Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Health Care

I made no secret of the fact that I have been opposed to Obamacare, the medical program which requires that everyone must have health insurance.  There is only one way that I would ever approve of a government sponsored health program and that is if it were treated like the old
Christmas savings plan which means that everyone be charged fairly to pay into the program to receive the same benefits when having to draw upon them.

I have not had a medical health program since 1974 when I was a part of the Azusa Unified School District. Unless one is in a  shelter type job where the employer pays for a part of the insurance or all of it, which means that is a part of your salary, independents and students, and a host of others not covered by a job program will have to fork up the money to pay for some shoddy insurance program.

If I had to do it today, I could not do it.  Granted,  some windfall could come my way and make into an instant high income winner, but the likelihood of that happening is so infintestimally small that I laugh at the thought of it.  Sure, prize patrol will come knocking on my door.  Hahaha!  and that is not the hahaha of a happy laugh but the sure I just betcha kind of haha.

It makes me angry that the government thinks that it can interfere and control the lives of the people who want to remain free and independent, free from government rules and regulations.  Health care is a matter of choice...and often the choice is to remain healthy rather than get ill so one has to play the game of running to doctor, getting prescriptions so doctors get kickbacks and rich, and then have to use insurance programs which only cause the costs to rise constantly and forever.

I have hated insurance programs as long as I ever had to use them, because they are always a one way from my pocket into the insurance companies never to be collected because heaven forbid that we need them for insurance companies then up the rates and the costs...while getting richer and richer for themselves.

So for a group of stupid congressmen and women to decide that I MUST have health insurance says that I am not a free, independent, and self reliant human being who can decide to stay healthy instead of playing the sick game of having to have a doctor tell me all my faults and problems. Most medical illnesses are mind over matter, and I mind that most people use doctors to gain attention and self importance more than genuine health care.

Yes, I object to a nation catering to negative thinking.  Hospitals should be nearly empty if the nation taught good health practices, avoidance of unnecessary medicines, and stop the nonsense that hospitals must be filled just so that they can earn enough money to pay all the personnel and equipment needed to operate the place. Sorry, but I do not approve of any of this health care crap at all.

I prefer to be healthy and remain healthy. Don't want a doctor, don't want a nurse, don't want a health plan.

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