the topic I intended to write in this way. I have been angry for such a long time over the circumstances in my life. I live life that is practically unendurable except for my age and the knowledge that it will soon change.
You see, I have been living in a state of poverty for so long that it has affected me seriously. Not in the way that most people would imagine, but two things working against me are naturally age and people's biases and prejudices.
One, there is very little that I can do to change anything until my dad is finally passed into the next life and out of this one. With a death certificate, the trust that is to be divided between me and my brother will come into effect and I will emerge into another tax bracket.
I began work when a child. I was underage when I first began to babysit, then I became a waitress, but I had a work permit, and eventually I got a social security card. I paid into the system in every job that I had except one, and that was the time spent working as a teacher in California in which the money was paid into a retirement fund in California instead of social security. I was sadly unaware of this so that when the time came for me to collect social security I learned that I needed 11 more credits or two more years of employment to get social security benefits. That remains the same now as when I first learned of it because I have not become hired by some employer to get those benefits and to do a job of any kind.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
The Akashic Records
While I was on facebook an ad appeared about the Akashic records so I requested their free download which I just read and followed. Presumably I will be getting emails now to help me to learn how to read the akashic records.
I spent a lot of time last night making videos in which I repeated much of what I have written here about my experiences in regression through hypnotic trances, and while I am always subject to criticism for doing it all by myself I did not trust modern day psychiatrists or psychologists who might want to exploit me for their own purposes. I had read a book about a man who had revealed himself to have been John Wilkes Booth while under hypnosis and the manner in which he was treated so annoyed and irritated me that I simply decided to go it alone. I did meet up with a psychiatrist later in whom I have confided. I will keep that confidential at this stage of this game of looking into the past.
My entire premise is that we find the truth, and to be good and decent, we can share the truth of our own experiences with others who can decide to accept or reject anything that you might say. That is anyone's privilege to do. I was schooled on Edgar Cayce, on Jess Stearn and Taylor Caldwell, and several others who have written books about the gleanings that they underwent in the process of trying to learn whether or not there is a real soul's rebirth and whether or not it can be found to be accurate and correct.
I am not a dumb bunny by any means. I have no real good reason to kid myself so last night I made some videos of myself discussing my own experiences and as I sat and watched myself I learned more about myself than I had previously realized or known.
It is important to understand why it is that a person makes a soul searching. It is important to know the truth about the akashic records, and why when I listen or read such statements as I just did, why it is that anyone can assert so positively all that this woman does assert on this program that she is giving out freely for now. I do not know whether it will remain free or not. Money is always a problem with me.
I am a very serious minded person. I am not frivolous in any way about this matter of past lives. I have too many books on each subject to demonstrate how seriously I took this adventure that I have undergone. I do not intend ever to become a historian or expert in any way on the writings of others who have since studied these men in history. My entire exercise was to learn the truth about myself as who I had been in a past life and to produce evidence of that for me to have certainty and faith in it.
On that note, I will close for awhile. I have to watch how much time I use on this broadband. I will use wifi to help fray the costs.
I spent a lot of time last night making videos in which I repeated much of what I have written here about my experiences in regression through hypnotic trances, and while I am always subject to criticism for doing it all by myself I did not trust modern day psychiatrists or psychologists who might want to exploit me for their own purposes. I had read a book about a man who had revealed himself to have been John Wilkes Booth while under hypnosis and the manner in which he was treated so annoyed and irritated me that I simply decided to go it alone. I did meet up with a psychiatrist later in whom I have confided. I will keep that confidential at this stage of this game of looking into the past.
My entire premise is that we find the truth, and to be good and decent, we can share the truth of our own experiences with others who can decide to accept or reject anything that you might say. That is anyone's privilege to do. I was schooled on Edgar Cayce, on Jess Stearn and Taylor Caldwell, and several others who have written books about the gleanings that they underwent in the process of trying to learn whether or not there is a real soul's rebirth and whether or not it can be found to be accurate and correct.
I am not a dumb bunny by any means. I have no real good reason to kid myself so last night I made some videos of myself discussing my own experiences and as I sat and watched myself I learned more about myself than I had previously realized or known.
It is important to understand why it is that a person makes a soul searching. It is important to know the truth about the akashic records, and why when I listen or read such statements as I just did, why it is that anyone can assert so positively all that this woman does assert on this program that she is giving out freely for now. I do not know whether it will remain free or not. Money is always a problem with me.
