Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday afternoon

I tried two joints of marijuana when I was in Florida in the 70's.  The first time I tried it was with a group of men and women who passed the joint around the room. We sat in a circle and each took a drag off the went from one to another around that small circle. I learned then what was meant by the term  mellow as I did inhale it into my lungs, and it did make me mellow.  

I left the room to go back to my own apartment in that hotel area and realized as I was walking poolside that if I fell into the pool that nobody would give a damn, that I could drown for all they cared. They were all too much under the influence of the weed to give a damn about anyone but themselves.

That was my last time trying it until I moved to Clearwater where once again I was given a drag which had the effect of putting me out cold...I realized when I woke up that I could have been robbed of everything that I had as I was too unable to do a thing to defend myself at all.  

As a result, I have never had a drag of it, and have not been around people who would even offer it to me. I would not know where to get it.

I just remember it well, and as a result, I have never wanted to have anything to do with it again.  I do not trust myself or anyone else who uses it to be responsible, competent, or even mildly sane.

I realize that some say that it has medical benefits.  If it does, it should be verified and proved to be an effective medical treatment, and dispensed as such.  But as recreational use, I consider it far more dangerous than any alcoholic substance that I have used.

That is my conclusion and sane judgement.  To each his own, but it is important that decisions be based upon experience, not hearsay.

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