Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Internet or my computer

I just deleted the first paragraphs which refer to the title of My computer. It turns out that it is blogger and not the internet nor the computer...will not repeat the paragraphs that I wrote here.

I am not wishing Barack Obama well today regardless. I remember once saying that I had hoped that George Bush would have a worry free administration when all of a sudden 9/11 happened and that was after a  Chinese problem that has simply by now been forgotten.  So if wishing him well would bring another disaster to this country, I won't do it.

Because I could see that the news media was making anything that I said to a colleague at GHS in either editorial cartoons or actual events,  I became a bit sympathetic to Nixon during the Watergate affair. It seemed to parallel all our actions at Gladstone High and I know very well that none of us were guilty of doing anything but our jobs and being real people in small places.

I had been a member of the League of Women Voters at the time, and even there, one of the ladies, Louise Thomas, mentioned to me that she heard from Washington, D.C. many of the things that we had stated at our meetings.  So the leak was amongst us...This was a time when people were trying to learn where the leaks in government are.

Joke time on this...there was a woman name of Sybil Leek. I am not talking about her at all but I think of her often now as she discussed reincarnation and her past lives many times.

The problem soon became apparent to me that it was all me...I am the leak.  Not that I am leaking it knowingly but somehow or other, anywhere I went, I learned that the media followed me and recorded anything I did or said through some t.v outlet whether it be a sitcom or the Tonight Show.   My students had been right about it and also a lot of other people realized it and knew it too. I am the person whose thoughts and statements get put onto t.v., in  a movie dialogue, or a book, or magazine, and I became somewhat defensive and angered about it. It affected the rest of my life.  Even in the privacy of my four walls I have proof that a movie caught everything that I did to my mother to prove to her the truth of this. That was enough for me to know that whether it is what is called remote viewing or just plain eavesdropping, actions were mine that an actress copied. I do not like it when something is not private inside my four wall

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