I am a very serious minded person. I am not frivolous in any way about this matter of past lives. I have too many books on each subject to demonstrate how seriously I took this adventure that I have undergone. I do not intend ever to become a historian or expert in any way on the writings of others who have since studied these men in history. My entire exercise was to learn the truth about myself as who I had been in a past life and to produce evidence of that for me to have certainty and faith in it.
On that note, I will close for awhile. I have to watch how much time I use on this broadband. I will use wifi to help fray the costs.
HorseRacing and Gambling
I went to Armadillo today where Virginia the waitress there planted me at a table. I was soon surrounded by a couple of men, one of whom decided to sit with me. When I saw that Kayla Stra was back at Santa Anita, I asked him about her horse, and he said to me that while it was not such a great horse ( a long shot) that up against the others it was pretty good at that...So we watched while Kayla came in to place. I know she is a hustler and can do it, but I did not bet it which was my fault...Second time now that that has happened while I was at that particular otb. So I was wailing and moaning at what a dummy I am but then later at the Sunshine Millions which was the main feature of the day, I saw that Ron The Greek was the second favorite and shouted all over the place, Oh I love Ron the Greek! Then I saw that the cameraman and director had him on t.v. with him waving his tail happily and I thought I am going with Ron. So I had a small voucher left over from a dismal day last Wednesday and so I bet my remaining money cross the board on Ron, and he ran away with the race! What a great time! I would not tell who I was betting when they asked me because I said I hope he will win and I will tell you after he does....(the guy had already pointed him out when he was only a number on the tote board as having gone from ten to one to five to one. He ended up going off 3 to 1. But he paid me back and I am on my way to my next big effort, to finally nail this goal I have of winning a superfecta somehow! So it goes...
Experimenting with video
Friday, January 18, 2013
Lessons in Life
I just received two photos of my dad from my brother. My dad does look pretty good in these photos but he looks emaciated and much too thin and gaunt to suit me. I suspect that he only half eats so that his body would be shutting down from deficiencies as much as anything else.
I also just placed an old video I had made of Alexander with the kittens when I was caring for them. It makes me sad to know how quickly we can lose something we love so much. I still feel pain over the loss of that beautiful and wonderful cat. Marcello has been a real help to me and is just as much loved as Alexander. I will have to make a youtube video of Marcello soon too.
Life goes on. We have many blessings in it. I always realized how much I loved Alexander. He is so dear to me even now...
I also just placed an old video I had made of Alexander with the kittens when I was caring for them. It makes me sad to know how quickly we can lose something we love so much. I still feel pain over the loss of that beautiful and wonderful cat. Marcello has been a real help to me and is just as much loved as Alexander. I will have to make a youtube video of Marcello soon too.
Life goes on. We have many blessings in it. I always realized how much I loved Alexander. He is so dear to me even now...
On my list of blogs that I follow I found a most interesting story that supports my story of the UFO sighting the other night...I have been thinking about that a lot as we all know. So a person in North Phoenix spotted a triangular looking vision and filmed it. I shared it on my facebook page so that it is on my wall. The last scene is the most important to me...Amazing and so glad that I spoke up about it. That is the whole point so that people will be alerted, watching, and filming and sharing...We all need to come togethe on this event of seeing lights and strange objects in the skies around us.
Movies and Real Life
I watched two sets of movies this past week. I never take any movie seriously or as anywhere close to truth. I was raised to believe that movies are entertainment, seldom approximate real truth in any way, and therefore not to be taken very seriously. Most movies are imagination gone amuck so why get so involved in the accuracy or correctness of them since that is not their purpose.
Historical movies always get criticized but the truth about history is that pure facts are often dry, boring, and ordinary. The entertainment industry over exaggerates, magnifies, and minimizes ordinary tales so that it will make sales. If you want the truth about history, it is doubtful that you will ever get it because even historians themselves are loath to write anything but the story as they wish it to be seen. In other words, it is mostly propaganda. Events of themselves are often very boring, trite, and frankly inconsequential.
Unless I have a mental block of some kind, I am a very rapid learner. I can pick up on most things pretty rapidly. However, if I show a resistance to it, I am a very slow learner and need it to be repeated frequently so that I finally absorb it. Mathematics and computer skills appear to fall into the most resistant kinds of learning that I have undergone. Some aspects of computer life come easily but as I spend very few hours on the computer, I forget a lesson once learned and must repeat it to relearn it.
