Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Monday, January 13, 2014

Thinking Aloud _ Including reaction to Golden Globe awards

It is a quarter after 12 and I just took the shower and shampoo to set my hair so that i will look halfway decent now.  I wear wigs on bad hair days and some are attractive while others are just so/so.

I decided to write my thoughts for this morning on this blog so that I won't forget what I am saying. I was thinking about reincarnation this morning because of not only myself and my beliefs in terms of my real experiences with the subject but also those of others who share their experiences. In a nutshell, it all boils down to my conclusion that hopefully this may be my last incarnation and I was ever so hoping that that might be the reason I finally learned of previous lives to be capped by this one.  Naturally, people who do not believe in the idea that a spiritual entity can live in a variety of lives in various time periods on the face of the earth this will not make any sense to them.

But I was jolly well hoping that maybe learning of these previous lifetimes and realizing their meaning to me that maybe it could be the last time round in the flesh for this spiritual entity that I am to myself...but if not, well, so be it.

I am going to sum up what I believe about the planet and the concept of reincarnation.  I believe everything on the planet is repetitive and constant, that the laws are defined, are set, and are not ever going to change.  An acorn will always become an oak if germinated and able to become fully developed.

My idea of creation is that all seedlings are within the great mind of this creative force that caused itself to unfold so that we emerged somewhere to contemplate it.  This creative power has had to have had the seeds within itself because we are able to perceive and know the results of those seedlings which is all around us, the universe, amongst all the stars and galaxies is tiny planet earth upon which we dwell, and possess for some reasons, five senses to enjoy the marvels of this planet.  Not only do we possess the senses to enjoy the fruits of the planet but we have the intelligence to examine it and to draw conclusions about it.

As I have been doing just that over these many years that I have dwelled here, i have come to abhor the life and death cycle of the planet, the cruelties, the  absurdities, the paradoxes of a planet which  gives us both beauty and ugliness in its inhabitants.  While I have been fortunate enough to have a stable enough mind and emotions to stay free from becoming tainted by the planet's negative sides, I am more aware of them than ever before.

But until I learned of how businesses have actually promoted outrageous mistreatment of animals when taken to slaughter, or even in nurturing and feeding to make financial gain and profit through force-feeding, suffering cramped quarters in which to stand for hours upon end, being mistreated through physical and emotional means, I had no idea how bad mankind has truly been to the lowest of beasts.    The fact that we are supposed to feed upon the suffering of calves, cattle, cows, chickens, pigs, and other animals makes me both physically and emotionally ill.

Without the ability to stop this kind of depravities, businesses will continue to hire ignorant, stupid sods who deliberately mistreat innocent animals just so that they can have a paycheck, knowing nobody will do a thing about it. Fortunately, hidden cameras have produced evidence so that sane human beings can bear down upon these horrible creatures to make changes for the good of  the community.

Many of us grow up and are reared in circumstances that protect us and prevent us from the harsh realities of life.  Eventually, we come to learn that not all life on the planet is so good for each and every place on earth.  The earth itself if taken as a whole has a lot of variety in the lifestyles that are practiced here.

I was saddened to watch a tour into the former Belgian Congo, now a democratic republic.  A nation which clearly proves that without the right leadership that democracy is a very bad joke.  Anthony Bourdain is a television celebrity who has a show on CNN which airs weekly.  This journey took us into the depths of African into what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  It was a study in the futility of imposing one nation's will upon another as the Belgians had done many years ago.

My discussion of that show will require a separate blog but the one thing that makes it work in this discussion of life on the planet is that the nations of Africa have clearly enjoyed a lifestyle unique to themselves and different from those of Europe or of the extension of European nations into the Americas.  While Europe ventured into Africa, it did not truly impose its own lifestyle onto the African natives with any real success.

New topic

Golden Globe awards were very unusual in that finally Hollywood itself through the Foreign Correspondents got themselves out of the rut of always handing the oscars to the same old candidates each and every time.  Between Hollywood actors and actresses, and politicians, nothing proves the truth of that law of repetition which seems like the same old rut too often.  The actors were even pointed int heir remarks about how often some of these actors and actresses had won the prized awards, and this time, the same old actors learned what it is to be overlooked while it goes to some other person sitting their hoping against hope  that this time he or she would walk on the stage.

Very interesting that the show was opened with the acknowledgement that Hollywood kills itself off time and again with its copycat ways, and that Hollywood will stoop to anything to get its way...So Woody Allen received his award which angered the family of Mia Farrow enough for twitters to be tweeted about how dreadful it is that he is acknowledged for his work instead of his private life.

The fact of the matter is that the Hollywood actors and actresses who work with him do so for their own end goals of fame and fortune and clearly demonstrate that they do not care if the man is a child molester or not.

I care. The last film I have seen of his was Annie Hall.  I won't see another. I dislike the truth about his personal life enough not to be willing to put money into his bank account...

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