Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I had written my post here about my recent experiences with strange phenomena occuring in my apartment. Yesterday, I cleaned all remaining residue from the toilet seat and cleansed out the bowl with Lysol but have learned that vinegar is a good cleanser also.

First of all, to get into my apartment I use three separate keys, one for the outside security door, one for the inside deadbolt lock, and another for the inside regular lock. The inside door locks itself automatically when I leave and so therefore I can never dare leave my keys inside but as the security door has to be locked from the outside it is likely that I carry my keys with me no matter where I go. The patio door would be the weak link, but it cannot be opened from outside when I have it locked from the inside. In other words, only if it is left open could anyone enter into this apartment.

Thanks to writing this story on facebook, a friend there did ask me if I might be given the Gaslight treatment so I had to look up Gaslight with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer to understand what he is talking about.

I admit that I jumpt to conclusions a lot and while I know that most would not understand why would Jesus come to visit me anyway, I had an interesting phone call today which I made to a cousin of a cousin of mine who I had not yet met. She is an 80 year old woman who lives in the same county as I do, and so I called her to say hello and eventually told her only about the toilet, not about the dripping faucet, (which today did drip again) the credit cards, or the petpad...It was too much to tell an 80 year old woman after we had just talkd about her churchgoing experiences.

But when she did listen to my story, she asked if it were possible that someone else had a key such as the previous tenant...did they change the locks when I moved in?

I had not wanted to talk to management about this problem. I think it does make me sound looney as can be. I mean who in the world would go to the trouble to put granulated substance on my toilet lid while I am sleeping...even as a prank, it sounds too totally insane to me too.

And if I truly thought that someone was trying to do that to me I would find a way to thwart them.

Because I have had similar experiences with the great beyond in the past, my lights in my former apartment, the circle of iron at my parent's house, and the disappearing egg which I witnessed with my own eyes, I am very quick to believe that a spirit can do any number of things at will...I am thinking maybe it is OHIO after all.

I have been thinking of the injunctions all the time of the Lord Giveth, the Lord taketh away...

Ifirmly believe that this is an action of Jesus. The bookmark of the Good Shepherd convinced me at first but the finding of the debit card in front of the picture of Jesus made me know that it is true. Besides, I receive thoughts and the thought that I had been receiving is that it is Jesus who is doing this.

The entire tub and toilet area is spotlessly clean as of now.

I did see something on the internet that Bill Gates is saying that toilets are one of the most needed items in many parts of the world. I do not doubt it. Maybe the message is to bring toilets to all the people of the world.

And toilet paper!

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