Anyway, I digressed there a bit. I was talking about movies because I had seen a really well made but trite plot of a movie called Country Strong. The star of the show is naturally a Willie Nelson kind of critter, in other words, an alcoholic and drug user. She is facing a comeback after defaulting on a show that she was supposed to give, having had some kind of breakdown following a drinking bout. She is therefore considered fragile material now and her husband who happens to be her agent as well is trying to get her to face a comeback performance at which she totally breaksdown and cannot complete it. It is a bit of a reminder of the lifestyle that Elvis Presley has lived, and at her death, (sorry for being a spoiler here) she is a reminder of the royal performance given to Princess Diana at her death and funeral. The casket loaded with flowers made me think of Diana. In reality, she is a fictious character who has a crew of interesting characters who either support her or threaten her.
(I despise my computer now for erasing the last paragraphs I had just written.)
The line that the young wanna be star says to the good guy upcoming sponsor of the aging alcoholic hit a nerve in me...Do you still like me? she says...Who does that sound like to me? And of course everybody who has been listening to me for any length of time knows...Omar, who else?
So that gave me an interesting insight into the writers of this plot.
Because I am ticked I will end this now and publish it. Besides, I have lots to do today and must get at it instead of sitting around on a netbook computer.
Historical movies always get criticized but the truth about history is that pure facts are often dry, boring, and ordinary. The entertainment industry over exaggerates, magnifies, and minimizes ordinary tales so that it will make sales. If you want the truth about history, it is doubtful that you will ever get it because even historians themselves are loath to write anything but the story as they wish it to be seen. In other words, it is mostly propaganda. Events of themselves are often very boring, trite, and frankly inconsequential.
Unless I have a mental block of some kind, I am a very rapid learner. I can pick up on most things pretty rapidly. However, if I show a resistance to it, I am a very slow learner and need it to be repeated frequently so that I finally absorb it. Mathematics and computer skills appear to fall into the most resistant kinds of learning that I have undergone. Some aspects of computer life come easily but as I spend very few hours on the computer, I forget a lesson once learned and must repeat it to relearn it.
Anyway, I digressed there a bit. I was talking about movies because I had seen a really well made but trite plot of a movie called Country Strong. The star of the show is naturally a Willie Nelson kind of critter, in other words, an alcoholic and drug user. She is facing a comeback after defaulting on a show that she was supposed to give, having had some kind of breakdown following a drinking bout. She is therefore considered fragile material now and her husband who happens to be her agent as well is trying to get her to face a comeback performance at which she totally breaksdown and cannot complete it. It is a bit of a reminder of the lifestyle that Elvis Presley has lived, and at her death, (sorry for being a spoiler here) she is a reminder of the royal performance given to Princess Diana at her death and funeral. The casket loaded with flowers made me think of Diana. In reality, she is a fictious character who has a crew of interesting characters who either support her or threaten her.
(I despise my computer now for erasing the last paragraphs I had just written.)
The line that the young wanna be star says to the good guy upcoming sponsor of the aging alcoholic hit a nerve in me...Do you still like me? she says...Who does that sound like to me? And of course everybody who has been listening to me for any length of time knows...Omar, who else?
So that gave me an interesting insight into the writers of this plot.
Because I am ticked I will end this now and publish it. Besides, I have lots to do today and must get at it instead of sitting around on a netbook computer.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
UFO caught on news feed in Australia
I just saw footage of a filmed UFO streaking across the sky in Australia during their wildfires. It impressed me as looking like the multiple series of UFO's that I wrote about not too long at this site. It is going horizontally the same way that these orbs as I call them now appeared to me. I was so stunned at seeing them that I have not forgotten about them at all. I am so happy to see this news video showing this phenomenon which has appeared there.
Naturally, I think about this often. I wonder at whether one can discuss it without people thinking you balmy. That fear is as strong as any regarding UFO's because one often wonders why it is that some see and others do not. Naturally, it requires looking at the right place at the right time. I don't go around looking up all the time either. And I know that people are always distracted and won't even bother to look if you nudge them. I had some difficulty getting a photographer to look up at a cloud angel which appeared in Las Vegas years ago above the Bellagio Casino. But he did look up and did see it.
I am convinced that these are gods around us. If one can divide the unknown into categories of gods and devils, I prefer to think that these are gods and are beneficial, not harmful. I suspect that we human beings are simply too blind and dumb to much which surrounds us.
