Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Girl Who Kicked A Hornet's Nest

I finally saw the movie made in Sweden based on Stieg Larsson's trilogy The Girl Who Kicked a Hornet's Nest. What a movie! I did not read the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo or see the movie but I saw the last two movies and read a portion of the second and the entire third book. It was due to Barnes and Noble and my Nook application on my cell phone that I became aware of these films. I had already discussed the uncanny problem of seeing resemblances to living people and I won't discuss that any more.

The movie reached me. I saw that on So You Think You Can Dance show that the two finalists in the dance competition wore mohawk hairstyles similar to that of the main heroine in the show, LizBeth Salander. I was playing with the words salable, salacious the other day. I actually know a man whose last name is Sala.

Lady Gaga's hairstyle also reminded me a lot of the hairstyle that Salander had to wear after her operation and the side of her face was shaved. There was a yorkshire terrier in Florida one time that had his ass shaved, and I thought of an old Doris Day movie where all three yorkshire terriers are used to point out which one is wearing the real diamond. That made me think of the movie as to which of these characters is like a real live person that you know. The police car sported a number on it that is direct match and that really got to me so I know that these Swedes do know exactly what they are doing.

Need I say more, especially since Yahoo has come up with something tonight that makes me know that I needed their advice. Thanks to Yahoo for that one!

That is all I will say for now...

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