Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Two weeks of communication systems misery

When it rains it pours syndrome is happening to me.  I bought the t.v. and had it installed.  It is now a problem for me after having wifi installed yesterday afternoon.  The wifi was supposed to have been installed last Monday but we surely had a lot of problems with that.  The dsl did not work properly so I had to call customer service. As it turns out, I would not have been able to do it all myself.  Eventually, the time arrived when the technicians arrived to solve the problem  They arrived at exactly 2:00.

I did not have to install a new phone jack because they tested it to see what was wrong and were able to repair it immediately...after some lapse of time but immediate in the sense of on that day.  So then once we could see that the thing was functioning they were going to hit the road fast but I said wait, I want you to help me to activate it.  As so far, it was not activated.  Michelle, the female in the pair, said that she could not read my computer so she would have to get her own.  The installation and activation process was a serious problem so that she had to install and activate it with her computer as the password that was on the modem did not function properly. As soon as she saw it, she said, No, she meaning me, can't do it. I will have to do it. So she took over and began the activation process.  She set it up and got it to running.

You won't believe it but now that my cellphones are on wifi the Samsung Galaxy is now performing totally differently than it had before.  Things are beginning to work on it that had not worked previously. WTF?

So then I tried to set up the wifi on the t.v. but one last final step I did incorrectly and it has been pandemonium ever since.  I just hit the wrong button and now I am having serious trouble with the t.v. I have unplugged it until someone comes to repair it and to get it working as it should.

Prior to this time I had had no problems at all with it, but now it is on a self timer of some kind with flashing lights.   The problem is that it stops and starts every two or three minutes which is very annoying.  Also there is a horrible sound like fluttering loudly coming from it at times when making channel changes.  I hate that!

So I sent a letter to Fry's to the manager David Keith explaining the problem. They are supposed to respond within 24 hours.  That means a telephone call to me.

The problem is that the Sony remote does not work properly at all. Probably needs new batteries but it is a problem and dead batteries is a sure sign that something is not right at that store in my opinion.

The other problem is that I can only get around by bussing and the Tempe area bus services are under negotiations so that if things don't go well this weekend, a strike may occur on Monday of this week. Making it literally impossible to get to Tempe on Monday.  I will have to go either today or tomorrow.

The heat only adds to all this misery.  But this is what a wreck of a week we have had thus far...all due to wifi and installation and activation.

But at last I can use my computer and cell phones readily and handily. I bet it won't be long before the t.v. is fully operable and working fine too.  Hope so anyway.

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