Naturally, I think about this often. I wonder at whether one can discuss it without people thinking you balmy. That fear is as strong as any regarding UFO's because one often wonders why it is that some see and others do not. Naturally, it requires looking at the right place at the right time. I don't go around looking up all the time either. And I know that people are always distracted and won't even bother to look if you nudge them. I had some difficulty getting a photographer to look up at a cloud angel which appeared in Las Vegas years ago above the Bellagio Casino. But he did look up and did see it.
I am convinced that these are gods around us. If one can divide the unknown into categories of gods and devils, I prefer to think that these are gods and are beneficial, not harmful. I suspect that we human beings are simply too blind and dumb to much which surrounds us.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Novel Planning
No, I have not forgotten my novel on Alexander as a young child growing into a responsible and capable leader. All my copy that I just wrote up and disappeared on me so that I am always suspicious about what gives on these computers...ticks me off to say the least that that happens so frequently. Reason that I don't spend as much time on it now is due to the computer problem that I have been having.
I am wanting to use Scrivener to write the book now. So when I get my new computer, I will use that word processing tool and finish it there.
But Alexander is dormant for awhile. I think about it a lot and wonder how I will rewrite it totally. I had made so many changes in the second draft from the first that I had done for that NaNoWriMo thing that it is not funny. Pretty much, the book will stay the same as it is now but with a lot of expansion in terms of the relationships amongst the students when studying under Aristotle.
I just read that most novels are about 90,000 words long. That is not a long novel to be honest. Although, it is just about where mine is at present so that I may not have to do too much to it after all. We will see.
I am wanting to use Scrivener to write the book now. So when I get my new computer, I will use that word processing tool and finish it there.
But Alexander is dormant for awhile. I think about it a lot and wonder how I will rewrite it totally. I had made so many changes in the second draft from the first that I had done for that NaNoWriMo thing that it is not funny. Pretty much, the book will stay the same as it is now but with a lot of expansion in terms of the relationships amongst the students when studying under Aristotle.
I just read that most novels are about 90,000 words long. That is not a long novel to be honest. Although, it is just about where mine is at present so that I may not have to do too much to it after all. We will see.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Health Care
I made no secret of the fact that I have been opposed to Obamacare, the medical program which requires that everyone must have health insurance. There is only one way that I would ever approve of a government sponsored health program and that is if it were treated like the old
Christmas savings plan which means that everyone be charged fairly to pay into the program to receive the same benefits when having to draw upon them.
I have not had a medical health program since 1974 when I was a part of the Azusa Unified School District. Unless one is in a shelter type job where the employer pays for a part of the insurance or all of it, which means that is a part of your salary, independents and students, and a host of others not covered by a job program will have to fork up the money to pay for some shoddy insurance program.
If I had to do it today, I could not do it. Granted, some windfall could come my way and make into an instant high income winner, but the likelihood of that happening is so infintestimally small that I laugh at the thought of it. Sure, prize patrol will come knocking on my door. Hahaha! and that is not the hahaha of a happy laugh but the sure I just betcha kind of haha.
It makes me angry that the government thinks that it can interfere and control the lives of the people who want to remain free and independent, free from government rules and regulations. Health care is a matter of choice...and often the choice is to remain healthy rather than get ill so one has to play the game of running to doctor, getting prescriptions so doctors get kickbacks and rich, and then have to use insurance programs which only cause the costs to rise constantly and forever.
I have hated insurance programs as long as I ever had to use them, because they are always a one way from my pocket into the insurance companies never to be collected because heaven forbid that we need them for insurance companies then up the rates and the costs...while getting richer and richer for themselves.
So for a group of stupid congressmen and women to decide that I MUST have health insurance says that I am not a free, independent, and self reliant human being who can decide to stay healthy instead of playing the sick game of having to have a doctor tell me all my faults and problems. Most medical illnesses are mind over matter, and I mind that most people use doctors to gain attention and self importance more than genuine health care.
Yes, I object to a nation catering to negative thinking. Hospitals should be nearly empty if the nation taught good health practices, avoidance of unnecessary medicines, and stop the nonsense that hospitals must be filled just so that they can earn enough money to pay all the personnel and equipment needed to operate the place. Sorry, but I do not approve of any of this health care crap at all.
I prefer to be healthy and remain healthy. Don't want a doctor, don't want a nurse, don't want a health plan.
Christmas savings plan which means that everyone be charged fairly to pay into the program to receive the same benefits when having to draw upon them.
