I am still trying to calm down. My nerves are so on edge that I can hardly believe it. Of all people in the world who should not react like this, it is me, but I learned something about myself that I did not know. Certainty is a very powerful conviction.
In 1975 I saw a UFO while driving down a major highway near Fenton, Michigan with my mother sitting beside me. She and I were both dubious at first as to what it was but finally concluded that it had to be aUFO. We drew our own impressions of it, and the memory of it has never left me. Since then, each one of us has had another experience in Arizona of seeing what would be defined as a UFO, unidentified flying object in the sky. She was sitting outside a drugstore here in Scottsdale while I was inside so that she saw a series of objects which she described to me that seemed to be in the southwest part of the city. I then later saw at night while walking through a parking lot a white circle appear in the sky and then descend into the west, turning into several lights on its way down...I never did get too excited about it but I saw that it appeared out of the blue and then proceeded to descend.
But tonight I was on a city bus when I watched three military planes flying in the air leaving streams behind them, a pretty common sight, but coming in the center of them was what seemed to me to be an airplane because I saw two round circles of light seemingly heading directly towards me...While watching it and the three jets flying, all of a sudden, it streaked downward all lit up so that I knew it was not an airplane at all, and while I know those jets were flying fast, they appeared to be quite slow in comparison to this object which just suddenly sped downward. The descent made me realize that this was not an airplane at all but probably a UFO...unidentified streaking object in this case. This happened about 5:29 while I was on the city bus. One half hour later, just as we are approaching McDowell Road, I am looking out the window when lights suddenly appear all at once, five or six in a cluster spread in an even distribution from one another, and I am wondering what the heck, trying to figure this out, when the lights which were all exactly the same size in composition zigzagged to and fro streaking back and forth, and then just like that, evaporated out of sight. I knew right away that this was a UFO, as I had already thought to myself well, there are lights over Phoenix all right. But these lights were much closer to where we were on the bus than the earlier two lights that had been so high up in the sky...I tried to tell myself I was not afraid, but I was stunned and shaken by this event...I kept studying all the reflections in the bus, trying to find a plausible answer, and finally even remarked to a passenger about it...I wanted off that bus I can tell you and I was so shaken I could not believe myself. I had always been so excited about the first sighting and had always wanted to see another but nothing prepared me for this, and I was not excited but really unnerved and certain for sure that these lights were a UFO hovering right near us here in downtown Scottsdale.
It was all I could do to calm myself down. In fact, I am not a bit calm about it even now. It shook me up to be honest. It is with absolute certainty that I am that these ufo's are all around us and there is absolutely nothing that we can do about them period. They are awesome, powerful, and mighty. Anything that can move that fast, appear out of the blue, zig zag back and forth, and disappear that quickly is a power that is beyond my comprehension. I did indeed study all light reflections, all of which are stable and natural and normal. This was not a reflection at all, and I realized it immediately as I was that darn certain of it. But again, people will not believe and frankly, I understand why. Our minds cannot grasp this, cannot explain it, and thus, we try to deny it. I, too, tried denial at first, studying reflections, trying to figure out what could cause it but knowing just as when I first saw it that it was what I had thought in the first place, a real genuine ufo with the power to dazzle, intimidate, and impress. But this time I was a bit frightened even though I kept telling myself I was not afraid of it...Frankly, I think to be a bit afraid is probably more sane than not being afraid. Will I report this? I doubt it. I will write it up as I am now...share it, and think about it.
There are so many videos on youtube, and that is why I am so sure that when so many people are actually seeing and filming these things that my reporting is won't do much but add a little weight to it, I know that even though I had my camera with me that I could not film it in that environment and that it was too quick and sudden to capture anyway. So naturally I always wonder too about all the filmed episodes...just take my word for it. This is for real. It is beyond comprehension. It is too fast and too quick to be filmed, and it is powerful and close to us...
This time I was not excited at all but totally unnerved. Who would have thought that? I guess I am going over the edge, or close to it at times...They are lights when seen at night...but interesting to me that both the Michigan sighting and this sighting occurred at the same time of day, between 5 and 6o'clock...for whatever that is worth. I did think of the 23rd psalm...the Lord is my Shepherd which did calm me down...and I wondered if I would get another energy burst as I did the first time I saw that encounter in Michigan...maybe so...maybe it is restoring my soul.
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