Practical Magic is a movie starring Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock. Suddenly while watching this film I see the similarities in Sandra Bullock's face and Osama bin Laden's face and I wake up! Just like that I can see that they resemble one another. Then I remember that my brother went to Mexico where he was at a site where Sandra Bullock appeared for some reason...can't remember now what it is...making me think that it is no accident that I met up with "Omar" at Fashion Square after all...maybe it is all coincidence...but I am wondering all seems too much like the plot of this movie somehow...real life and reel life resemble one another a lot at times and I often wonder, is that coincidence too or what?
So naturally, that sets me to thinking. How much of this is phony baloney? How much of this is for real? I honestly do not know...But methinks that Osama resembles somewhat the zombie in this film...I see that likelihood many times has he been killed? Only to be rekilled again? and again? Weird plot this film but weird resemblance to real life too...Or am I just seeing too much in this film?
The eyes gave it away...I could see so well what this director or writer was saying...but not only the eyes...some other know that there is more to this than meets the eye...However, I somehow or other think that maybe, just maybe the Tucson connection makes too much sense to me...remembering James Gonzales's date plan...I am highly suspicious now...thinking of the sheriff there also...all this sounds very peculiar to me....ugly as sin as they say.
I am going to check something out now...
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