I have not had a medical health program since 1974 when I was a part of the Azusa Unified School District. Unless one is in a shelter type job where the employer pays for a part of the insurance or all of it, which means that is a part of your salary, independents and students, and a host of others not covered by a job program will have to fork up the money to pay for some shoddy insurance program.
If I had to do it today, I could not do it. Granted, some windfall could come my way and make into an instant high income winner, but the likelihood of that happening is so infintestimally small that I laugh at the thought of it. Sure, prize patrol will come knocking on my door. Hahaha! and that is not the hahaha of a happy laugh but the sure I just betcha kind of haha.
It makes me angry that the government thinks that it can interfere and control the lives of the people who want to remain free and independent, free from government rules and regulations. Health care is a matter of choice...and often the choice is to remain healthy rather than get ill so one has to play the game of running to doctor, getting prescriptions so doctors get kickbacks and rich, and then have to use insurance programs which only cause the costs to rise constantly and forever.
I have hated insurance programs as long as I ever had to use them, because they are always a one way from my pocket into the insurance companies never to be collected because heaven forbid that we need them for insurance companies then up the rates and the costs...while getting richer and richer for themselves.
So for a group of stupid congressmen and women to decide that I MUST have health insurance says that I am not a free, independent, and self reliant human being who can decide to stay healthy instead of playing the sick game of having to have a doctor tell me all my faults and problems. Most medical illnesses are mind over matter, and I mind that most people use doctors to gain attention and self importance more than genuine health care.
Yes, I object to a nation catering to negative thinking. Hospitals should be nearly empty if the nation taught good health practices, avoidance of unnecessary medicines, and stop the nonsense that hospitals must be filled just so that they can earn enough money to pay all the personnel and equipment needed to operate the place. Sorry, but I do not approve of any of this health care crap at all.
I prefer to be healthy and remain healthy. Don't want a doctor, don't want a nurse, don't want a health plan.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Strange events again
Not long ago, I was writing and telling the story of the litter that appeared on the lid of the toilet seat not once but twice. This time again strange things are occurring, and I wish I could learn the source of this ongoing invasion into my apartment. At the house it had been several things that happened that were inexplicable, the o ring on the underwear in the toilet area, the vanishing egg in front of my eyes, and other unexplained phenomena...this time it is a cap that has to be unscrewed to get off the tube which was found carefully placed on the carpet in the dressing room which leads to the toilet area, and today, in the kitchen, a coffee measuring spoon cup that was carefully placed in the center of the kitchen floor plus the filters for the coffee having somehow or other made their way to the sink from the top of the microwave. All this convinces me that some presence is indeed doing all this. I have only two visible moments when I saw the invisible make itself at the house when the hard boiled egg vanished in front of me, and the other when some invisible presence with only an outline scared Alexander to death but I could see an outline of a being of some kind...never knew exactly what.. So here it is again, and also after seeing a flying object in the sky which has me thinking that these are associated with the lights in the sky and the ufo's that I have reported. All for now.. Am in a hurry.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Update on UFO
An event occurred that made me think. I read a post from a facebook friend who had a near accident. She said the magic word and the duck came down...Right away, I got an insight into her accident. When I saw the UFO in Michigan which I eventually reported to Alan Hynek my mother and I had to pull off to the shoulder of the road. I sat there to watch it...So that when this woman told about her accident causing her to nestle on the shoulder of the road, it caught my attention. I realized that there is a connection there, only due to the shoulder. There are others which I do not wish to elaborate upon right now but nonetheless, I do believe that the woman had an angel guarding and protecting her. And as it is with reports of UFO's to some, a few asked me if I had thought it to be an angel. The thing is that it appeared as a dark speck but zoomed up close to look like a floating water tower it seemed to me. It was gray in color. The two small lights that I saw while on the city bus were white as white could be when it descended....the two lights looked like headlights...But because I was sitting on the side of the bus, I was able to see it high in the sky with the other jets racing across the sky leaving their trails of smoke behind them...It went so fast that that is why I believed it to be a UFO, because the one in Michigan likewise was so very fast that one cannot imagine what it must be like to travel at that rate of speed.
