European time being what it is means that Bastille Day has already been celebrated in France. I remember learning years ago that when the Bastille was opened, it was discovered that it held on 7 or so prisoners, that most of the gossip about it had been overhyped, and years later when I began my study of the French kings and queens, I learned that it was actually like a hotel for certain prisoners where they were well fed and housed. Naturally, one had to be a certain kind of important person to be held there anyway, as criminals are often notorious, aren't they?
It became a symbol somehow for the French Revolutionaries who were actually quite wrong about it as well as being quite wrong about their King, Louis XVI.
But just as today with the news media fanning the flames of bias and prejudice in court trials, in government actions, which of the ordinary common man can stand up to high pressure tactics and fight back? Case in point is the angry press who wantedto convict a woman of murder without truly knowing if she was guilty or not. They just didn't like her appearance, her having a good time, and lying about her activites all the time...none of which is proof whether she did or did not kill her only child. I read the worst headline of all on MSNBC showing Casey Anthony with the caption, What can people do when the jury system fails? As if MSNBC knew whether she had or had not willfully murdered her own daughter. It is just like the Scott Peterson case where everyone is certain that he is guilty of killing his wife, and frankly, nobody can be sure if he did or did not. He may have wanted to do it, but did he really do it?
Now, I cannot answer any of those questions. I just know that the power of people who are aroused to action for any reason at all is often overwhelmingly impossible to stop, whether right or wrong. People become carried away in a frenzy with other people's stampedes.
So it is with the French. I have been studying the history of France for a long time ever since I came into knowledge of details of Louis XIV's life that is of a personal nature to me. In examining my soul's quest, I learned that in a previous lietime, that I find myself in his spiritual body, reliving the moments of his life that are caught up in this tableau that I have discovered. It was a beautiful age, a mangificent time when great men and women gathered together under one rule, one law, and one idea: that France would be a great nation, and so it became one that frightened many a neighbor with its warlike tendencies. I cannot say in all honesty Happy Bastille Day for I remember a time when I, as King, visited there myself, having a key that only I could have to enter this particular cell.
The Bastille was a special holding place. It housed both serious and not so serious criminal types. In my memory, I kept many secrets to myself about prisoners and terms of imprisonment. I believe that the Bastille as a symbol of repression and wrongdoing by the Kings is a false impression that enemies of the King fostered. So I cannot celebrate the July 14 holiday in France as being anything but the guilty attempting to malign the innocent!
I went to France realizing that and fortunately, changing times, changing attitudes, and the concealment of people's identities made it possible for me to see this famous Chateau that King Louis XIV built and to learn the truth of my memory sessions.
So I am happy to know that many stories lie in the walls of those old buildings, and some are buried deep within me. Yes, I found the match! There are many ironies in eternal life, and sooner or later, we come face to face with them.
The French people can boast of their past, even long before the Bourbons came to rule, and find great satisfaction in their nation and take pride that they have remained a great nation for many years. In my mind, the Grand Siecle was the age that truly is the zenith of France, but it will return again someday at some future date to regain its authority in the world. It was an age of magnificence, splendor, and talent! Viva la Francais!
Actually the celebration of the 14th of July is la Fete de la Federation (July 14 1790)that Louis XVI had signed himself... but through it of course it was la Prise de la Bastille one year earlier...