Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Children's Accounts of Reincarnation

On Facebook the other evening I sat to watch a video about children who had strange tales to tell.  Two children were selected who had had parents who listened to their comments early in their young lives to be able to make this video possible.  Most parents do not really listen to their children's talk, but it so happened that in this case, these parents were concerned enough about how these children behaved and spoke to listen to them and to try to find explanations for their behavior and statements.  How they found the producer is something that I do not know which of course makes me dubious about the entire video.

I have studied reincarnation ever since my college years when Edgar Cayce was first mentioned to me.  I had heard of reincarnation when a child because a childhood friend asked me if I believed it it. I did not know what she was talking about.  I never thought to ask her more about it or how she knew of it so I still do not know. I do recall asking her once though who she thought she might have been had she been reincarnated, and I pursued that when I last saw her to ask her again.  She just shrugged to say she had said that because she plucked it out of the air.  I do not really believe that, but I accepted it.

These children's accounts are fascinating to see.  I am not sure any parent would be happy to learn that his child is still caught up in a past life.  Both cases were extremely strange but at least were fixed in the time period in which records can be checked to find if there is any truth in these memories that these children exhibit.

This is the link to the video:

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