Anyway, after writing about the extraordinary experience the other night, I even eventually drew a photo of it as it had happened. I have been thinking about this since. But last night on the way home from a trip to Tempe, I happened upon a bus that had been sideswiped and hit so that the police cars and officers were standing alongside the bus. The passengers had to wait for the bus I had taken to arrive to pick them up. They were delayed by the accident to have to wait for the next bus. That is when I realized that I had compared the lights moving so rapidly to a police car's lights on top. When I saw the police cars I thought of the vision I had seen, and then related it to the sideswiping...Maybe there is a connection as I had thought when I had learned of the previous near miss that the woman had had. The first sighting of a UFO would have been a head on had we connected and I always complained about the idea of a floating object like that being so near a major highway. But it came from the southwest in a diagonal approach but when we looked up it was directly above us, and had it been on the ground, it would have been head on. This next one was at the side of the bus when I saw it so that had it collided it would have been like the accident it seems that the bus had had so that the police had to come to examine the collision.
What does all this mean? Who can know? I am putting the two together and reading about a ferry crash I began to wonder...maybe ufo's are responsible for crashes more than we know.
Just thinking is all.
Anyway, after writing about the extraordinary experience the other night, I even eventually drew a photo of it as it had happened. I have been thinking about this since. But last night on the way home from a trip to Tempe, I happened upon a bus that had been sideswiped and hit so that the police cars and officers were standing alongside the bus. The passengers had to wait for the bus I had taken to arrive to pick them up. They were delayed by the accident to have to wait for the next bus. That is when I realized that I had compared the lights moving so rapidly to a police car's lights on top. When I saw the police cars I thought of the vision I had seen, and then related it to the sideswiping...Maybe there is a connection as I had thought when I had learned of the previous near miss that the woman had had. The first sighting of a UFO would have been a head on had we connected and I always complained about the idea of a floating object like that being so near a major highway. But it came from the southwest in a diagonal approach but when we looked up it was directly above us, and had it been on the ground, it would have been head on. This next one was at the side of the bus when I saw it so that had it collided it would have been like the accident it seems that the bus had had so that the police had to come to examine the collision.
What does all this mean? Who can know? I am putting the two together and reading about a ferry crash I began to wonder...maybe ufo's are responsible for crashes more than we know.
Just thinking is all.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Day After UFO Sighting
It was all I could do to calm my nerves last night. I do not know for sure why it was such a nervewracking experience except for a lot of factors. One, I immediately thought that it was a UFO and so when I saw it the second time round, I was startled and amazed by the light show. I know I kept looking around me and staring at what was behind me to see if it could be a reflection but the entire thing was so contained and so definite that there was no way that it could have been a reflexion. I studied reflections long after that to see that they remain steady and fixed when seen in the window as a reflection.
First thing this morning, I noticed a cap on the rug in the region where my dressing room sink is located. It had been on a tube of arthritiscream which I had left on the counter. That cap had not been there last time I had gone to the toilet, so I realized right away that some entity had placed that cap there. Because this is not a first time that this has happened to me, remembering the litter on the lid of the toilet seat, I realized that my visitor is back and is leaving me a message.
I am thinkng about this quite seriously now. Why all this energy disposed in this manner to me? What is it trying to say? Not just a friendly little visit to say I care, I don't think, but maybe so...Why is this happening?
So I am contemplating on that now...What is the purpose of the sighting? the cap on the floor? My cat is the only thing in this room besides myself and that entity which had already made its appearance before. Is it related to the sighting? I am inclined to think so since I had already mentioned the square light which I had seen on the ceiling a few nights earlier...So I am not surprised at anything but I want to know what is the message for and why...I don't think that this kind of persistence is for naught...And I am not trying to make more of it than there is or less of it...I had an uncontrollable urge to cry this afternoon but I held back as I do not have any real reason to cry yet...but for some reason I just felt overwhelmed.
As for wondering if it would recharge my batteries so to speak, not really. Not any really change in vitality.
First thing this morning, I noticed a cap on the rug in the region where my dressing room sink is located. It had been on a tube of arthritiscream which I had left on the counter. That cap had not been there last time I had gone to the toilet, so I realized right away that some entity had placed that cap there. Because this is not a first time that this has happened to me, remembering the litter on the lid of the toilet seat, I realized that my visitor is back and is leaving me a message.
I am thinkng about this quite seriously now. Why all this energy disposed in this manner to me? What is it trying to say? Not just a friendly little visit to say I care, I don't think, but maybe so...Why is this happening?
