Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Friday, June 21, 2013

Continuation of computer story

Well, today is a whole new day, and I have learned a lot. I brought my computer to the clubhouse where I am using wifi here. My wifi will be set up sometime next week if the modem comes in soon. I don't know what to think now.  I was told the modem would be here on Friday, but a post on the internet says that it was shipped out on Thursday, the 20th. Not likely to get here.

Another thing is that I came up to check out if this Brandon at Apple was any good at all in installing this mousescanner which I now see that he pulled a number on me.  He did not really install it at all, and I am pissed and will make another appointment with genius to see to it that it does get installed properly. That entire problem was a situation that I should maybe explain.  But I will wait it out til I see when I will next go in to solve this problem...which means for the moment I am going there and putting this on hold.

I checked out the scanner which did not work for me and I did not find any evidence of it on the launchpad.  I thought at the time he was a bit of a fasttalking Sam.  It reminds me too much of Dish.

Same sort of thing. I am tired of all this runaround crap especially coming from a reputable company like Apple.

However, he did have it working for himself but he did not set it up so that I could use it. My time is valuable too and I will remind Apple of that. Barbara, my neighbor, is a good friend to me to remind me to tell Dish that. And as far as Dish is concerned, I did call them about the free movies and he did set it up so that I can see free movies for 3 months from channels ****to ****.

More on this stuff as this blog is a kind of diary and journal for me to return to when I may need to remind myself of all that is going on.

One thing I love about this computer is that it enables me to use my own typing speed which is FAST.

1 comment:

  1. What the hell, if you don't mind my asking, is a mousescanner? What are you trying to do?