So I am contemplating on that now...What is the purpose of the sighting? the cap on the floor? My cat is the only thing in this room besides myself and that entity which had already made its appearance before. Is it related to the sighting? I am inclined to think so since I had already mentioned the square light which I had seen on the ceiling a few nights earlier...So I am not surprised at anything but I want to know what is the message for and why...I don't think that this kind of persistence is for naught...And I am not trying to make more of it than there is or less of it...I had an uncontrollable urge to cry this afternoon but I held back as I do not have any real reason to cry yet...but for some reason I just felt overwhelmed.
As for wondering if it would recharge my batteries so to speak, not really. Not any really change in vitality.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Let me explain about ufo's
I am still trying to calm down. My nerves are so on edge that I can hardly believe it. Of all people in the world who should not react like this, it is me, but I learned something about myself that I did not know. Certainty is a very powerful conviction.
In 1975 I saw a UFO while driving down a major highway near Fenton, Michigan with my mother sitting beside me. She and I were both dubious at first as to what it was but finally concluded that it had to be aUFO. We drew our own impressions of it, and the memory of it has never left me. Since then, each one of us has had another experience in Arizona of seeing what would be defined as a UFO, unidentified flying object in the sky. She was sitting outside a drugstore here in Scottsdale while I was inside so that she saw a series of objects which she described to me that seemed to be in the southwest part of the city. I then later saw at night while walking through a parking lot a white circle appear in the sky and then descend into the west, turning into several lights on its way down...I never did get too excited about it but I saw that it appeared out of the blue and then proceeded to descend.
But tonight I was on a city bus when I watched three military planes flying in the air leaving streams behind them, a pretty common sight, but coming in the center of them was what seemed to me to be an airplane because I saw two round circles of light seemingly heading directly towards me...While watching it and the three jets flying, all of a sudden, it streaked downward all lit up so that I knew it was not an airplane at all, and while I know those jets were flying fast, they appeared to be quite slow in comparison to this object which just suddenly sped downward. The descent made me realize that this was not an airplane at all but probably a UFO...unidentified streaking object in this case. This happened about 5:29 while I was on the city bus. One half hour later, just as we are approaching McDowell Road, I am looking out the window when lights suddenly appear all at once, five or six in a cluster spread in an even distribution from one another, and I am wondering what the heck, trying to figure this out, when the lights which were all exactly the same size in composition zigzagged to and fro streaking back and forth, and then just like that, evaporated out of sight. I knew right away that this was a UFO, as I had already thought to myself well, there are lights over Phoenix all right. But these lights were much closer to where we were on the bus than the earlier two lights that had been so high up in the sky...I tried to tell myself I was not afraid, but I was stunned and shaken by this event...I kept studying all the reflections in the bus, trying to find a plausible answer, and finally even remarked to a passenger about it...I wanted off that bus I can tell you and I was so shaken I could not believe myself. I had always been so excited about the first sighting and had always wanted to see another but nothing prepared me for this, and I was not excited but really unnerved and certain for sure that these lights were a UFO hovering right near us here in downtown Scottsdale.
It was all I could do to calm myself down. In fact, I am not a bit calm about it even now. It shook me up to be honest. It is with absolute certainty that I am that these ufo's are all around us and there is absolutely nothing that we can do about them period. They are awesome, powerful, and mighty. Anything that can move that fast, appear out of the blue, zig zag back and forth, and disappear that quickly is a power that is beyond my comprehension. I did indeed study all light reflections, all of which are stable and natural and normal. This was not a reflection at all, and I realized it immediately as I was that darn certain of it. But again, people will not believe and frankly, I understand why. Our minds cannot grasp this, cannot explain it, and thus, we try to deny it. I, too, tried denial at first, studying reflections, trying to figure out what could cause it but knowing just as when I first saw it that it was what I had thought in the first place, a real genuine ufo with the power to dazzle, intimidate, and impress. But this time I was a bit frightened even though I kept telling myself I was not afraid of it...Frankly, I think to be a bit afraid is probably more sane than not being afraid. Will I report this? I doubt it. I will write it up as I am now...share it, and think about it.
There are so many videos on youtube, and that is why I am so sure that when so many people are actually seeing and filming these things that my reporting is won't do much but add a little weight to it, I know that even though I had my camera with me that I could not film it in that environment and that it was too quick and sudden to capture anyway. So naturally I always wonder too about all the filmed episodes...just take my word for it. This is for real. It is beyond comprehension. It is too fast and too quick to be filmed, and it is powerful and close to us...
This time I was not excited at all but totally unnerved. Who would have thought that? I guess I am going over the edge, or close to it at times...They are lights when seen at night...but interesting to me that both the Michigan sighting and this sighting occurred at the same time of day, between 5 and 6o'clock...for whatever that is worth. I did think of the 23rd psalm...the Lord is my Shepherd which did calm me down...and I wondered if I would get another energy burst as I did the first time I saw that encounter in Michigan...maybe so...maybe it is restoring my soul.
In 1975 I saw a UFO while driving down a major highway near Fenton, Michigan with my mother sitting beside me. She and I were both dubious at first as to what it was but finally concluded that it had to be aUFO. We drew our own impressions of it, and the memory of it has never left me. Since then, each one of us has had another experience in Arizona of seeing what would be defined as a UFO, unidentified flying object in the sky. She was sitting outside a drugstore here in Scottsdale while I was inside so that she saw a series of objects which she described to me that seemed to be in the southwest part of the city. I then later saw at night while walking through a parking lot a white circle appear in the sky and then descend into the west, turning into several lights on its way down...I never did get too excited about it but I saw that it appeared out of the blue and then proceeded to descend.
But tonight I was on a city bus when I watched three military planes flying in the air leaving streams behind them, a pretty common sight, but coming in the center of them was what seemed to me to be an airplane because I saw two round circles of light seemingly heading directly towards me...While watching it and the three jets flying, all of a sudden, it streaked downward all lit up so that I knew it was not an airplane at all, and while I know those jets were flying fast, they appeared to be quite slow in comparison to this object which just suddenly sped downward. The descent made me realize that this was not an airplane at all but probably a UFO...unidentified streaking object in this case. This happened about 5:29 while I was on the city bus. One half hour later, just as we are approaching McDowell Road, I am looking out the window when lights suddenly appear all at once, five or six in a cluster spread in an even distribution from one another, and I am wondering what the heck, trying to figure this out, when the lights which were all exactly the same size in composition zigzagged to and fro streaking back and forth, and then just like that, evaporated out of sight. I knew right away that this was a UFO, as I had already thought to myself well, there are lights over Phoenix all right. But these lights were much closer to where we were on the bus than the earlier two lights that had been so high up in the sky...I tried to tell myself I was not afraid, but I was stunned and shaken by this event...I kept studying all the reflections in the bus, trying to find a plausible answer, and finally even remarked to a passenger about it...I wanted off that bus I can tell you and I was so shaken I could not believe myself. I had always been so excited about the first sighting and had always wanted to see another but nothing prepared me for this, and I was not excited but really unnerved and certain for sure that these lights were a UFO hovering right near us here in downtown Scottsdale.
It was all I could do to calm myself down. In fact, I am not a bit calm about it even now. It shook me up to be honest. It is with absolute certainty that I am that these ufo's are all around us and there is absolutely nothing that we can do about them period. They are awesome, powerful, and mighty. Anything that can move that fast, appear out of the blue, zig zag back and forth, and disappear that quickly is a power that is beyond my comprehension. I did indeed study all light reflections, all of which are stable and natural and normal. This was not a reflection at all, and I realized it immediately as I was that darn certain of it. But again, people will not believe and frankly, I understand why. Our minds cannot grasp this, cannot explain it, and thus, we try to deny it. I, too, tried denial at first, studying reflections, trying to figure out what could cause it but knowing just as when I first saw it that it was what I had thought in the first place, a real genuine ufo with the power to dazzle, intimidate, and impress. But this time I was a bit frightened even though I kept telling myself I was not afraid of it...Frankly, I think to be a bit afraid is probably more sane than not being afraid. Will I report this? I doubt it. I will write it up as I am now...share it, and think about it.
There are so many videos on youtube, and that is why I am so sure that when so many people are actually seeing and filming these things that my reporting is won't do much but add a little weight to it, I know that even though I had my camera with me that I could not film it in that environment and that it was too quick and sudden to capture anyway. So naturally I always wonder too about all the filmed episodes...just take my word for it. This is for real. It is beyond comprehension. It is too fast and too quick to be filmed, and it is powerful and close to us...
This time I was not excited at all but totally unnerved. Who would have thought that? I guess I am going over the edge, or close to it at times...They are lights when seen at night...but interesting to me that both the Michigan sighting and this sighting occurred at the same time of day, between 5 and 6o'clock...for whatever that is worth. I did think of the 23rd psalm...the Lord is my Shepherd which did calm me down...and I wondered if I would get another energy burst as I did the first time I saw that encounter in Michigan...maybe so...maybe it is restoring my soul.
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